Video from our set on Friday...

NO SOLO'S!!!!!!!

Lars says they are bad.

Hahah, somehow I misread that as "Larry says they are bad", I'm like wtf?

And hey, not only are Kirk's solos on Death Magnetic the best in 20 years...the entire album's the best thing they've done in 20 years.
I agree with you there, I know alot of people dissed it but I thought Death Magnetic was overall pretty damn good.

The JB/Jazz combo for pickups is excellent and probably my favorite pickup configuration. You can get such a wide variety of tones with that.
so jb for bridge and jazz for a neck pickup or the blackouts

i appreciate all the input so far. i like the clarity and brightness of the blackouts vs the emg 81/85 combo. but havent really heard a good demo video for the others.
so jb for bridge and jazz for a neck pickup or the blackouts

i appreciate all the input so far. i like the clarity and brightness of the blackouts vs the emg 81/85 combo. but havent really heard a good demo video for the others.

I'll see what I can do as far as a demo vid goes, but I will tell you, I think the ONLY thing I would ever replace my JB for is a dimarzio x2n, and I would never trade my jazz in the neck.
so jb for bridge and jazz for a neck pickup or the blackouts

i appreciate all the input so far. i like the clarity and brightness of the blackouts vs the emg 81/85 combo. but havent really heard a good demo video for the others.

I've heard that if you do that 18 volt mod to the EMG 81/85 config. you can get pretty much the same tone as the Blackouts. The clarity from the Blackouts is really really good. I find that pinch harmonics come out better with the EMGs though. I only have the Blackouts in my seven string, so I don't know if they are different in six string models.
i've ordered a pair of dragonfire screamers just for short term usage, ive watched a few videos on youtube and for passive pickups and they have a nice sound.
ill probably put them in my kramer or my old bently series 10, once i can afford to get some better pickups, just want something to use while im building this schecter up how i want it.
Wow, I had a Bentley Series 10 red explorer back when I first started playing in bands when I was 12 or 13 years old. I miss that guitar! And ironically the next guitar I got after that was a Kramer Striker.
mine has been through hell, and that was before i got it, someone gave it to me for computer repairs. its actually been one of my favorite guitars because of the action on it, i quit playing it recently because of cracks in the body, ive got another series 10 body from a local guitar shop, and i plan on finishing a nice restore on it, but i'm gonna sand and repaint it and the neck. also needs new pickups and tuners. the kramer i recently got, its a focus model and its a copper color with a maple on maple neck.

heres a pic:
Great vids. Thanks for posting! Nice treat one week after the show. I was so concerned about missing the ND set after failing to be proactive to take off work early. Though it took me almost two hours to get down there in traffic, I was shocked to see that they hadn't even started to let people in. Worked in my favor. I thought you guys killed it on stage. Good to see you guys live again.

As a side note, if I ever want to buzz my noggin...and trust me I have considered it several times...I totally want Vito to do it. :Smokedev:
Rachel, please don't shave your head. Seriously, lol.

Sorry I didn't get to talk to you more, I saw you there for that one hot minute and that was it, just too many people and too much going on. Glad you made it in time and enjoyed it.
No! We don't need you shaving your head! Ah shit... don't put that image in my head... I am studying for an accounting exam! It was awesome to see the clips. I'm sorry I couldn't make it, everyone. Expenses have gotten in the way, unfortunately.
It would take a severe snap in my head for me to actually go through with it. Could be fun though...wigs galore! Ha.

No worries, Lar. I know when things are busy. Glad that I did at least get that one hot minute. Got to chat with Vito a little too. There's always the next show! :)
Paul needs to take a hit of helium and scare the shit out of everyone during a show.
I need to stop by here more than once every 6 months I keep missing good stuff? Kickass guys!
Sorry man, I've been so extremely busy lately and focusing on writing new solos to record in a couple of weeks for the new album, so I just haven't gotten around to tabbing out that Eulogy solo. I'll try to get to it soon for you.
Sorry man, I've been so extremely busy lately and focusing on writing new solos to record in a couple of weeks for the new album, so I just haven't gotten around to tabbing out that Eulogy solo. I'll try to get to it soon for you.

no problem, I can wait provided the new solos are as awesome as I am hoping they are:Spin: