Velvet Cacoon news


In my dream...
Jan 11, 2004
Canada, Québec
"P aa was never recorded and will never be recorded. Any review of it is a random effort to create further chaos by bored kids who "hate us". And our site is down because the band is done. FMP is putting out Dextronaut (Dorothy and I completely remastered the album, I actually enjoy it more than "Genevieve".. it had more life to it). It will be a double disc, the 2nd disc will contain 4 long ambient tracks, "Nighttime Ice Horizon", the final song from DSE1, another is called "A Nocturnal Arrangement for the Ambient Planet" which was the final song from DCB, and two other songs: "Flicker of Silver Ash Flitter" and "December in Dissolve" from the Velorum sessions. Each of those songs is around 20 minutes. FMP should have it out in a month or 6 weeks, I'd presume.

As for Velvet Cacoon, it's just annoying. Right now we could record a new album that'd be (pardon the ego) phenomenal in terms of artistic black metal, and I'm sure it'd do great and touring and all that would be no problem, but why? Our hearts aren't into this music anymore. We aren't woeful people struggling with life. Furthermore, I don't want to be known for this forever. VC isn't what I'll make my mark in life with. VC was just the extended afterglow of our DXM use. The best part about this band was that it showed me that very few people could ever relate to what goes on in my mind. That, I think, is a very good sign. When the world makes sense to you and people hate you for that, it makes you feel alive.
Dorothy? :lol:
As for Velvet Cacoon, it's just annoying. Right now we could record a new album that'd be (pardon the ego) phenomenal in terms of artistic black metal, and I'm sure it'd do great and touring and all that would be no problem, but why? Our hearts aren't into this music anymore. We aren't woeful people struggling with life. Furthermore, I don't want to be known for this forever. VC isn't what I'll make my mark in life with. VC was just the extended afterglow of our DXM use. The best part about this band was that it showed me that very few people could ever relate to what goes on in my mind. That, I think, is a very good sign. When the world makes sense to you and people hate you for that, it makes you feel alive.


you have to respect the hell out of that

I'd be interested in hearing the ambient stuff, since their ambient stuff is actually better than their black metal stuff by a long shot.

hilarious guys.
Pretty much the greatest underground band in history, in terms of sheer hilarity and awesomeness.

Music ain't bad either, but not really amazing.
Hey guess who is really really really stupid and are dragging this shit out way to fucking far?