Virginia Tech Shootings

I think Im fine comparing the deaths by gunshot wound per citizen seperately. Germany has about a third of the US population and a 30th the gunshot victims, Im sure you can do the math. Besides, the rate is pretty high in Germany compared to the rest of Europe afaik, if you wanted to make some kind of "Clean up your own mess with gunshot victims" point, Im sure it'll backfire

It's not jsut about "numbers", other factors like amount of land, and ability to cover such a large area ae crucial, not only that but communication between federal, state, and local levels...frankly, I have to agee with an earlier post:

is this turning into a big racist discution ?!

Even if you cant ban all guns of the world, making them more difficult to get is a good thing.
I mean, if yo ucan easily get a gun, some people could impusively go buy one and start shooting at random people when they got really mad about something. Sometimes you can get really upset and want to have revenge.

If the guns werent so easy to get, they wouldnt have bought one, because maybe they didnt know how/where to get one.
This could reduce the risk of such a thing to happen. Maybe it wouldnt do much for criminals, but for teenagers in schools, i really thing this would help.
When you are a teenager, there are a lot of things going on in your head/body, a lot of changes, and sometimes you can get a bit lost/ confused. If they couldnt get weapons, i bet that quite a few shootings wouldnt have happened. Because those kids probabily wouldnt have thought about getting a weapon so fast if they couldnt find one so easily.
In Europe, there are such laws, and shootings in schools dont happen very often.
There are already 20,0000+ firearms laws in America. They are regulated at the Federal level, the State level and in many circumstances at the county and city level as well. They are probably the most regulated product in existence.
As I understand, the shooter walked into a store, bought his weapon, came back 30 days later for a second weapon and that's it. How is that regulated? He didnt want a concealed weapon's permit, he wanted a gun. There was no background check or if there ever was, it's exactly worth shit

You say you cant legislate behaviour. I think what you cant legislate is desires and drives in people. Depending on what obstacles the person faces in the way of living out those desires, he will or will not live them out. It just depends on whether the drive is strong enough. So maybe a stricter regulation on guns would have increased the obstacle just enough to make him wait long enough for someone to notice something was wrong, or maybe he'd rethink his plans. Or maybe not, but at least then you would have done something.
You say he could have gotten the guns from any gang and/or someone with the right connections. But seeing how he was socially incapable, didnt talk to anyone, was in contact with no one, how would he have known where to get the guns? Or if he did, would he have had the courage to go talk to them?
So yea, by increasing the obstacles Im pretty sure you can legislate behaviour.

I realise this guy was determined to kill people like no one before and that you'll never stop those with just enough dedication. I dont see the point in making it easier for them either though. What if a background check was obligatory for just the purchase of any gun? If you want a weapon, you can still get one, Im sure a real enthusiast will wait the one or two months it takes to pass the background check, no?
^Yeah they did, I don't know what it means though.

I'm still amazed that one of the victims was a holocaust survivor that shielded his students from wang chuk with his own body...
Thats what happens when you've survived the worst tragedy in human history. When you're not scared of hitler, you're not scared of some pussy asian with a pistol. Good for him and my prayers go out to everyone he was ever involved with.
I just got back from Italy and I was in an area where I got absolutely no news. All I heard was that there was a shooting, and that 32 people died.

I found out today that one of the dead was somebody I grew up with. A family friend. Like a cousin. I don't know what the fuck to think. Matthew LaPorte. 20 years old.

We had a little more than family friendship in common. If anybody deserves to go to Valhalla, it's him.
I just got back from Italy and I was in an area where I got absolutely no news. All I heard was that there was a shooting, and that 32 people died.

I found out today that one of the dead was somebody I grew up with. A family friend. Like a cousin. I don't know what the fuck to think. Matthew LaPorte. 20 years old.

We had a little more than family friendship in common. If anybody deserves to go to Valhalla, it's him.

:( Sorry to hear that...
I hope those affected get over this ordeal.

It was pretty sad, and I do not believe the gunman deserves any sympathy. But I will give him that he was mentally unstable, and perhaps the behavior of other students towards him, may have provoked him to do this. I do feel sorry for his family though; they must be going through hell.
There are already 20,0000+ firearms laws in America. They are regulated at the Federal level, the State level and in many circumstances at the county and city level as well. They are probably the most regulated product in existence.
Since no one answered my question, I'll ask again.
Since everyone over the age of 18 can just go and buy a gun, how is it regulated? No one is asking for a concealed weapons permit, just a gun. How is it regulated?