Vortex Appreciation Thread

Vortex is fat.

I am the only fat one in this picture :lol:
Why are all of my IP adresses proxies? WTF are you talking about...?

Dude, you know what he's talking about don't try to bullshit. PM him and come clean or else don't expect to be here much longer.

1-He is better known with his worst band (dimmu).

I wouldn't call it his worst band, I really do love Dimmu Borgir. Not just because of Vortex either. But in terms of the bands Vortex is in, Borgir is my least favourite band of his just because he sings far too little, HOWEVER, I think that the parts he does sing really make those songs a thousand times better just because he does have a little part that accents the rest of the song. I think the band needs Vortex to sing very little, because if he sang more it'd just be a different take on Borknagar, really. That being said, I would mind Dimmu to let him sing a LITTLE more, I mean fuck 10 seconds per song is really too fucking little. Also, I wouldn't mind Dimmu letting him do a solo track, or at least do leads on one track, that would be really cool.

2-On Dimmu, the vocals are overproduced (studio), while on Borknagar and Arcturus sounds very natural. Dimmu is the worst way to introduce Simen to someone. I use often Oceans Rise, Colossus, Universal or Deamonpainter.

I agree completely. His vocals in Dimmu on the albums are waaaay overproduced, I don't know why they do it this way, in my opinion it makes them sound worse, not better. All that electronic shit really bothers me, I'm so relieved that I know LIVE he actually sounds a lot better and his voice is natural. And yes, I often use Colossus as the song to introduce people to Simen and Borknagar :p

3-Quintessence is the best Simen's vocal effort with Borknagar. Is shameful to hear that album with that awful production, but the vocal lines and the way he sung are better than TAC, being TAC on of my fav Bork albums.

Here I agree and disagree. I think he did a really cool thing on Quintessence, he tried a new sound and it worked great but like you said, the production diminishes his efforts and also, his singing on TAC is far superior and had better songs imo. But don't get me wrong, Quintessence has really great songs also. I wouldn't say it's his best vocal effort though.
4-Simen sounds so much epic on Borknagar than Dimmu. Hear the chorus from Oceans Rise, Universal, the final part of Winter Millennium, Ruins of the Future and the top Simen song, Collosus.
Agreed 100%.
5-I like more the vocals from Sideshow Symphonies than Dimmu ones. Shipwrecked FP, Deamonpainter and Evacuation Code Deciphered pwns. Great lyrics also.

I also agree, 100% SS is an album I listen to very frequently... ECD and SFP are my faves, along with DP and HSC.

6-I prefer on Arcturus to Garm than Vortex or Oyvind. ASH has fantastic grim vocals and good vocal harmonies, plus the lyrics are awesome. LMI is musically the best Arcturus album and the vocals are very unique. That semioperatic style suits perfectly with the music. Simen did a great job on The Chaos Path, but the Garm vocals on master of disguise, alone and painting my horror pwns Simen IMO.

I would say this, simply. If you're into black metal more than anything else, then you will prefer Garm, and the earlier albums (much the same case with Borknagar) but if you're more into those epic soaring vocals and the avante-garde atmospehere you will prefer Simen or the later Garm works. It's a matter of tastes really. I still stand by my statement that, Garm, while being a brilliant studio musician, he can't compare to Simen in the real world.

Another thing, I really hate his operatic/baritone voice on MoD. The Chaos Path is the best song on that whole CD imo, but a lot of people tend to disagree with me.

7-His bassist function on Dimmu is just average for the same reason he sings on 2 or 3 songs per album. If Simen does better bass lines and sings more, Shagrath could feel jealous. After all, a great part of the Dimmu fanbase are first Simen fans, THEN Dimmu fans. On Borknagar was a very decent bassplayer (not like Tyr, Steve Di Giorgio, Sean Malone, etx, but a pretty decent one).

Yeah, exactly what I said. He's good, but no pioneer. But I'll have to disagree, a lot of people who love Dimmu really could give a fuck less about Simen and are unfamiliar with his other projects.

8-Simen's vocal lines on ISD sounds a lot like Arcturus SS, specially the serpentine offering. Sacrilegious reminds me his Borknagar vocal period.

I'm listening, and trying to hear it. But I can't. :( I don't know, I can't hear the similarities at all. Well, I can see what you're saying about Sacreligious Scorn but not at all about Serpentine Offering.

9-Honestly, I can hear from Dimmu just the songs where Simen sings on. the rest are very plain and mediocre pseudo sympho/black metal. Shagrath is one of the worst black metal singers (with Maniac) and galder sucks as composer (I say this cause galder makes a great part of the riffs now). HH was totally overtriggered on ISD. I like more his Arcturus-Covenant-Mayhem work, specially the drums from LMI, TSM and SS.

I disagree, I really like Dimmu Borgir, and I'd still be a fan even if Simen wasn't involved. :lol: I think that, Dimmu is like a great recipe for a dish, alone it is still a good meal but add the last extra ingredient (Vortex) and it really just gives the food a taste that brings it to another level.

P.S. I love Galder. He is a funny, awesome guy. I think he does a great job and Old Man's Child is one of my favourite bands also.

EDIT: Just so you know I've been writing little bits and pieces of this post over the course of an hour almost, not all at once :p
To Heartless_Name(can I call you Joe?) : I was trolling about Garm being better than Vortex. Even if I prefer Garm, Vortex remains an incredible vocalist with such power, I REALLY got scared first time I heard Dimmu's Progenies live, I never expected him to have such power in his voice.

About Borknagar, I can't compare. Both vocalists era are so different, to each his favorite. I think "The Olden Domain" is their best, but again, Vortex era was really good, so is the Vintersorg era.

About Arcturus, I think that Vortex is awesome on his songs and Garm on his. Garm wouldnt sing "The Chaos Path" as well as Vortex and vice-versa.

And I don't think Garm's voice is fake. Sure, it wouldnt sound as good as the album version because it is so much re-worked and stuff, but until we don't hear new stuff from him(that old ulver video doesnt count, believe me) we can't really judge. But I gotta agree that live Simen is awesome and Garm would look ridiculous next to him.

(BTW rumors(lol) says that Garm singed live in 2004 with The Gathering, can you believe it? Lawl...) /r/ proofs nao
Hm, well it's similar to this girl I used to be friends with, she loved Vortex, she even liked Dimmu music a lot, but she refused to listen to them because she was Christian and she felt the lyrics were blasphemous (meanwhile she was listening to other bands which were just as blasphemous just in a subtle way). I mean, she said it made her feel uncomfortable and whatever. Anyways, after a lot of arguing, debating (Keep in mind, I respected her feelings I just felt it was retarded that she liked the music but didn't listen because of the STUPID lyrics, I mean they aren't serious and Borgir don't burn churches so..) I finally got her to start listening to them. Not sure if she still does but, it was a nice thing for me to help open someone's eyes. It is just theatrics, most black metal is. I believe in God, but that doesn't mean I can't like the song 'Spellbound by the Devil'... I mean headbanging to that song doesn't mean I am a devil worshiper or anything, it's just music.

I agree with you about the music. BM and similar has never been problem for me as a music. I really don't care attention in lyrics in general and I'm not religious person at all. But people who listened it in Finland in 90s were so serious about it. It was more a lifestyle than just music, and I know that they weren't satanist or burning churches, but they certainly knew how to make girls cry (generalization, but I didn't knew any nice BM listener back then all them were more or less assholes). Nowadays it's much more relaxed people can actually listen BM as a music only it doesn't have to be lifestyle and so serious. But also I have to admit that bands appearance means something to me, I'm rather visual person and tend to see things in my mind so if band is not visually appealing to me, music has to be close to epic to get me interested :p.

I don't know how it's there in Canada but in Finland older folks still consider pretty much all people wearing black leather coats satanist. It all started after those church burnings it was so big thing here. We actually had this "BM is from satan" education in schools :zombie:.

I saw Dimmu live last summer in Sauna Open Air Metal Festival here in my hometown. And it was great at live for sure. It was nice touch from the band that when their set started we got thunder and lightings and when they ended sun started to shine again :lol:

As you said, it's a matter of tastes but I like the way you see the Simen's work.

I said 'his worst' cause I like so much more Bork, Arcturus, Lamented Souls and Code than Dimmu.

Garm has a very special voice, as you can hear with Ulver, Borknagar and Arcturus.

BTW, Garm played live with Arcturus once, at 95 for a promotional AHS gig, but I can't find a bootleg. I read an interview once about Garm and he said he doesn't like to sing live, but he's totally capable to do it and I believe him.

The Chaos Path is an outstanding song.. well the whole LMI album is incredible but my fav track is Ad Astra... Sverd did on that song something no other keyboardist on black/relatives metal has done. When someone ask me about symphonic (black) metal, I show that song and the listener's mind blows always. The same goes with Star Crossed and The Fall Of Man.

About the Simen-then-Dimmu fans, here the most of people responses to that rule, being their fav songs like mine.

SS has grown on me like no other album and now I think it's majestic like all Arcturus albums, but the soundwise is great/horrible at the same time. I like a lot that dark/spacy atmosphere (SFP, NVR, ECD are awesome on that) but it's hard to hear all and each instruments sometimes, specially the keys. SFP and ECD are incredible on keys, specially ECD. I play some keys too and sometimes is a pain in the ass trying to play that songs with that awful sound.

I'm waiting for the new Code album and the Bork guest vocals...and the SS remaster!!! I need it!!!


PD: CoB sucks a lot!! XDDD
To Heartless_Name(can I call you Joe?) : I was trolling about Garm being better than Vortex. Even if I prefer Garm, Vortex remains an incredible vocalist with such power, I REALLY got scared first time I heard Dimmu's Progenies live, I never expected him to have such power in his voice.
:lol: Yes, you can call me Joe. And :lol: I agree, his voice live is really great, I was worried that it wouldn't be as good and then I would have been really disappointed but luckily that was not the case. Every Dimmu Show I've been to I have always been on the gate right in front of him the entire show.
About Borknagar, I can't compare. Both vocalists era are so different, to each his favorite. I think "The Olden Domain" is their best, but again, Vortex era was really good, so is the Vintersorg era.
Yeah, that is true... they all have a different sound and did well so it depends on your tastes... I just think that more black metal fans tend to prefer Garm/the earlier stuff and everyone else loves Vortex/Vintersorg. In my opinion, Empiricism is Borknagar's best CD, but TAC is my personal favourite.

About Arcturus, I think that Vortex is awesome on his songs and Garm on his. Garm wouldnt sing "The Chaos Path" as well as Vortex and vice-versa.

Well, I don't know, on the Shipwrecked in Oslo DVD Simen sings a few Garm-era songs and does incredibly well, so much so that I actually prefer them to the studio version (Ad Absurdum, Nightmare Heaven, etc). But that is just a personal thing I guess. I can't picture Garm singing Evacuation Code Deciphered or Chaos Path and doing well :lol:

And I don't think Garm's voice is fake. Sure, it wouldnt sound as good as the album version because it is so much re-worked and stuff, but until we don't hear new stuff from him(that old ulver video doesnt count, believe me) we can't really judge. But I gotta agree that live Simen is awesome and Garm would look ridiculous next to him.

When I said fake, I meant like you said, he edits it too much in the studio and adds so much to make it sound a certain way. I am sure he can sing, just not as good as he portrays his voice on the CDs.

(BTW rumors(lol) says that Garm singed live in 2004 with The Gathering, can you believe it? Lawl...) /r/ proofs nao
There's always those rumours, and never any proof. It's not really fair for him to create music then never perform it and give bullshit reasons as why he doesn't... I think I remember he said "Music is a personal thing, and I like people to enjoy it at home" or some bullshit. I think it's an ignorant thing to make music people love then never play it for them live, concerts are a big part of people's lives. Plus he's just being stupid by losing out on a lot of money, he has a huge earning potential if he played live. Something is suspicious.
how tall are you? vortex seems like he's a giant:lol:
I'm 5'9'', average height... but yeah he is a fucking giant :lol:

I agree with you about the music. BM and similar has never been problem for me as a music. I really don't care attention in lyrics in general and I'm not religious person at all. But people who listened it in Finland in 90s were so serious about it. It was more a lifestyle than just music, and I know that they weren't satanist or burning churches, but they certainly knew how to make girls cry (generalization, but I didn't knew any nice BM listener back then all them were more or less assholes). Nowadays it's much more relaxed people can actually listen BM as a music only it doesn't have to be lifestyle and so serious. But also I have to admit that bands appearance means something to me, I'm rather visual person and tend to see things in my mind so if band is not visually appealing to me, music has to be close to epic to get me interested :p.

I don't know how it's there in Canada but in Finland older folks still consider pretty much all people wearing black leather coats satanist. It all started after those church burnings it was so big thing here. We actually had this "BM is from satan" education in schools :zombie:.
Their music is epic imo, but you can't let old stigma from past events or stupid assholes ruin the music for you, trust me... to be honest, I love metal, but I hate metalheads, they are mostly huge fucking idiots and it embarrasses me. They give us such a bad name sometimes. And as far as old people thinking you worship satan, who gives a fuck what people that ignorant think, unless they are your boss. :p I can say that Dimmu came out in the late 90's, and I don't think they were ever even apart of that whole church burning bullshit drama, but they may have gottne lumped in, who knows.

I saw Dimmu live last summer in Sauna Open Air Metal Festival here in my hometown. And it was great at live for sure. It was nice touch from the band that when their set started we got thunder and lightings and when they ended sun started to shine again :lol:
:lol: That is pretty cool, lucky bastard!


i think vortex is a pretty cool guy, eh hits joe and doesnt afraid of anything
:lol:! Nice... tell me what program you used.
i think MetalClint0nLS is a pretty cool guy. eh trolls badly and doesn't afraid of anything.
:lol: That he does.

I said 'his worst' cause I like so much more Bork, Arcturus, Lamented Souls and Code than Dimmu.
Yes, I understand.
Garm has a very special voice, as you can hear with Ulver, Borknagar and Arcturus.

Yes, he has a good voice, but when he tries to do his uber-black metal shit I hate it. I really do love his clean singing on Arcturus and Ulver.

BTW, Garm played live with Arcturus once, at 95 for a promotional AHS gig, but I can't find a bootleg. I read an interview once about Garm and he said he doesn't like to sing live, but he's totally capable to do it and I believe him.

I don't believe him, I think he would be like Vintersorg live, only far worse. Missing keys and just being totally off his performance. I think he can sing, but he is just unable to make his songs sound the way they do on the album that is why he doesn't do live shows, that plus the fact he probably can't be bothers to live life on the road for a while. As far as saying he sang live, until I see proof, I won't believe it, I've heard far too many rumours :lol:
The Chaos Path is an outstanding song.. well the whole LMI album is incredible but my fav track is Ad Astra... Sverd did on that song something no other keyboardist on black/relatives metal has done. When someone ask me about symphonic (black) metal, I show that song and the listener's mind blows always. The same goes with Star Crossed and The Fall Of Man.
Star Crossed :kickass:.. And yes, those songs rule too but I just love the epicness of TCP and it's a nice slow song.

SS has grown on me like no other album and now I think it's majestic like all Arcturus albums, but the soundwise is great/horrible at the same time. I like a lot that dark/spacy atmosphere (SFP, NVR, ECD are awesome on that) but it's hard to hear all and each instruments sometimes, specially the keys. SFP and ECD are incredible on keys, specially ECD. I play some keys too and sometimes is a pain in the ass trying to play that songs with that awful sound.
Yes, it is an incredible CD with shit production, I hate those fucking beeps... and it is a little hard to hear some of the instrument tracks on some songs but I still live SS so much. You know, you're right about the keys and all I can say is, I hope Steinar gets his inspiration back so Arcturus can reform and make a new album!!!!!!!!

I'm waiting for the new Code album and the Bork guest vocals...and the SS remaster!!! I need it!!!
Me too, we should get the first two between November and February so that isn't too far away, no clue when the SS remaster will be done though, I wouldn't expect it for a few years... I would rather see the new Lamented Souls album come out, or his solo work first.
I have always wanted to make gifs, like I can make them from a movie clip but I always want to create them from scratch and just never got the hang of it.
wtf :lol:

Google: i needed a baseball bat
Paint: I dont remember what i did with it but it was easier than photoshop for something :lol:
Photoshop: shooping the bat on v0r73x
GIF animator: Importing all the pics and setting the delay etc

Yeah, complicated :lol:

EDIT: Man, making gifs is easier than finding free porn

Vortex really needs to be able to sing more in Dimmu :Smug: I look forward to each song to hear Simen's lovely voice :lol: It makes every song SO MUCH BETTER.
Vortex really needs to be able to sing more in Dimmu :Smug: I look forward to each song to hear Simen's lovely voice :lol: It makes every song SO MUCH BETTER.

Here's a list of all the songs he sings in, incase you were wondering, I made one of these by hand (or rather by going through every song) then like 3 days later I found a youtube vid with the same list.... >_>

The Insight & The Catharsis
Dreamside Dominions
Arcane Lifeforce Mysteria
Kings of The Carnival Creation
Hybrid Stigmata
Progenies of the Great Apocalypse
Allehelgens Død I Helveds Rike
The Serpentine Offering
The Sacrilegious Scorn
The Invaluable Darkness
Burn in Hell

And yeah, I wish he did sing more in Dimmu but he has only sang less and less since joining the band... DCA he has like 2 songs I think with short parts then in ISD he has 3, but they're even shorter.

EDIT: Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia is by far my favourite CD just because of all the tracks he actually sings on.
My soul's ablazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Inflamed with rage and isolated in whirlwinds of HAET
My soul's ablaze, Yet camouflaged in the haze.
My soul's ablazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...


Simens is epic. You already know my opinion on him, so I won't post a book but only one word will suffice: epic.