Viking mythology and all that goes with it

There ought to be heathen shrinks for these sort of things. Hey Tyra, when you're finished with Archeology or All the History of the Whole World or whatever course you're taking, ever thought of looking into Psychology?
I've worked with infant-tiddlers for the better part of two decades (in order to be able to migrate here), so I had to get training in psychology whether I liked it or not. I've had to digest Freud not one, not twice, but thrice now, and I disagreed with him the first time around...Probably because of the intense penis envy I as a woman must obviously have. The rest of psychology is interesting, though, but I don't want to study any more of it! Besides, I don't think there is an end to archaeology, because we just make more of it every day. Finishing the study of archaeology is sort of like reaching the end of the internet.

I agree with you Bates. Let's get drunk and celebrate the Vandals.
Freud's put it lightly, have completely fallen out of favor - and the people who usually back them haven't done enough research on the subject of psychology as a whole in general :P
Thanks alot for the fast answer!
I've looked some more into facts about the Aegismundr now, and asked my sis to design one for me (my skill with pencils is so awful that I can even manage to make a 'streckgubbe' (stick character?) look ugly) so hopefully I'll have one on paper in a day or so.

You probably were not ready to have a valknot ATM.

Do you think I ever will be?

And about giving the Aegismundr "power", or whatever you might call it, then what would this person say? I guess it's not just saying "sesam gimme some magic"?

I've been looking around on the forums, but I haven't found yet if you, Tyra, have uploaded a pic on your tattoo somewhere? I would be happy if you would :)

Thanks again for all answers.

ps and I'm really sorry if I'm asking too much!
OK, so I've tried to upload a pic, but I'm having connection problems ATM. Well, ImageShack is, so I can't transfer the pic. I'll do that once they get their site running up to snuff again. Having said that, I don't have any good pics of the tat in the first place, so it won't be anything great. Either way, it's just a black helm of awe, about 10 cms in diametre. Nothing fancy, but rather plain, just like me, my clothes and my jewellry.
As for the valknot question, the answer is yes. As for what to say, well, hmmm, that's a hard one to answer, because each person relates in a different way to each god or goddess. You'd have to pretty much request the gods and goddesses attend, however you feel like doing that, and when you've done that, ask them nicely to give it power, something like "May the Gods and Goddesses invoke this symbol with the power of the Aegismundr, to protect the wearer with its full might. May it bring me/him strength/protection/respect/all of the aforementioned/whatever you want it to give you" or whatever. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, you just ask them for what you want. You may want to return the favour with an offering, but that's up to you.
Edit:OK, it's working again. Here you go:
That really is pretty! But doesn't it get rather streched out when you tense your bicep?
I'm planning on having mine on my left shoulder (skuldran för att vara mer exakt) not sure when/ if I'm getting it though. Maybe before graspop, maybe next year.
I've got an idea now of what to do when I get it. Tack så mycket för hjälpen, jag uppskattar det verkligen!

Hraethigaldur and Ottastafur. What is that actually? I once made a necklace with those, mainly for the fun of it, but it's fallen into interest again.
Tack och väl bekommen. No, the tat sits on the side of the bicep, so it doesn't stretch when I flex. Kind of hard to explain. Är du vänster eller högerhänt?
I am not great at other bind runes, but I do know Hraethigaldur and Ottastafur are so called "terror staves". They'd be used together to invoke terror in ones enemy (i.e. active protection rather than passive, like with the Helm of Awe). They are for carving into objects that can then be given to, hidden on or thrown in front of the enemy, and are not suited for tattoos. Ginfaxi counteracts them.
Goder afton!
Jag är en högerhänt.

And I think I kinda get where you have it, it's on the "outside" of the arm, correct?
And the Hraethigaldur and Ottastafur runes aren't anything I'd tattoo, was just thinking I'd make another necklace to wear (as I though that would be something, like a token) or perhaps as a humble offering for the gods?

Anyways, ones sheildarm - is that the arm you, eh, "rely on"? I mean, I'm a rightie, then does that make the left arm my sheildarm (or the otherway round) or do I choose that myself?
Yeah, that's right. I'm also female, so I don't get much of a "bump" in the first place...
The shield arm is the one you'd hold your shield in, so if you're right handed, your left arm is your shield arm, since you'd be holding the sword in the right. Make sense?
I guess, but there is still quite some difference between a tense and relaxed bicep.
It does make sense to me, it's just that basically you should be able to chose what feels best for you? I mean as a similarity (maybe not the best one), I know certain people, my dad for instance, who are lefties but still hold the cutlery like a rightie. And the other way around.
I guess, but there is still quite some difference between a tense and relaxed bicep.
It does make sense to me, it's just that basically you should be able to chose what feels best for you? I mean as a similarity (maybe not the best one), I know certain people, my dad for instance, who are lefties but still hold the cutlery like a rightie. And the other way around.
Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, my huband is one of the few people I know who's truly ambidextrous. I guess I never thought of it as a choice, because most people end up using he hand thatworks, rather than the hand that they would like to use. Lots of people would like to use one hand, but you just can't, unless you're truly ambidextrous (sp? I'm in front of the wrong computer), which is very rare. I have thought of it as your dominant eye when you fire a rifle - I'd love to be able to choose which eye is my dominent one, because it's a pain in the ass to be left eye dominant (most rifles are set up with the scope etc for the right eye), and I wish I had a choice, but I do't. On the other hand, I can use either one hand or foot in martial arts, which is relatively rare. This drives my opponents nuts, because they can only defend themselves from one foot/hand, which puts them at a considerable disadvantage. Certain kicks, though, give me a hard time on one specific foot, and no matter how much I practise, that foot is not going to be the dominant one for that kick. It can get to be a good kick (sometimes outright nasty, even) but it'll never be perfect. I never saw it as a choice, I guess, which is why I never thought of my shield arm as a choice either. I get what you mean now though!
Ye, it's a weird thing actually. Apparently lefties use their right part of the brain more, and righties use their left part of the brain more. If that's true, maybe ambidextrous people use the 'whole' brain more? =)
And either way, I think that's something you can train up/ away... Let's say you lose your working arm, then you'll eventually learn to use your left arm as your working arm. (Eventhough losing an arm is more than a motivation, it still proves that it can/ should work)

But what martial art do you practice?
A bit of this and a bit of that (hard to switch schools when you move from one country to another then another then back and then from one small town to the next - you just have to do what's available) - anything from judo and hapkido to kickboxing, but my favourite was always combat karate. It comes naturally to me, as a difference to, say, sword fighting, which I am really too small for (I think). The main idea is to have fun and blow off some steam without going bankrupt in the process...
Oh, that's a newer one! There's another thread on this forum with another one just like it but with a different tune. I think these are great! My husband and I tormented Johan with our own versions when he was here...