Viking mythology and all that goes with it

I got a somewhat strange question i guess, not sure if this is the correct thread for it.

Anyway, on AA's dvd, there's those "line drawings" in gold, and on the discs there's some in black. How are these called? They look somewhat like celtic knots, but i think its really the same. Ive seen similar artworks on nordic quilts and other places. Any info regarding these drawings is highly appreciated
Oh, and as for the rage- when I said reach your own decision I actually meant reach your own decision despite what others think. ;) because where religion/politics is concerned you may expect to encounter a can of worms every now and then.

I was raging more at Sleipnir's response because it wasn't very helpful in any way... And I see what you mean.

In the past few years I've been following pretty much my own belief system, as I don't think it matters who you pray to as long as it works for you and gives you a moral stance. It does help to have somewhere to direct your worship/respect though, hence my question. Since there isn't really any definite record of norse religious practices I nominally follow them because I can make my own beliefs fit. I guess it wasn't clear that I was looking more for ideas/advice than a definite answer. If I wanted something clearcut I'd join a more well documented/mainstream religion.

Hope that clears things up a bit.
Imo it is a decent place to ask.
Read the book The Faith Instinct: How Religion Evolved and Why It Endures, by Nicolas Wade.

He says religion evolved into our genes. If you have finished the book I hope all your questions will be answered.
It's a very interesting book explaining why (most, not me) ppl "needed" and still "need" religion.

Mmmm, I sense smugness in you...

Nonetheless, it's a very valid point, not unlike what I concluded.
Fuck you, I don't take that personally, but if that's the attitude you give to anyone who asks a question then how the fucking hell is anyone going learn anything?

The attitude I give is directly related to the question asked....example:

How would I go about making an offering to one or more of the norse gods? I had a very close call the other day in a car accident (I was driving and if a number of factors had been slightly different I'd probably be in the hospital or morgue by now) and I feel like I should cover my bases...

what better way to disrespect the gods and "play viking" than to "cover your bases" hoping one of them "hears you". Remember that scene from "The Mummy" when Benny had all those charms around his neck of different religions and kept going thru them chanting shit till Imhotep stopped? yea, what you are asking to do is pretty much like that, you are looking for the flavor of the day to make yourself look or feel cool without having the slightest knowledge of the practices or the culture you are trying to emulate.

And if you truly wanted to "learn something" you would have done research on your own and only asked here as a last resort, there are people here more than willing to help...myself included...but with the preponderance of metaltru claptrap do-what-feels-good newage sewage filling up the interwebs my patience has worn thin.

You seem pretty arrogant in most of your posts I've seen lately, yet really who are you to judge? I don't mean that as an insult, more like constructive criticism.

Arrogant? no, informed of the subject matter, yes. It is blatantly obvious that you are not heathen/asatru as we judge people by their deeds as well as their words and asking what you are asking deserves what I gave.

I don't really expect you take any notice of what I think of you, this being the internet and all, but seriously man, get off your high horse once in a while...

It's kinda hard when you got people such as yourself asking questions like "who do I make an offering to because I almost wrecked"

First time in a while I've internet raged:lol:

yea, you need practice.

In the past few years I've been following pretty much my own belief system, as I don't think it matters who you pray to as long as it works for you and gives you a moral stance.

wow, seriously? why friggin bother asking how to offer to then? If to you it "doesn't matter" than why even ask or bother?

It does help to have somewhere to direct your worship/respect though, hence my question.

so then would it not stand to reason you research "who" or "what" you want to direct your worship to before you ask the how?

Since there isn't really any definite record of norse religious practices

If you think I have been "arrogant lately in my posts" then this is straight up ignorance.... we have accounts in Tacitus, Venerable Bede, Adam of Bremen, Eyrbyggja Saga, accounts in Landnamabok, in Kormak's Saga, in Hacon the Good's Saga that's found in Heimskringla, Ulfjotslog....funny enough I am presenting a class at ECT in 2 weeks on Heathen Worship as Written by 13th and 14th Century Writers.....if you truly want to learn, give me your email address and I will send you the handout to the class, as well as the groves and Sacred Spaces class I am presenting
Implying I only asked here and am only interested so I can "play viking" and wasn't interested in my ancestors' beliefs before I started listening to metal...

I see more where you were coming from in your last post (and I have to admit I agree with you to some extent) and apologise for seeming like a twerp, although I probably still do :). I guess it still isn't clear that I asked mainly out of curiosity and that I wasn't going to revamp my whole system of belief based on any answers I got. I mean, come on, this is the internet I take anything I read here with a grain of salt, even if it does come from experts. For example some of the first websites that come up in any search on the matter are clearly pushing a not-so-well-veiled political agenda.

I got angry because from my perspective I asked a simple question and got what I perceived as basically the same treatment you'd expect from 13 year olds on 4chan.

I'll be PMing you my email Sleipnir, as I would be interested in reading up on the matter. I promise not to treat it like the viking gospel and be all metalfag about it, OK? I just want to expand my knowledge a bit. I'm sure if we were talking IRL none of this would have happened :lol: Once again written text's inability to convey tone lets down the internet :p
Implying I only asked here and am only interested so I can "play viking" and wasn't interested in my ancestors' beliefs before I started listening to metal...

I see more where you were coming from in your last post (and I have to admit I agree with you to some extent) and apologise for seeming like a twerp, although I probably still do :). I guess it still isn't clear that I asked mainly out of curiosity and that I wasn't going to revamp my whole system of belief based on any answers I got. I mean, come on, this is the internet I take anything I read here with a grain of salt, even if it does come from experts. For example some of the first websites that come up in any search on the matter are clearly pushing a not-so-well-veiled political agenda.

I got angry because from my perspective I asked a simple question and got what I perceived as basically the same treatment you'd expect from 13 year olds on 4chan.

I'll be PMing you my email Sleipnir, as I would be interested in reading up on the matter. I promise not to treat it like the viking gospel and be all metalfag about it, OK? I just want to expand my knowledge a bit. I'm sure if we were talking IRL none of this would have happened :lol: Once again written text's inability to convey tone lets down the internet :p

email sent with the handouts to both classes, the link to the terry Gunnel paper can be found in the handout at the top of the page.
the classes will also be videotaped and up on my YouTube so you will be able to see as well as her the presentation and Q&A session at the conclusion.
Hey, Sleipnir, Guess where I am? (Answer: Gotland with big bro) Guess where I was last week? (Answer: Johan and Marias' place) (Previous to that, been very ill for a few months and not posting much as a result.)
New World: not that you need my reply anymore - not on the ball since I'm on vacation and all as above - but I'm just going to point one thing out that may help clear things up in more ways that one. You wrote in a previous post (2212) that you had asked a simple question. It decidedly is not a simple quesion, and the answer therefore is not simple to answer it. I think it's a good thing that you took the initiative not just to intend to do, but also to ask. -T
Hey, Sleipnir, Guess where I am? (Answer: Gotland with big bro) Guess where I was last week? (Answer: Johan and Marias' place) (Previous to that, been very ill for a few months and not posting much as a result.)

remind me to send you the class handouts and talking points for the ECT classes I am presenting this Thursday and Friday...I will also have them up on my YouTube, when I do I'll send you the link. I hope all is well and I still owe you that email....
Hello everyone! Its been a while ive come this way, and im quite amazed this thread is still running! (even if last post date from august...hehe)

I have a -very- specefic question, i hope i can find answer here...
This last year i started to look quite seriously into viking reenactment and got to make card (tablett) weaving like a maniac. The last project i wanted to make was a replica of a find made in Hallstatt, about 6th century AD. The directions presented by the couple who worked on it were not as clear as i could have hope for my own comprehension. I tried on the project nonetheless but i didnt succeeded in bringing out the motif as it should be. One thing the directions are underlining is that the weaving has to be made 3/1 broken twill. I don't know what that means when it comes to card weaving, and thus my question : can anyone help me figure it out?
Im pretty sure Collinwood's book The Techniques of Tablet Weaving would help me much in that matter, since its basically THE reference on the technique, but i cannot afford 250$CAN... But if someone's got the book by the greatest of chance, would said person mind sharing some of its secrets? :D
Any help would be appreciated, thanks! :)
Suggestions from my eternal source of creating fabrics (ex wife):


Hey Gnoff! Thanks, ive already checked those. It made me think trying other ways to weave the band when i was at it, but it wasnt conclusive. Its especially good to explain how to draw such a pattern, and it made me reconsider the directions and such. Maybe its my comprehension.. >< Does your ex-wife know how to weave with such a technique? If she does, would it be possible for me to contact her? thanks for your suggestion! :)
Hey Gnoff! Thanks, ive already checked those. It made me think trying other ways to weave the band when i was at it, but it wasnt conclusive. Its especially good to explain how to draw such a pattern, and it made me reconsider the directions and such. Maybe its my comprehension.. >< Does your ex-wife know how to weave with such a technique? If she does, would it be possible for me to contact her? thanks for your suggestion! :)

She does, and as far as I can tell with my (very) limited knowledge of such things she's good at it. At least it looks good :)
And she's usually very good at keeping things "period" as they say in the SCA world (re-enactment stuff).

I'll ask her if it's OK for me to PM you her email address.

But have you also checked if you have a local SCA branch close to you?
I'm guessing they could be of great help in such matters.

Well, I'm not so good at these things I notice ;)
Apparently she's not familiar in using that technique herself after all, but she is a well of information of a lot of things regarding "historical fabrics and techniques" (as I would call it, probably wrong way of labeling it :D ) and could probably point you in the correct direction?

I'll send her email in a PM to you.

Hey, if you want any info on beer making I'm good at that :D
Thank you guys! ^^
I havent checked with SCA branch near me, but i have friends who knows whats happening there and they tell me there no vikings reenactors so im not too hopeful....
But ive find a group of viking reenactors at the begining of fall this year, and ive joined them, though none of them know the technique either. As i understand it, its a pinnacle or something... I must have missed a few steps on that ladder, trying that particular one, but i wont be satisfied until i have the band as it should be. Who ever said vikings were just a bunch of lousy drunkard rapists, brutes and mindless warriors never took a look at their different craft techniques!!