Under Rated, Under Appreciated and yet Brilliant!

For me - underrated but damn could they rip your heads off with chainsaw like guitars of John Ricci and the great pounding drums and vocals of the late, great Dan Beehler - you know em, you love em - EXCITER!!!!

Exciter's first disc was released the very same year as Metallica's "Kill Em all" and yet Exciter never became the band that they had the possibility to be.

As a singular force - they are what got me playing guitar.



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Not exactly "Classic" or old or anything but...

[2003] Kurimas
[2006] Kuoleman Lauluunnaat

They're a Finnish band I started listening to around 03-04.. I think it's pretty cool shit (Though there might be a novelty for me due to the fact that it's sung in finnish..)..