Underrated Band recommendations...

Hmm, well out of the two I mentioned Dark Order just released an overseas album called The Violence Continuum on Battlegod Productions... I think if you go to www.darkorder.com.au you can find out more if you are interested.

As for Mael Mordha I found out about them through Terrorizer and cannot be bothered scratching my memory banks for where I found their music, I do know they are Irish though and you should be able to google them and most other bands mentioned in this thread easily enough.
Mael Mordha is great Folk-ish doom.

I'm going to go ahead and bring up Legend. Fuckin' awesome heavy metal from somewhere in Connecticut, really nice old school sound, and aside from the fact that Slough Feg covered their song The Wizard's Vengance you can instantly hear the influence they had over them.


Fuckin' great.

Though I'm not so sure that they're underrated (as everyone I know who knows of them loves them) more so than overlooked.
i recommend armagedda for black metal and deathevokation for death metal, no point in putting a huge list because no one will bother to check them all out! :Smug:
Evroklidon (black)
Krisiun (black)
Gorelord (Hm, would realy call it gore, but it kinda is? Black metallers will love them though)
Azaghal (black)
Lord Belial (black)
Hearse (Death, old vocalist of arch enemy's band)
Spiritual beggars (stoner rock (yeah), Michael Amott (arch enemy guitarist)'s other band)
Thy Primordial (black)
Aeternus (very dark black metal)
Agathodaimon (kinda black)
Lord Of Decadence - Cognitive Note Of Discord, one of my all time fav. melodic death metal albums, underrated as fuck!
Imo Stratovarius is metal's most underrated band, really great stuff I love their vocalist and their guitarists plus a lot of bands stole their sound.

lol, how long have you been listening to metal? Some of these people are naming bands that are very popular. Like the guy that said Katatonia, are you serious?

I also want to add Garden of Shadows, doom metal with some female vocals. I never seen or heard about them from anyone.
Lords of Decadence is Children Of Bodom rip-off bullshit.

You dumb fuck...So every band that use a keyboard in their music are CoB rip-offs, Kalmah,Skyfire,Sonic Syndicate,Norther...
most of them makes better music then CoB anyway...
You dumb fuck...So every band that use a keyboard in their music are CoB rip-offs, Kalmah,Skyfire,Sonic Syndicate,Norther...
most of them makes better music then CoB anyway...

If you have ears and eyes you can hear and see the blatant CoBisms, right down to the fucking band name. Nice try, but in the long run the band just sucks.
Imo Stratovarius is metal's most underrated band, really great stuff I love their vocalist and their guitarists plus a lot of bands stole their sound.

I think their back catalogue contains some underrated classics, but their Elements albums and their new s/t are horribly overblown (and of course, those are the only ones you can find in stores). Episode, Visions, Destiny, and Infinite are all wonderful examples of good power/epic metal.