velvet cacoon reduced from seven to four members


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
I'm sure most of you have already heard, but Victoria, Josh and Alexis left Velvet Cacoon last week. The three recently let the rest of us know that they were very unsatisfied and had been quietly making music together on the side since April 2005. This was around the time Marcy, Anna, Tessa and myself began writing material for what would become the "Sky Like A Pearl, Halfmoon Curl, Starlit Twirl" album. We did notice the obvious absence of Victoria, Alexis and Josh but didn't think much of it. In hindsight, their distant and aloof behavior makes perfect sense now. Their hearts just weren't into this band anymore.

Josh told me the main reason they left is their desire to only work with natural wood and stringed instruments without any processing or digital enhancements, which is quite the opposite direction of where Velvet Cacoon has been heading lately.

Nobody is bitter here, but sometimes drastic measures must be taken or else it is the art that suffers. Josh and I have always thought art is the essence of life and even though we are now heading in different directions we can both assuredly nod in agreement that the right decision has been made.

All yours,
i swear no band is better at fucking with the heads of their fans than this one
I should probably pick this album up finally, I really enjoyed that stunt they pulled last year.
It was funny. But this latest news has annoyed me. Primarily due to the names of the members of the band. Tessa, Amy, Alexis, Victoria, Little Rachel? WTF??!?!?!
as soon as i saw the thread title i figured there were probably never seven or four members in the first place, next thing you know they'll say they were never actually a band

and i still can't believe people actually bought the whole dieselharp thing
haha I remember Ol' dickie sirloin was almost ready to buy the album solely after reading the dieselharp thing, then he heard a sample and thought otherwise.
hahah and you guys will cry when you hear the new sound of the band

well you'll like it if you're a fan of the band "Air" lolz
Virgin Suicides soundtrack rules, not knocking it at all, but if they're serious about the demo floating around now called "Dizzy to Eternity" as being the demo for the next album, it's total air worship
Yea I heard that demo too, and they used to have an Air song on the front page of there website. I just dont know what to believe with this band anymore. I wouldnt be suprised if they released a drone album using nothing but congo drums and samples of NYC traffic layered overtop of female falsetto's.