Unblack Metal

Necuratul said:
Black Metal had a unique evolution as far as Metal genres go in that the lyrical (or rather ideological) component of the greater work as a whole has become as essentially defining as the music itself

Riiiiiight...but that's dumb, see?

Carcassian said:
I think people are too much in love with the romantic ideology of a "scene" that has more to do with posturing and posing than with any real opposition to christianity.

You're generalizing, and for the most part opening up a can of worms, but otherwise that's pretty much the nail on the head.

If anyone on this forum knows what the fuck they're talking about, it's him. Anyone who disagrees with him will get pwned shortly.

Not really. Yes he knows more about metal than just about anyone here... but that doesn't mean he's always right. Generally he's pretty damn good but one time he tried to argue that Live Undead was actually better than Reign in Blood with me. :hypno:
Not really. Yes he knows more about metal than just about anyone here... but that doesn't mean he's always right. Generally he's pretty damn good but one time he tried to argue that Live Undead was actually better than Reign in Blood with me. :hypno:

They are on an equal level of awesomeness.
They are on an equal level of awesomeness.

Not really. Live Undead consists of previously available material now in a psuedo-live format. Whereas RIB is a studio album of all new material and happens to be one of the most highly regarded and influential metal albums of all time. Even if one likes LU just as much it is still not better.
Not really. Live Undead consists of previously available material now in a psuedo-live format. Whereas RIB is a studio album of all new material and happens to be one of the most highly regarded and influential metal albums of all time. Even if one likes LU just as much it is still not better.

Let's put it in a scenario:

A group of musicians who are decidedly Christian in worldview and religion decide to form a band with tremolo-picked, minimalistic guitar phrasing, straightforward drumming, and a cold, detached atmosphere. Are they:

a). black metal
b). death metal
c). emo
d). something else that you will specify here: _____________

If you pick anything other than a)., you are a piece of shit and totally fucking wrong. Also, Deicide sing about anti-Christianity; are they black metal by that logic? Fuck no, they're death metal because they utilize a heavy, pounding rhythm section, multiple non-minimalistic guitar phrases per song, low vocals (not a requirement as vocals are the weakest link of metal genre classification), and a good amount of technicality.

There. Black metal is defined by MUSIC first and foremost. Lyrics should only be used to decide if a band is black metal after the music has been examined.
Black Metal as a form of art is defined by the overarching whole of a work and is not defined by anything 'first.' If your only concern is for aesthetics and your audience just doesn't really give a shit, go ahead and call it Black Metal, sure, but if you're judging it in terms of an artistic expression, then it has to be judged as a whole.
So what would happen if you heard a band who sounded like BM but you had no idea about their themes or worldview or ANYTHING, and you called them BM, but then found out they were Christian. What would that make them to you? I really do want to know.
Comparing the boundaries of black metal with other genres such as death metal is inherently futile; different genres arise and define themselves under different circumstances that should be analyzed on their own.

So what would happen if you heard a band who sounded like BM but you had no idea about their themes or worldview or ANYTHING, and you called them BM, but then found out they were Christian. What would that make them to you? I really do want to know.
Perception isn't reality - there's often a difference between what something *is* and what we deduce it to be based upon incomplete information. I don't understand this apparent urge to be able to classify something definitively within a few seconds of hearing it. Take some time to explore the music before worrying about what category it should be placed in.
Or you just avoided the question. What would you call said band after finding out everything about them, if at first you would call them black metal??
Unblack is such a dumb term though!

I suppose I can see a point for delineation between Christian and NON-CHRISTIAN (Pagan, Asatru-themed, Satanic) BM...but it's getting ridiculous.
I suppose...I guess. But I wonder how many Christian BM bands would find that derogatory, heh. White metal ain't MUCH better...Christian BM works I guess, but also sounds kind of stupid.
The term was created by Horde, so it certainly isn't derogatory in origin. And I've never heard it used as such, more things like christcore. Christian black doesn't work for reasons previously discussed.