Viking mythology and all that goes with it

He...long story... Michael Cricton, famous author, had a bet going with his friend, an English Lit professor, that said "You cannot make students today interested in Beowulf". Cricton said "Yes, I can", and took Ibn Fahadlan's incomplete manuscript and filled in the blanks with Beowulf details. "Eaters of the Dead", the book on which 13th Warrior is based, was the endresult, a Beowulf with a twist. Hollywood distorted the story slightly to suit the movie format. The book is a lot better than the movie, but you can see the similarities.
Bumping this thread, because I had a particularly powerful and beautiful dream, which has and is impacting me greatly. This has led me to thinking, is there a norse god or figure to which dreams are attributed? Or are they sent from the Norns? Or not from a god figure at all?
As far as I know, dreams are associated with seithR, and seithR is Freya's domain. Were you awake or were you asleep (sounds funny, but anyone who's had those will know what I am on about...)? What did you dream, or is it too personal?
I was truly in deep sleep, and woke up regretting that I had to leave. The dream was thus:

While I can't remember most of the dream, I know it had to do with the struggle between black and white people, and I am pretty sure it was long ago because it seemed to be on the African continent. I was still white, but I think I had a problem with most of what the christian white invaders were doing and how they were going about putting the people into slavery. I somehow befriended the pagan black tribe living in the region I was in and they didn't worship me, but instead welcomed me willingly into their tribe as if I were born into it. I remember that I returned from wherever I was to this place the african tribe lived, and it was the most beautiful magical place. When I entered, people were playing huge drums and smiling and eating what looked like peaches that they shared with me. Everyone in the tribe was content and lived off of the bountiful land. It was as close to eutopia as I have ever seen. I fell to my knees and started crying, staring up at the trees that flanked the plain I was on, because I realized that this beautiful place could not withstand the christian invasion, and that my tribe, my brothers would be too trusting of the rest of the whites because of me, and that they would be tricked into slavery and this eutopia, without its wonderful people to take care of it, would shrivel up and die. I remember telling myself to hold on to this image, to not let it go, and begging the gods to let me stay just a bit longer in this beautiful place. And then I woke up.

This was a dream so the historical events don't have to really be accurate at all, but that image is burned into my memory, of the plain and the tall trees on either side, and the family connection I felt with everyone there. I have never felt that before, even in dreamstate or real life.
sounds like guilt of being white.
hence if this were made a movie, it would win at the Cannes Festival. :grin:
(unless its too antichristian)

no but thats an interresting dream man, i never get dreams with an actual plot :(, well i'll let Tyra decipher it. ^^

(maybe your destiny is to go to africa and befriend a tribe)
That would be cool. I also think it could mean, as far as the tribal togetherness goes, that it has to do with the fact that I would love to just be in a tribe basically anywhere that lived off the land, though preferrably we would follow the ways of Asatru. I would greatly enjoy that.
i'm resurrecting this thread cause i have a question.

to explain the question i will post the lyrics of the beautiful Falkenbach song called Vanadis :

Mounted men, with axe and shield
on their ride through shallow field
See your sons oh Vanadis
Light my ways oh Manalihs...

Freyas Val
Woutans half

Oaken woods as dark as night
Home of those of heathen pride
Grant me strength oh Asynja
Be my guide oh Valfreya

Freyas Val
Vingolfs's pride

When the moon shines bright from the dark black sky
We raise our swords to thy hail
when the runes are thrown and the ravens fly
as a sign of our heathens prevail

While the morning breaks through Tenkterian wood
while the sun sets the shores aflame
There is one thing only which never dies
The honour of thy name

By my side my brothers fall
Now on their way to Freya's hall
We are yours oh Vanadis
Guide their ways oh Manalihs

Hjer Foraan

While twilight covers the blood red skies
While the sun sets the shores aflame
There is one thing only which never dies
The honour of thy name

When time draws near for the chosen ones
To fall on the blood stained fields
Then death will grant us a place amongst
Our fathers in the halls of bronzen shields

A burning flame as blue as ice
Now I can see it in your eyes
Be my fate oh Vanadis
Through the nights oh Manalihs..."

Can someone tell me who/what is Vanadis? Manalihs? Asynja? Vingolfs? and i suppose Valfreya is another name for Freya, like a sort of Valkyrie sounding name or something? and whats "Freya's Val"?
and whats Herjan and Foraan???

sorry if i'm asking a lot but for all i remember its the first time i ever hear all these names although i know a respectable amount of norse/germanic mythology... (in comparison to most people around) and i feel ashamed to not understand much about those lyrics.
Celtik Militia said:
Can someone tell me who/what is Vanadis?

Another name used for Freya, so is Mardoll(sp)

Celtik Militia said:
Manalihs? Asynja? Vingolfs? and i suppose Valfreya is another name for Freya, like a sort of Valkyrie sounding name or something? and whats "Freya's Val"?
and whats Herjan and Foraan???

Manalihs? hmmmmmmmmm, Tyra?....The asynja are the ranks of the goddesses, also known as the asynjur, Vingolf is the Hall of the Goddesses, and also the name of my kindred....Fellowship actually.... Valfreya is another "name" for her as some believe she is the leader of the Valkyries, Herjan is another name for Odin if I remember correctly, Foraan may be also.

Celtik Militia said:
sorry if i'm asking a lot but for all i remember its the first time i ever hear all these names although i know a respectable amount of norse/germanic mythology... (in comparison to most people around) and i feel ashamed to not understand much about those lyrics.

No problem 'bro,fire away :-)
there were loads of different names for the different gods between the celtic/pagan beliefs accross whole of Europe
I have never seen that spelling before, but "manalis" (sans h) has something to do with the underworld in Roman mythology. They used to put big boulders over holes in the ground and call them lapis manalis. These would block the entrance to the undrword. I don't recognize it in Norse religious practise, though. Sorry!
Sleipnir said:
The asynja are the ranks of the goddesses, also known as the asynjur,


"Hell eder asar!
Hell er, asynjor!
Hell dig, du givmilda jord"

Generally translated into English as

"Hail the gods,
hail the goddesses,
hail earth, who gives to all"
Oh, I get it...duh. You mean does it only apply to the goddesses on the aesir side, but not the vanir side? You know, I don't know the answer to that! I have never heard a word for the vanir feamales as a group...I'll have to ask. Do you know, Sleipnir? The only one ever mentioned on a regular basis is Freya, as she is the hostage that went to live with the aesir after the war, but presumably there must be more vanir women. Oh, great, now I'll never get to sleep...
By the way, have any of you seen that movie called "Curse of the Ring" which is the story of Siegfried adapted on screen? i don't think it came out in the movies, i think its a TV movie. anyway it isn't bad at all. It's an american movie, my brother bought the DVD in a big store in France so i'm sure that in other countries it wouldnt be hard to find. i recommend you guys to see it if you can.