
The thing about our ancestors is that might have had to eat meat THEN, but now there are so many alternatives. We don't need to go out and kill an animal to survive. The 10%+ of the worlds population that are vegetarians are proof enough of that. And as for getting protein:

It's a simple matter of combining things (beans + rice) to get a whole protein, and there's a lot less fat to get in the way. You can eat more and get more protein without having to worry so much about controlling fat levels.

Animals shouldn't be raised for slaughter. The overpopulation of cows for example is destroying the environment, as the gases they produce fuck with the ozone layer and the amount of land used for their grazing could easily be used for planting vegetables for human consumption. It would supply the world with more actual food than the few pounds of flesh you can get from livestock.

And animals aren't exacly stupid either. Chickens and cows, if allowed to live more than the few months they are given, can grow to be as intelligent as cats or dogs. Pigs are even more intelligent, with about the same mental capacity as a 3 year old child. The bottom line is that they feel pain and have fear, and would rather not be killed.

I look at life as a gift. This is all there is. Isn't it selfish and cruel to rob another sentient being of it's gift of life?

Bodybuilding. I haven't taken it as seriously as I used to. I'm up to around 260 pounds now. I had to stop lifting regularly a year ago due to my work schedule, something around 100 hours a week. Then I got layed off at the start of the summer and I sat around for months watching TV and eating a half gallon of icecream just about every day. I've been turning it around lately, and I'll have proper access to my olympic weight setup in a few weeks. Then I'll get more serious, drop about 50-60 pounds and start building up again.
speed said:
Well Old Dirty Bastard, I respect your opinion, but disagree with it. You do make a good point about people saying animals were put on earth by god for us to eat- i never would have thought of this as I am such a godless bastard, who cares little for such strange biblical connnotations.

As for Humans designed not to eat meat, are you sure? I know from an anthropoligcal standpoint, hunting and meat eating was a central reason for our social and cultural development. Men organized for hunting, learned to communicate with each other, also everyone had to huddle together before the fire, to cook their meat- or eat it raw on the spot. In fact, I thought are bodies are just fine with eating a mostly meat diet- this is the basis of the Atkins diet, and we can eat the flesh of most animals raw. I for one very much enjoy braesole, and very very rare steaks. Humans really didnt have a choice in food, until we started farming- and if anything wheat and oils etc. are much worse for us, than the lean wild meat, nuts and berries we used to survive on. Lastly, humans must have good protein, meat is the easiest way to get it.

Those animals are raised to be slaughtered, they would not exist in sch quantities if they were not to be eaten. I am concerned about the drugs and
conditions these animals are raised in, more than if they will be slaughtered or not. Why, becuase I am a heartless bastard, and frankly i could care less if the animals suffer, its not as if they have complex minds, and to what benefit is it to the animal that they live a long life, to old age?

Well thats all i got. Hope i wasnt too preachy either.

As for the bodybuilding thing, are you just starting or what? I guess I should say i look more like a american football player than a bodybuilder, Im more into getting stronger( I weigh 210 now- started 170lbs) than getting that perfrect sculpted look. It just seems like such a waste of time, and vanity to go after that BIll Pearl look, I just really enjoy lifting weights.
also, the teeth in the back of our mouths are designed to eat meat :grin:
yeah ODB, i think you're right in every point there...

and though i don't eat that much meat, i feel i should stop entirely, but i can't. maybe one day...
You get used to it. It took me awhile to completly stop eating meat. I would end up grabbing something out of my parents fridge without thinking about it and half way into eating it be like oops. Now I can't even stand the smell of any meat. It turns my stomach when my roommate cooks and I have to go to the bar or something to get away from it.

I think if kids went on school field trips to their local slaughterhouse we'd see a drastic decline in the wholesale slaughter industry. Instead they're lied to by the fucking Hamburgler that hamburgers grow in patches.
theres something i dont get tho. why are people so concerned about animals, and not that much about people. we still buy cars and shoes and tshirts and computers and all, even tho poor lil chinks are being opressed and all you know what i mean.
You feel way too much for animals. I think it comes down to you believing in God- and I dont. So, it doenst matter to me if a billion chickens are slaughtered. My great uncle owned a farm, I saw a chicken get his head cut off, in fact he tried to show me how to do it when I was 5 or 6. I really dont mind, if humans are killing humans, isnt this far more important than the killing of tasty animals?

Yeah the sharp incisors are for meat consumption.

Anyhoo- 260 wow- if you ever do get serious u could get huge. I was 160lbs at 18 Its difficult for me to put on weight.

Its been a nice discussion so far.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
You're joking right? Molars are designed for chewing plants. My guinea pig has molars. He doesn't eat meat.

well no i'm not, you got, canines for biting into the meat, and the premolars,are closer to the back for grinding it :grin: so that its easier to digest ,sorry :erk:
speed said:
So, it doenst matter to me if a billion chickens are slaughtered. My great uncle owned a farm, I saw a chicken get his head cut off, in fact he tried to show me how to do it when I was 5 or 6.

i think when youre a farmer you dont really see chickens or cows or whatever as actual animals put more as a product you know.
well i don't believe in god either, and i care for ppl AND other living beings.that's possible you know.

and mehdi of course you're right about ppl being oppressed and that, that's horrible but it doesn't mean we have to close our eyes to other things does it?
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
yeah its true but, if you want to take action, why animals and not people? i dunno.
cos once ppl moved into cities and that they became disconnected from animals in real life other than pets, plus then the victorians started portraying animals to kids as cuddly little charecters in cute clothes and that. I mean look at kids cartoons, its full of 'ickle bears and bunnies and that. i dont like cruelty to dumb animals but ppl who get all upset about the ickle bunnies and that are kind of emotionally retarded to me. Its more the mental construct they have of the animal as mr bunny thats upsetting them a lot of the time. like this vegetarian girl i work with got all upset cos me and the other lad were talking about all the deer his mate had shot and maybe getting some venison from him. ffs
When I was little I assisted my granny killing chicken and my heart didn't break. I saw pigslaughters and it was a show, we always got excited, haha.

Still, why animals and not people? Cause animals can never defend themselves, it's like they don't have free will, and most of them are much smaller than people. People can usually do something against their bad fate (when it's not war or something). I know there are too many people falling victim to human fights, but animals don't fight people, so I find it unfair that people kill them or make them extinct, cause they're 100% innocent. And it's not just the cuddly little daft lemurs and other hairy species.



And save the innocent. But don't spare the fuckers.
old dirty bastard - some of your points are quite valid but there is one thing that i dont understand. why do you think that we should not kill animals but that it's ok when it's done to plants? i mean just because a plant doesnt bleed and scream or give you a sad look means it's ok to eat it?

Look over some of these things. Not eating meat CAN improve the lives of other people.

And then there's this whole stupid fucking argument about our teeth. Look at a gorilla's teeth. They have giant canines, and guess what, they don't eat other animals (they occasionally eat insects when plants are scarce). Their canines are used for defending themselves. And uh... what animal group is it that we're most closely related to.

Look at this:

Funny how our teeth are rather similar to these, isn't it?

Please stop making up excuses.
Don Corleone said:
old dirty bastard - some of your points are quite valid but there is one thing that i dont understand. why do you think that we should not kill animals but that it's ok when it's done to plants? i mean just because a plant doesnt bleed and scream or give you a sad look means it's ok to eat it?
First of all, you eat plants as well, so you've no moral ground to stand on. Secondly, if a person is comparing killing a carrot to killing a pig (or anything else with a central nervous system, brain, ganglia, whatever) they are fucking out of their mind. By these same philosophies, it is perfectly ok then to kill a human as well. I guess I'm gonna go out and kill a baby tonight and eat it, as it's no worse than cutting down a corn stalk. Please!