Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

Taking a trip to Stockholm tonight, staying until Friday evening when I turn back home again.

Time off from everything

hope you had a great time, bro.

email me back, yes? i'm a bit worried. not for the fact that you haven't replied but you know why, bro :)

don't make me pack my things and come over! :D
Yeah I know, been planning to do it mate, sorry, just been busy with everything.

Going back to work Monday, starting up half time for two weeks, then one week real vacation for Barge to Hell, then hopefully able to return to work full time after that.

Stockholm was nice, met up with some friends, tried some beers, checked out some new places.

And indeed, the forum is very quiet these days, guess most ppl hang on evilbook / facecrack

Oh well, I'm still here, haha
Took a late night train to Stockholm Monday, was delayed about 70 minutes and arrived very late.

The train back home was supposed to be a bit earlier, but got delayed 140 minutes until we got back home, got home very very late.

haha, Swedish trains, sometimes all you can do is laugh about it
Took a late night train to Stockholm Monday, was delayed about 70 minutes and arrived very late.

The train back home was supposed to be a bit earlier, but got delayed 140 minutes until we got back home, got home very very late.

haha, Swedish trains, sometimes all you can do is laugh about it

Overhead contact line damages, track works...? :D
Oh, quite often we also don't have to hurry to get the train or the train stops there somewhere in the pampas and you can count blades of grass.
As a consequence by now you can get some money back if there is a delay more than a hour.
Overhead contact line damages, track works...? :D
Oh, quite often we also don't have to hurry to get the train or the train stops there somewhere in the pampas and you can count blades of grass.
As a consequence by now you can get some money back if there is a delay more than a hour.

Going in a freight train that ran a stop light, then everything stood still.

Going home some sort of accident, they needed to evacuate a train, etc

Yes, should get money back in both instances, yay
And do you like The Resistance and Nightrage?

Could only find one song with The Resistance on youtube, that one I liked a lot

Also Nightrage was rather nice indeed

Other bands that will play:
Ceremonial Oath (I like)
Dream Evial (sort of OK, too powery)
Minora (not my thing)
Deathdestruction (they're OK)
Engel (I like them live, but they will not continue with the singer, so we'll see)
Gardenian (I like the music, some of the singing don't appeal to me, but OK)

Probably more bands will be announced for this two day thing, looks like I'll get tickets for it
Gardenian - listened to "Tell The World I'm Sorry" - must say I even like the clean vocals in that song. A little bit Bowie in the singing or something... don't know.
if it don't sell out I'm very likely to going to that one

went out for a few short beers after my business in the city, with nothing to eat after lunch even these very low ABV and rather small ones got me sort of buzzed

I'm gettign to be light weight!
Various reasons

Now that beer is brewed time to hit the store and stock up on supplies

And after to make late dinner

Haven't heard any studio updates/tweets past few days, getting to want some soon!
See you're stealing WiFi again, hehe

I'll arrive Saturday December 1 :wave:
Well, to Miami at least, heading for Barge to Hell.

That evening in the glades in -11 was DAMN cold, brrr
Happy to hear its warmer now

Enjoy the Keys, love for C as well

Cheers :kickass: