Haha, I'll check out the sites, asap. BTW, I don't know what exactly is my range, but my teacher says it's very good (not that she stood mesmerized, just that it is better than ok, I guess
Suposing, from what you said, that it must be around a bit more than 1,5 octave, how much is it logical to finaly become, through exercise etc?
And something else: please explain to me some things about that chest/head/falsetto ways of singing. What exactly do I get in every of them? I mean, say I've got that 1,5 octave and 'widen' it as much as I will logically do. After that point, how do I reach even higher notes? Head? And, if yes, what range should I expect to reach there? And then I can go even a bit higher with falsetto? Or... are there any other widespread techniques? So, how much should I expect my TOTAL range to become, including chest, head and everything?
BTW, I am not a fan of Bruce Dickinson. I don't like his vocals so much. They're just ok, to me. I just use him as an example of what I mean by 'high notes'. So, I will repeat myself again, getting on everybody's nerves: will I, normally, learn how to reach that kind of stuff in my classes? (I can reach them quite easily by myself, but I believe that it's safer not to try too hard, as I will only hurt my throat.)
Once again, millions of thanks for your so generous help, and sorry if I sound a bit like an ungrateful asshole, repeating the same questions again and again. That's really not me, but I'm so anxious to learn what I should expect from my voice...
I mean, honestly, I love singing and I always thought my voice is good. Not as my guitarplaying which is... ughm ughm... let's say average
Now that I'm starting with real lessons I'm afraid that it'll turn out that I was only yelling my guts out and that's not really singing. And I'm just so impatient to learn if my voice can actually reach what I thought it could.......
Anyway, thanks again!