
I'm not a good cook, so I've no recipes.

I usually just buy pre-made stuff, like Gardenburger/Morningstar Farms/Boca products. Taco Bell 7-layer Burritos are awesome, as are BK Veggie from Burger King and some of the stuff at Subway. Around thanksgiving I usually buy a "Tofurky" from the health food shop.

Being a vegetarian is awesome, especially when you're built like a tank and can beat the piss outta anyone who tries to insult me for not eating dead animals and whatnot.
Mostly Arabic food, American, and some European food

But I am no vegeterian. Are You interested in Arabic food Duncan?
Falconspirit said:
Mostly Arabic food, American, and some European food

But I am no vegeterian. Are You interested in Arabic food Duncan?
is Arabic food dead spicy and that?
Im just looking for new stuff to make like, vegetables and that cos I only ever buy carrots and brocolli, onions. Boring like :(
We have two different veggie food brands in Switzerland. They make everything out of Quorn ( ) so you can make any meal just using quorn products instead of meat. Some of the products even taste like meat but I don't buy those (I don't eat meat because I don't like its taste, so quorn with meat-taste is nothing for me *g*).
My mom made lasagne with quorn and it was tasty :)
quorn is alright idd. i eat it now and then. tho the best thing about veggie (pretty much the only good thing heh) are the mushrooms :D
Strangelight said:
is Arabic food dead spicy and that?
Im just looking for new stuff to make like, vegetables and that cos I only ever buy carrots and brocolli, onions. Boring like :(
yep I think you've found what you are lookin for, we have a lot of spicy stuff. hmm recipes..I can't think of one right now there are so many..just a sec i'll ask me mom :)hihi
our vinnie did me a dead nice chinese meal last nigfht after the pub. spot on it was. it had chicken in it though so it doesnt count.
first of all I'd recommend taboule..the famous lebanese salad here goes:


Description: The best salad in the world, as far as my mom is concerned. Extremely healthy. Great on a hot summers day.[/size]


1/3 cup bulgur wheat
2 clove garlic crushed
3 whole lemons juice
1 bunch mint fresh
8 bunch parsley large bunches,8 cups chopped
4 whole scallions both white and green parts sliced thin
3 whole tomatoes ripe, diced
salt to taste
black pepper freshly ground , to taste
olive oil optional, highly recommended for taste. Tablespoon to a quarter cup
I eat brown or basmati rice usually for breakfast, sometimes with soy milk on it like cereal.
I steam large quantaties of vegetables all the time, most every day, carrots broccoli cauliflour potatos brussel sprouts kale collards seaweed, etc. and eat with rice for dinner. I'm just getting back into making beans, lentils and having that with dinner as well. The whole grains eaten with legumes make full protiens and you need to eat them both together. I don't cook meat but have been buying skinless cooked chicken breasts for a couple years but I'm trying to get back to more fully vegetarian these days. I had been before. It can be a bland diet if you can't handle pre-packaged spiced up tofu products like tempe, vegetarian soups, etc. like me, can't handle them, or spice, period.
So it's the same thing every day, rice, oatmeal, whole grain breads, steamed vegetables, lentils, mung beans, rice, rice, rice. Sometimes I just cook it all together in a huge stew, lentils veges and rice.