Unknown awesome bands!?

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TheApostle said:
Yeah so what do you guys think of 'When Day Descends'? As i orginally posted :erk:

I like a few of the other bands people have suggested.

I've had it for a couple of months, and it's awesome. I listen to it often, and the atmosphere is beautiful. Can't wait for the next release.

I'd like to say that I agree with whoever said Asgaut - they're real promising. Their album has some beautiful acoustic moments, and the singer has a great voice. The track Village has a real good ending, and Kobi adds alot to it with a wonderful little guest spot. And of course the middle part with the flute is just genius.
Spectacular Views said:
But at least the indie crowd can get laid.
Any girl that is willing to sleep with you based solely on your taste in music is hardly worth the time.
Anyone can get laid if they do the right things...and we don't need to resort to fat chicks.
*ring ring*

"hello repertory? this is the coalition for predictable and unoriginal doom metal band names. welcome aboard!"

Relatively unknown bands (except maybe in Australia)
True Live
The Grand Silent System
StephenSLR said:
We can't please everyone, how about the bands Transcending Mortality or LORD?




transcending morality doesnt have any samples to listen to, so i cant say. ill have to wait till they release material to critique. As for lord, they execute that boring and generic heavy metal style fairly well, but if i ever do need that sound ill always reach for the classic bands instead, not some australian obscure garage metal act.
^ i actually was fairly impressed with pitbulls in the nursery. seems like some of the better elements of cynic, meshuggah and dillenger escape plan...while maintaining an important coherency and freshness so that i dont want to smash things during the middle of the song from monotony.

i give it 4.5/7
Big thanks to the thread maker and others saying positive stuff about WDD. I'm glad some appreciate all my efforts. Next album is coming along well, still planning a release this year.

NFU: www.myspace.com/transcendingmortality

The Grand Silent System mentioned above impressed me at first, but something held me back from really getting into their stuff.

In metal i think the best australia has to offer is Psycroptic, Vanishing Point, Alarum, Black Majesty, The Eternal, Mournful Congregation, hmm.. probably some others i'm forgetting, but those are the main ones i consider 'world class'. I love Karnivool too, but they're more commercial rock/metal.

Outside Australia... Mar De Grises and Disillusion arent exactly unknown, but i dont often seem them mentioned.
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