Viking mythology and all that goes with it

So for this, you have to read The Prose Edda, which was put together by Snorri for the purposes of teaching people how to do ON poetry and diction. It lists several kennings, poetic terms that you can use in place of a single word (Röskva's brother is Thor, Wolf's father is Loki, Ägir's fire for gold etc.). If you were an ON scald, you'd have had to know them all, and then you'd know that "the eagle will be fed" alludes to the fact that there will be battle and people will die (the eagle will feast on the remains of the corpses). Another term for a warrior is "Destroyers of Eagle's hunger". For example, in Egil's saga it says thus:
The edges swing,
Blades cut men down.
Eirik the King
Earns his renown.
The ravens dinned
At this red fare,
Blood on the wind,
Death in the air;
The Scotsmen's foes
Fed wolves their meat,
Death ends their woes
As eagles eat.
Carrion birds fly thick
To the body stack,
For eyes to pick
And flesh to hack:
The raven's beak
Is crimson-red,
The wolf goes seek
His daily bread.
The sea-wolves lie
And take their ease,
But feast the sly
Wolf overseas.
Judging from the lyrics, yes, it's about defeating Christians, since it (for example) refers to the White Christ that the attackers that the author will seek to reap vengeance against brought with them to his land, and very few people other than the Christian missionaries made Vikings kneel by force.

Having said that, lots of Norse travelled east to raid and trade, some settled there and founded cities and even countries...and compared to Norway and Iceland, all of Sweden and the Rus area is technically speaking to the east...

Didn't say you weren't intelligent, though, just thought you were wondering about the meaning of what that particular kenning means (since the other replies were on about the blood eagle etc.).
Didn't say you weren't intelligent, though, just thought you were wondering about the meaning of what that particular kenning means (since the other replies were on about the blood eagle etc.).

saying i was intelligent was just a way of kidding :p it was not an attack, I apologize if it was seen that way, i gave the lyrics some thought and came to the conclusion you gave me, so i said to myself, "yeah man you thought it right, you're kinda intelligent :p"

you're explanation cleared all the lyrics now, thank you for your answers, now i can fully appreciate the song as it became one of my favorite songs, it and Slaves of Fear which i think has some holy lyrics ;)

PS : are you the one who wrote "Thousand years of oppression" (I'm asking that because i read somewhere that you are Johan's sister, and he said once that the lyrics to TYOO were written by his sister)
Yep, that's me, and I thought you were kidding, too, but thought I'd better clarify just in case. It's hard to tell when you don't see a face, and I don't want to offend anyone. I like this album a lot and have been disecting the songs a bit lately, but I have the good fortune of being able to ask J if I have questions...
Yep, that's me, and I thought you were kidding, too, but thought I'd better clarify just in case. It's hard to tell when you don't see a face, and I don't want to offend anyone. I like this album a lot and have been disecting the songs a bit lately, but I have the good fortune of being able to ask J if I have questions...

yo T.....

lookee what I gots.

Seriously! I want birthday, weight, length and is Mom OK and OMG...speechless...totally made my day. Will stop bawling now cuz people in office are looking at me funny...Damn!
Seriously! I want birthday, weight, length and is Mom OK and OMG...speechless...totally made my day. Will stop bawling now cuz people in office are looking at me funny...Damn!

5/29/11 @ 1123hrs. 6lb 14oz 19" long. When we went to the ped last Tuesday he was 8lb 2oz so I can only assume he is bigger now. Harry Mykola Golden, named after my grandfather and Lisa's, mom is doing good. She plans on going back to work first week of August, we are having a combo Midsummer/Harry's welcoming blot...was going to do a pig or a goat, decided on a pig... in July in the grove we made at the house...oh crap I didn't tell you about that either, it's been that long since we talked?

Well here are some pics of the grove.





And here is the most recent godpole added.


And here's another you might like.

Very nice grove! And yes, love the little hand pic. Totally made up for you, G! Told you, what goes around, comes around. He's very cute. Can you pls. PM me a street addy so I can send something for him?
Very serious multi-part interview about Norse myth and religion over at the Norse Mythology Blog with this fellow -

"Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson joined Iceland's Ásatrúarfélagið (“Æsir Faith Fellowship”) at age sixteen, shortly after its founding in 1972. Since 2003, he has served as allsherjargoði (very roughly translated as "high priest") for the pagan religious organization, which was officially recognized by the Icelandic government in 1973."
Hey guys I'm new to this forum, so I'm not exactly sure where to post my question, but I think this is a pretty good place to ask.
So I want to know what do the runes on the back of the T-shirt in the link below mean, and from which song are they if there is one? Amarth: Viking Horses&tc=SEARCH
Thanks in advance for your answers. :Saint:

Sorry...better late than never I suppose, huh? The shirt depicts the whole futhark, i.e. the runic alphabet. It starts at the top with the letters F, U, Th and so on. Look in google under elder futhark and you'll find the key so you can decipher other shirts, too! During the Viking Age, it was the younger futhark that was used for writing but the older was used for divination.
All my interest started with the older futhark in some Druidic book I found in the library.

It's funny thinking about it. I grew up with reasonably closeness to the city, yet wasn't until I moved out into the desert and remote "nowhere land" that I find an old book in a rather small library, go figure.