
I have a variety of points - that is true, there is no one true point or belief. Even violence and murder has been justified by us humans.

Yet, I have yet to find a valid argument from you, other than animals suffer and have minds, etc. I mean you are acting as if you are right- there is no right here. So, lets just agree to disagree, I am going to eat meat, you are not.
odb - so, like, one of the main reasons that you dont eat meat is that they suffer pain when theyre being slaughtered and that, right? im not 100% sure but arent there methods where the animal is made unconscious? and if there isnt, and one day an effective way of doing is found, would you eat meat?
speed said:
I have a variety of points - that is true, there is no one true point or belief. Even violence and murder has been justified by us humans.

Yet, I have yet to find a valid argument from you, other than animals suffer and have minds, etc. I mean you are acting as if you are right- there is no right here. So, lets just agree to disagree, I am going to eat meat, you are not.
You have made no point, other than stating your belief that billions and billions of animals "need" to die because you think they are tasty.
Ok fine, you have not made a point either. Cmon man we can argue in circles forever on this subject.

Enough with this, you really need to be right on things dont you- or do you feel you are really in the right on this subject, as you wont listen to any contrary argument on this board.

So can we finally agree to disagree- or is this not possible as I support the murder of billions of animals?
What contridicting argument? All I've seen is a bunch of "I like meat" and "We have teeth (that just so happen to be closer to a fruit eater than a meat eater)" and "Why care about animals?" statements. These hardly contridict anything.

Anyway, I guess I'll stop arguing with you as you've yet to display proper ammuntion against my philosophies, and I'm tired of repeating myself.
Actually, after witnessing you display your blatant ignorance, I have decided to take one further step and go completely vegan. You represent just about everything I cannot stand in this world and I wish to distance myself even further from the likes of you. Thanks speed!

For everyone else, I urge you to watch the following video:

If anyone can argue that this is somehow "right", please do so.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
I did write a detailed explaination on the conditions in which animals are slaughtered. I decided to delete it and post the following link, as it has more impact than anything I could ever write:

And no, I will never eat meat, no matter what the killing conditions are.
oh come on you know that site is biased. just because a certain group does the slaughtering doesnt mean it's the same throughout the world. you've made so many good points so far but that site was funny like
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
Please watch the video in my last post and tell me that's funny.
it didnt really show anyhting other than that battery farms are bad places
and that site is funny, definitely too many cuddly bunny toys as kids lol

btw just on all this bollix about tooth type and all that crap, i cant think of any culture that didnt eat animal meat during its evolution, ffs we hunted animals for the year zero
ah dont be all getting defensive now kid

taking the cave argument, we still do live in ,em. houses are basically super advanced caves, same concept. suggeting that humans are naturally inclined to vegetarianism is a bit like suggesting we're naturally inclined to live in nests in trees

not an accurate analogy but i think its funny :D
Dude i dont get you man. I was trying to end the conversation, as it was going nowhere, one cannot reason or even argue with you.

You on the other hand have decided to insult me, Im sorry but that is sad especially from such a supposedly caring person as you.

I should have known better than to have a argument/ conversation with you, you are incapable of a meaningful argument. Your statements make it seem like you are right period.
honestly I reread all the posts, and everything was going well, until the third page, and Old dirty, you went off the deep end , and even sadi yourself you were sounding too preachy.

I suggest you reread all the posts Old Dirty, and decide just who was giving a reasoned intelligent argument.
I don't care how I sound. I'm tired of having to defend myself. Everyday I have to put up with the same dumb questions and comments from people who don't know know what they're talking about.

" What are you going to eat for Thanksgiving?" (I'll eat whatever I eat any other day of the year as I've no use for these outdated traditions)
"So you eat fish and chicken, right?" (when were fish and chicken declared vegetables? further evidence that people are seperated from the reality of what they stick in their mouths)
"Vegetarians are skinny and always sick." (are you blind?)
"But we have canines" (that don't compare to those of proper carnivores)
"How can you not eat meat, it tastes good?" (does it? even if it really did "taste good", are the means to the end really worth it?)
"Survival of the fittest" (that's hardly fair. There are plenty of humans who aren't exactly the definition of fit, whether it be physically or mentally. Should we abuse them as well?)
"Meat's good for you" (yes, colon cancer, heart disease, clogged arteries and obesity are VERY good for you)
"God put animals here for us to eat." (if you're going to take moral ground, take a look in the mirror. Sloth, vanity (leather, ect), greed, wrath, all apparently things that "god" doesn't like. And whatever happened to "thou shalt not kill"?)

Blah blah blah.

Like I said, I'm tired of it, but if anyone can produce anything that actually IS a "reasoned intelligent argument", I'm willing to listen. Until then, just admit that you have no proper argument and shut up. It's always the meat eaters who bring these debates up (speed, if I remember correcly, you asked), and they always blame the vegetarians of being self-rightious and preachy when they're backed into a corner. I'm so sick of it.
i'm with you in this ODB. my daughter has been a veggie for several years now. and i know how hard it is always having to defend yourself, always having to explain...
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
So what if people used to eat meat. Should we start living in caves again too?

And what's this about cartoons? I only watched the Transformers and GI Joe growing up so I don't know what you're talking about.

sorry to get off the subject, me an mick just bought the box set of the transformers for our luke, and i thought it was a newish cartoon, so i am definatly getting old, actually no, your very young heheeee :Spin: