Video Games!

When I played the Guitar Hero: Metallica demo I craved more! The setlist is awesome and they will be releasing more Metallica DLC in the future. Also if you already purchased the new album for GH III / World Tour, it will transfer over as well. The disc will be packed with extras, and the mo-cap they did for the band is awesome. I spent more time watching Metallica jam out in the background then watching the fretboard itself. I also loved how the camera shook when the main "Sad But True" riff started. That was intense!

Dante's Inferno looks interesting and will check it out for sure.
When I played the Guitar Hero: Metallica demo I craved more! The setlist is awesome and they will be releasing more Metallica DLC in the future. Also if you already purchased the new album for GH III / World Tour, it will transfer over as well. The disc will be packed with extras, and the mo-cap they did for the band is awesome. I spent more time watching Metallica jam out in the background then watching the fretboard itself. I also loved how the camera shook when the main "Sad But True" riff started. That was intense!

Dante's Inferno looks interesting and will check it out for sure.

Agreed, I thought the GH: M was pretty enjoyable.

I haven't played RE 5 yet, but I found Halo Wars really enjoyable. Its a much more action oriented RTS, unlike Age of Empires and so on, but it turns out great in my opinion.
I am not a gamer at all.
My 4 1/2 year old wants a WII though.
She has played it at some friend's houses.

So, for you gamers, is the WII worth purchasing in general?
I have played the baseball, boxing, and a couple others.
It is pretty cool.
I personally barely feel I have time to even watch a TV show each night, let alone play vid games.
I am sure that would change if I owned one.
I used to own a Wii but I was a hardcore gamer so it wasn't a good match for me, though I still really valued the system for its ability to view Youtube on the TV through its wireless internet... Yeah, you don't have to buy any expensive wireless adapter... Though I think you might have to buy the internet browser now, it was free when I got it in like Feb 2006... but yeah I sold the Wii and got the Xbox360..

The GH: Metallica demo didn't have the best selection, and I wasn't a big fan of the "doodled" art theme... it just seemed a bit rushed to me... When I think of Metallica, I don't think of doodles. But I do want that second kick pedal and there are a lot of songs on there I'd like. My yellow pad broke though, so I need to get it replaced before I can think of upgrading my collection... Anyone know how or where to get the new yellow pad? -_-
Resident Evil 5 isn't even survival horror anymore. It's just another action game with zombie-like enemies. Played every RE up to this one but I won't be purchasing this one. I wish that they didn't go this direction with my beloved RE series. I still remember screaming like a little bitch when that doberman jumped through the window in RE1, the good ole days.

As far as GH Metallica, there's no point for me really. Rock Band/GH is fun for parties but I've gotten burned out on those games lately and I have a drumset with double bass pedals I can play to Novembers Doom if I feel like playing music. ;)
Heh the Fear 2 demo freaked me out but I don't think I'd buy it, it is too hard for my semi-brain damaged brain. I tend to play games that are fairly straight forward and not too challenging.

My GH kit is actually screwed up and I've been waiting for a coffin for my yellow cymbal for a month, but as I expected, they're going to stall until the warranty is out. So I was going to get GH:Metallica but now there'd be no point, you fail out without one cymbal and I'll have to spend the money I would have spent on the game getting a replacement cymbal. x_x

I do want to get a decent e-kit with two kicks, at least 4 toms, a hat with a pedal, a few crashes.... and a snare.. It'd probably be in the $1000 range for the ekit and then more for the extra pedal.
Haha man they won't bring the mic with Rockband if I'm at the party anymore. I made up for three years of sobriety on Halloween and Metallica's "Blackened" suffered dearly when I discovered
a) I could not remember the words
b) they had for some odd reason decided to make the captions on the screen all... double and swimmy
c) around when my knees give out completely, causing me to collapse to the floor, the first (and only) word to come to mind is "BACON."

Anyhow the game I'm most excited about for my current system is The Secret of Monkey Island. <3 ScummVM Wii.
Yeah, I bought GH: Metallica the day after it came out. Totally blows my mind with how fun it is. I knew it'd be good, just didn't think it'd be THIS good. I'm on Easy, and I'm a little more than halfway through. Even on Easy, they're not as simple as you'd think..especially playing along to Slayer.

Unlike the other Guitar Hero's...where I'd spend 6-8 hours straight playing them....can't do that with Metallica. My fingers feel like they're gonna break after about 45 mins.
Your fingers are going to break after 45 mins on easy? hehe.....

I need a replacement cymbal and 2 new kick pedals before I can even consider GH: Metallica.... so it's gonna be a while, or maybe not -- depends on if my mom wants to waste some more money on me. :)
I can't even get the one I have to work because the duct tape came off the bottom and it slides around the carpet like a bar of soap. Very cheap design on this crap. But I don't want to pay $100 to get a metal kick that won't move. x_X
So today, I picked up Guitar Hero Metallica. I only ever played Rock Band once before, so this is my first time playing Guitar Hero. I didn't get the who band set up, but I got a killer deal on a guitar. If you have a Game Stop in your area, they have a new copy of the Guitar Hero Aerosmith game for $9.99 and you get a FREE guitar with it. I couldn't pass that up, so I grabbed that and the Metallica game. I played for a couple hours today, and it's quite fun once you get the hang of it. I'll be sticking to the easy mode for awhile. I find myself fucking up a lot, because I tend to stum or pick along to the actual song, and a lot of the time the picking is simplified, so I'm over picking.

Also, anyone else play this, and once the song is over, and you look away from the TV, everything looks like it's moving up, like you're on LSD? hahaha. From starng at the bottom of the screen and all the downward movement, it certainly plays tricks on my eyes. Maybe that's the reason I have a splitting head ache tonight...
That happens to me when I play "Kaboom" on 2600, LOL. I play that for an hour or so and my eyes get all kinds of fucked up. So I imagine these new games would probably give me a seizure, haha.

I've played Guitar Hero a couple of times, I have to admit it's kinda fun. But it's frustrating because I too want to pick the songs properly like a real guitarist, lol. If anything at times it seems more like you're following the bass lines. I'd be interested in checking out the Metallica one.
I can now start participating in this thread, as I got a Wii yesterday.

Paul - Thanks for the heads up on game stop.

How does the guitar work for the Wii for Guitar Hero? Are there special wireless guitars?

Sorry if this seems like a stupid question.
I am a complete NOOB when it comes to this stuff.
Remember, the last system I owned was the Odyssey!
I can now start participating in this thread, as I got a Wii yesterday.

Paul - Thanks for the heads up on game stop.

How does the guitar work for the Wii for Guitar Hero? Are there special wireless guitars?

Sorry if this seems like a stupid question.
I am a complete NOOB when it comes to this stuff.
Remember, the last system I owned was the Odyssey!

Yeah, heres a a Wii wireless GH guitar

I'm guessing it works like the other GH guitars.

I might have to pick up that Aerosmith game too then, its worth it for the guitar alone.