Two chicks making out

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
Today in class, I was sitting with my friend Alex and Mike. Jokes have been going around for a long time about ALex being a lesbien, and while she was talking what she did at her friend Steph's house, she jokinly said they started making out. My response was "That is so awesome". Mike then said "yah man, that is fucking awesome". This guy Dan then came ove rand I said "Hey Dan, Alex made out with Steph yesterday". His response: "That's awesome". We then continued on about how "awesome" it was. Was it just the three of us that thought that the word "awesome" was the best word to use to describe two hot chicks making out? Because we noticed that and it seemed rather appropriate.
Is "awesome" really the best word to use when talking about the goodness of two chicks making out, or am I just talking out of my ass here?
Two chicks together really doesnt do anything for me. the girls just dont have the equipment, unless one of em is packing a silver bullet. A friend of mine has tons of porn on his computer but no cock whatsoever. He is afraid of the cock. What he does have are all these chicks using devices on each other and its actually kind of nasty. One even uses a beer bottle. To think he gets off on this....
atleast Loudsilence catched the drift ;)

xxx Iris xxx
heh, you'd better be afraid of the's a killer! ;)
but I should also add that I say "Thats awesome" to way too many things for my own good, but yes, that was the first response I had .. (well after a bit of drooling thinking about 2 hot chicks making out)
Originally posted by Soul of Ice
Two chicks together really doesnt do anything for me. the girls just dont have the equipment, unless one of em is packing a silver bullet. A friend of mine has tons of porn on his computer but no cock whatsoever. He is afraid of the cock. What he does have are all these chicks using devices on each other and its actually kind of nasty. One even uses a beer bottle. To think he gets off on this....

funniest thing i have heard all day! :lol:
Beer bottles... ha. Beer bottles is nothing, what about fists and baseball bats... Veggies are ok too cucumbers and the like. I knew a girl who was particularly fond of candles haha.
How about a head being shoved up a vagina. Oh yeah, that's right, I'm talking about the head with two eyes. Yeah, I believe that video is on kazaa, but I don't think anyone wants to see that. I saw it to download, but I skipped over it, too freaky for me. Although everytime I see it, that little voice in my head starts laughing its ass off, and tells me to download it.
Hey Lord I got some extra cash so I was wondering what I should get you for your bday tomorrow... Like for sure I can buy you a good vibrator, maybe a gold plated one... or I can just buy like lots of candles of different sizes, maybe you like them better like that girl I knew?
In anycase let me know and I'll send em over it should only take a week or so for them to get to your place so get all the accessories, the lube and such and have fun!
What he does have are all these chicks using devices on each other and its actually kind of nasty.

...Whilst slightly disturbing and sick, it also has the aura of being somewhat arousing :err:
I dunno about two women making out, but I'd say two hot long-haired men making out would be pretty awesome.

(edited because i left out the word 'hot')
Paula: I'll be up for some of that *shrug* Get me a good looking guy, i'd seriously do it if a chick got off on it.