Video Games!

How amazing would it be to have a Novembers Doom video game?? Come on, even just for the sheer hilarity of it, you know that shit would be funny. I'm surprised there isn't a Metalocalypse game yet.

Paul, I can pretty much guess some of the people who you envision in your head when you're shooting motherfuckers on screen, lol.
Bowling on Wii FTW!!! That shit's gold!

Maybe you can design a first person shooter game, where you are a ND member.
The more points you get results in more people at your gig at the end of the game or something like that.
So, if you suck, you are at JJ Kelleys in front of 50 people.
If you own it, you are in front of thousands at Wacken!
The ND can be a combo of sorts. The Larry character can be bowling, while Vito and I are crashing in R6V2 style looking for the headshot kill, and Sasha can be begging for change outside the bowling ally. Chris of course would be on the opposite corner soliciting black men.
Oh man, I could program a whole "day in the life of ND" game....

It could feature things like--

being on the tour bus and trying to dodge people's drunken farts-

the "find the hidden landromat in Amsterdam" car ride/chase-

oh a good one would be a two-player feature, where each person plays a band member and walks through a crowded venue and tries to collect as many "cool fan responses" as possible, while trying to dodge the "your band is shit" negative punters in the crowd (game play tip-- beware of french broads) -

a "scary" Resident Evil-type level where you're trapped in a dark venue and around every corner there's some haggard harpie trying to bring you down by shooting some kind of venomous fluid on you (another game play tip-- try to stay at least five feet away at all times!)-

There could be a bonus speed round where you have to quickly change a broken string on your guitar before the song ends, because you only brought one guitar and no backup (game play hint-- at the beginning when Vito says, "Hey we've got baritones, what can happen?"........don't listen.)

Lastly- the final level can be trying to get from the backstage of the venue through to the front exit and onto the tour bus, all without encountering the dreaded monster known as the Robstacraw.
Oh man, I could program a whole "day in the life of ND" game....

It could feature things like--

being on the tour bus and trying to dodge people's drunken farts-

the "find the hidden landromat in Amsterdam" car ride/chase-

oh a good one would be a two-player feature, where each person plays a band member and walks through a crowded venue and tries to collect as many "cool fan responses" as possible, while trying to dodge the "your band is shit" negative punters in the crowd (game play tip-- beware of french broads) -

a "scary" Resident Evil-type level where you're trapped in a dark venue and around every corner there's some haggard harpie trying to bring you down by shooting some kind of venomous fluid on you (another game play tip-- try to stay at least five feet away at all times!)-

There could be a bonus speed round where you have to quickly change a broken string on your guitar before the song ends, because you only brought one guitar and no backup (game play hint-- at the beginning when Vito says, "Hey we've got baritones, what can happen?"........don't listen.)

Lastly- the final level can be trying to get from the backstage of the venue through to the front exit and onto the tour bus, all without encountering the dreaded monster known as the Robstacraw.

Ok, I am going to ask what might be the dumbest video game question ever, but as I said, I am a noob!

Is it humanly possible to play Guitar Hero for Wii WITHOUT a guitar? (IE - using the normal wireless controllers)
Just got Guitar Hero - Aerosmith.

It is a LOT of fun.

It's interesting in that there are not a lot of "hits" on it, though I suppose from a marketing perspective, the band is hoping that kids will hear some of their material they haven't heard before and then go seek out the tunes. I mean, there are probably some songs that people hear 20 times a day, esp if they are trying to beat a song on EXPERT level. Talk about holding your audience captive! I would think every long running band would want to have a GUITAR HERO game after their music.

There is some cool non-Aerosmith bands on here too, like Cheap Trick, New York Dolls, the Clash, etc.
Mario: Power Tennis Wii Control edition is insane amounts of fun. Like the other Mario Sports titles, it takes the essence of the actual game, adds intuitive control, and some majorly cartoonish elements. Not something for a purist but for a kid or someone who enjoys swinging the wii-mote around alot... pretty fab.

Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop was... okay. My tolerance for zombie survival games is insanely low since I burnt myself out on Resident Evil something fierce.

Mad World kind of makes up for the lack of excessively violent fare on the Wii. Three minutes in, I had choped a guy in half with a chainsaw, run another one through with a sign post, torn out several still-beating hearts, and made my girlfriend slightly pukey from watching. Insanely fun shit!
Nice part for you, Jason, is you're exempt from the chief complaint about Mario games. Particularly with Kart and Galaxy folks complain about a lack of progression. The former bled a few unpopular features from the Gamecube and pretty much only added a Wiimote interface and online play. The latter is so similar to previous 3D Mario platformers they finally tell you how to do fancier jump types you've had to use several times already a couple hours in. Seeing as your last system was a water powered shooting gallery, it won't be an issue.
Just beat Fable 2 and it was a ton of fun. Someone mentioned they got bored after the main quest was complete and I noticed a steady decline in things to do after that. Just screwing around opening Demon Doors and trying to find the silver keys I missed.

I do Gamefly and GH: Metallica should be coming soon. I really want to play the Mercyful Fate stuff. It'll be fun but I don't have the time to dedicate to it to get to the expert stuff.

I have a Wii as well but, as a gamer, the titles are far inferior to the 360. Why play the games at 480p (and that's the high-def) when I can play them at 1080p with full surround? It's a good party console, though, until someone hucks a controller into the tv.
Ya Psychonaut I had a Wii for a little while but ended up selling it due to lack of decent games. I pretty much got it for Manhunt 2 but that ended up getting the shit censored out of it so it wasn't even worth it. Also had a ps3 for the new Metal Gear but ended up selling that as well after I beat it. Nothing beats the 360 for me, except for sim racing on PC.

Thinking about getting the ole lady a Wii for her birthday, bitches love that shit.
I had Manhunt 2 on the PSP and I thought it was pretty good, though the censored kill parts sorta took away from it. Right now I'm finally playing Fallout 3 and its awesome.