
yeah blood inside is all encompassing, like most ulver...considering that most of their music is trying to convey a mood..i dont get how you get just have it as background either, but to each their own i guess
OpethNZ said:
yeah blood inside is all encompassing, like most ulver...considering that most of their music is trying to convey a mood..i dont get how you get just have it as background either, but to each their own i guess

when i say background, i say it in a pseudo-intellectual sense. background can mean sooooooooo many things. its more of a passive listen...ya know? its not really a goosebump-conveying album.
Blood Inside made me throw up on the first and second listens.
I thought it might have been something I ate, but no.
I can stomach it now, but I hope they haven't found their "sound".
I didn't know what to think about Blood Inside at first. After repeated listens though, which required me to listen to the album for what it was without thinking about who recorded it, I've found some elements that I enjoy. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I break it out occasionally when I'm just lying around with time to listen to the whole album.