VCC Released

It would be nice to have other inputs from the last release since it's supposed to work better, to see how it really comes. I've been quite interested in VCC but if it doesn't solve its problem I won't buy it now.
freezing issue and others reported are fixed in the most recent update which is due out Monday.. It fixes pretty much all the remaining bugs that have been reported. The sound change in using the desk models (assuming they are used on at least 16 channels and on the master fader) is very obvious to me.. I will never mix ITB without them.. ITB sounds stale and boring to me now. Check out these demos to hear it in action:
I feel wrong for liking the first demo song. It's so cheesy but I like it :)

Massive difference BTW. Bypassed, the snare does not sound glued to the rest of the mix. I'm also impressed at how the snare shines with the trident. The neve makes the kick pretty warm. No surprise you cannot get back to ITB without console emulation after that.

I wish we could implement this natively into a DAW without having to put it in inserts. So that any new track or send would incorporate the plugin on a hidden level.

EDIT : the trident makes everything shine, it makes everything clearer. I'm impressed by it, on this song it's a nice choice.
EDIT2: even bigger difference between the different consoles can be heard in the piano on the right of the mix in the end. Some consoles hides them more and glue them to the guitars while some others put them upfront of the mix.
freezing issue and others reported are fixed in the most recent update which is due out Monday.. It fixes pretty much all the remaining bugs that have been reported. The sound change in using the desk models (assuming they are used on at least 16 channels and on the master fader) is very obvious to me.. I will never mix ITB without them.. ITB sounds stale and boring to me now. Check out these demos to hear it in action:

the demos again sound very convincing but when i load up VCC
to any track here, there is no difference at all, WTF?

any idea?

You mean like HEAT in Pro Tools HD? ;)

I didn't know it was like that. That's awesome actually. :)

Same with the possibility to choose which plugin, and why not which FX chain, would be neat. I wonder if it's or will be possible in Reaper with some tweaking. I think it would be easy to implement, it's just auto-inserting a plug and not showing it directly in the mixer. I'd love to have a console sim on each track or send and a tape sim on the masterbus, all hidden with a button on the affected tracks to access their GUI.

(fait toujours bizarre de te parler en anglais sur le forum quand je sais que tu parles la langue de molière aha)

I have a question about VCC : do you need a trim plugin before it to use it at best (to hit 0 or -18dBFS) or does the VCC drive controls makes it useless ?
Maybe they added auto normalize.

so the level stays the same no matter how much i turn up the gain?
i'Ve read such a thing in the latest manual IIRC but not sure if it's exactly this.

yet, even if there is no raise in volume and even if the effect is really really SUBTLE, it should be audible when i put up 4 instances in a chain IMHO.

Are you using the Virtual Channels or the Virtual Mix Buss? The virtual Mix Buss only has a Drive control (no volume change), but the others have the same Drive control plus Input levels, which indeed change the loudness of the track.
If you want to check if it's doing something to your sound or not, duplicate your track, put a Virtual Channel on the first one of them, even with all values to 0 (default), and revert the phase on the second one (no VCC there). If you get no sound at all, then it's not doing anything to the sound. But keep the Input value to 0 to check out that phase thing of course.
using the mix buss only as the mix channels do not even show up in cubase.
i have both dll's copied in my vst forder though, that's also why i think that
something is not right.

thanks for the phase flip tip, trying it out now! :)

did a quick test, with VCC on the insert and the plugin bypassed and un-bypassed...sounds all the same to me.
fliping the phase tells me that there is something going on as i do not get complete silence, it's very minimal though.
that's where i'm stuck, it's so minimal and everybody hears a difference, guess i'm just really deaf! :lol:

did the same thing with the sanre as written above, same result...i am deaf! :D

Snare RAW

Snare Brit

Snare Tri

sounds all the same to me :(

on the snare samples I dont hear a difference neither.
But I am only with headphones right now.

Did you tried it on a full mix on everything. Every guitar track, every drum track and so on.

And did you put the plugin AFTER the triggering software :P
didn't try to place VCC on every track but i'll try now! :D
also didn't use trigger software, just a simple superior 2 snare
which i rendered into wav and then applied VCC on :)
