I've worked with infant-tiddlers for the better part of two decades (in order to be able to migrate here), so I had to get training in psychology whether I liked it or not. I've had to digest Freud not one, not twice, but thrice now, and I disagreed with him the first time around...Probably because of the intense penis envy I as a woman must obviously have. The rest of psychology is interesting, though, but I don't want to study any more of it! Besides, I don't think there is an end to archaeology, because we just make more of it every day. Finishing the study of archaeology is sort of like reaching the end of the internet.There ought to be heathen shrinks for these sort of things. Hey Tyra, when you're finished with Archeology or All the History of the Whole World or whatever course you're taking, ever thought of looking into Psychology?
I agree with you Bates. Let's get drunk and celebrate the Vandals.