I went to the Opeth concert in early april here in Chile... we got there a few hours beforehand to get decent seats (upper deck is non-numbered seats).
While we're waiting for the show to start, I spot an older (somewhere like late 40s/early 50s) guy on the left wing of the upper deck. Bald, glasses, with two small kids, looks really out of place in his polo shirt and jeans in between a mass of black t-shirt metalheads.
I look closer and surprise! It's the manager for one of the software maintenance teams in my company. He even interviewed me when I applied for the job! This is a guy I've always met in a strictly suit-and-tie environment, and probably the last person I expected to see at an Opeth concert.
A few days later at work I asked him what he thought of the concert. He said it was great, personally he liked the mellow Opeth like Damnation and selected tracks from the other albums, liked metal, didn't like growling vocals, but his two kids (aged 9 and 11) loved Opeth, so he took them to the concert and had a blast.
9-11 year olds into Opeth - there's hope for the future yet