Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

Seen it twice so far, first in 2D then in 3D HFR.

I like it OK, but even though it has been a few years since I read the book I do remember parts of it too well, so when they make changes to scenes from teh book when translated into the movie, and the reason for teh changes aren't clear to me, then I get a bit pissed.

It's a very nice film visually, the music is great and bombastic, the acting is cool, the story is awesome, but there are just a few scenes that for me are too dragged out, some changes makes no sense and the added parts from teh appendices that are not in the book doesn't add anything for me, actually they slow down the pace of the movie and detracts from teh general storyline.

But yes, I've seen it twice already, and will see it at least one more time at the cinema, so I like it more than OK, just not as much as I had hoped.
As for the HFR technique, it's pretty cool that you can now pan over a landscape etc and not have it all blurry as hell.

I'm not a fan of 3D though, never been, hate the damn glasses.
Also they still have not been able to make the subtitles sharp enough.
I try not to read the subtitles anyhow, but they keep opppoing up and my eyes always goes to shit that moves.
hypocrisy are touring here in Jan. looking forward to it!

will be in europe in April with the lady friend. london, prauge, krakow and budapest.

any gigs going on around then that i should go to, gnoff?
hypocrisy are touring here in Jan. looking forward to it!

will be in europe in April with the lady friend. london, prauge, krakow and budapest.

any gigs going on around then that i should go to, gnoff?

Nothing comes to mind, I tend to mainly keep check on AA and Hypo, and other than that Swedish dates for various bands ;)

If I see anything I'll let ya know!

Never been to Krakow or Budapest, but I have a mate that have been many times, he's a beer geek and don't listen to metal, but if you want beer tips I could likely get you a bunch.

Prague I've been to many times, super nice city!
I got tons of tips if you want.

But above all, I'd say make sure to go to the metal bar "Hells Bells" if you've never been, great place for drinks while lsitening to metal.
Nothing comes to mind, I tend to mainly keep check on AA and Hypo, and other than that Swedish dates for various bands ;)

If I see anything I'll let ya know!

Never been to Krakow or Budapest, but I have a mate that have been many times, he's a beer geek and don't listen to metal, but if you want beer tips I could likely get you a bunch.

Prague I've been to many times, super nice city!
I got tons of tips if you want.

But above all, I'd say make sure to go to the metal bar "Hells Bells" if you've never been, great place for drinks while lsitening to metal.

thanks, bro! :)

i'll be sure to ask for tips closer to leaving.

have you been doing more research for your Aussie trip?
seems all the snow we got late last night on the way home is gone, rain and stuff instead, oh well

Good times last night, first two different beer tatings, then a punk gig, then a walk home in the snow

Feeling less than good today, but that's why I have recovery days after beer days :lol: