Vortex Appreciation Thread

It's his fault that Arcturus aren't still in existence, I can never forgive him for that.

Wtf are you talking about, :lol: He told me the reason when I met him buuuuuuuuuut here is something from an interview just to prove I'm not pulling shit from my ass:

Well, speaking of Arcturus, everyone knows you guys broke up. What happened? Was it just a scheduling thing?
Were you in Australia?

No, just once word gets out...

Yeah. I mean, Steiner, he does 97% of the music almost. He, I don’t know, has no inspiration, these days. I mean, that can come back again, I’m sure. He’s always been like that too; there’s been huge gaps in between every album.

Is there a chance the band can come back?

I don’t know. I mean, we’re still friends and all. We don’t hang out, or anything. But we’re friends and there’s no hard feelings and we all feel proud of each other, you know, with the albums and stuff. I was actually emailing the label manager for Arcturus because I want to do some remixing on that album. I think that’s very unprofessional to say because when people like an album you should just shut up, plus you grow fond of production anyway, if you like an album. But I want to do something about it, I’m not sure if that’s going to happen or not, but I think the album deserves that. We’ll see what happens. I mean, I’m super proud of it but I need a little bit more production on there.

Sauce = http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/interviews/395094-ics-vortex-so-many-bands-so-little-time.html

(And *ahem* I took that picture myself and gave it to the guy who did the interview... eventhough his interview kind of sucks, I got more information from him when we hung out)

To everyone, anything bad you say about Simens, he'll find a way to prove you wrong :p.

:lol: No, I am fair and open about discussion. I will admit the Dane thing, he does have a unique voice, unfortunately it is one that I simply cannot get into, same with the Opeth guy... although I will concede that the Opeth dude can actually sing well.
^ Alright, it did sound pretty good. I guess he should quit the Burghers (lol) after I heard that. I've disliked the band for awhile.

Yeah I totally agree, he should quit the band because you don't happen to like them... :rolleyes:

No... wait..

I dont know.. I never disliked Vortex's vocals, but they never really hit me in a way so as i would seek out more of his music, in fact, i think i dislike most of it. I dont like DImmu borgir, and i don't like that, whatever circus music band, whatever it was. Though i think i like Borknagar. Just never really listened that much to it.

I guess, Vortex is for Joe as Devin Townsend is to me :p
I dont know.. I never disliked Vortex's vocals, but they never really hit me in a way so as i would seek out more of his music, in fact, i think i dislike most of it. I dont like DImmu borgir, and i don't like that, whatever circus music band, whatever it was. Though i think i like Borknagar. Just never really listened that much to it.

I guess, Vortex is for Joe as Devin Townsend is to me :p

:lol: I like Devin Townsend but I feel the exact same way about him as you feel about Vortex. SYL was one of the bands that got me into metal, but I never really got more of his work, like his stuff with TDTB and whatever else he has done, just wasn't motivated enough to. But I can see how if, you aren't into his voice, then you would feel that way. It's a unique voice, but once you get into it you're hooked and run around screaming OOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO when you fap :lol:

But you have to admit :lol: If Simen and Devin were placed in a fight to the death, Townsend would get his neck snapped quite fast :lol:
I am wondering though, do you like his voice, do you hate it?

I have never really been into any of his bands, Dimmu being only one that I have ever listened more that just "let's check out this bands myspace". And I have personal problem with Dimmu's appearance which prevents me listening them more... I really like Vortex's voice though and it's one of my favorite vocalist.
:no flame or any intention:
he is cool i like his voice i never listened to anyting he did besides dimmu
and i think they really neglect his bass sound in the mix
I have never really been into any of his bands, Dimmu being only one that I have ever listened more that just "let's check out this bands myspace". And I have personal problem with Dimmu's appearance which prevents me listening them more... I really like Vortex's voice though and it's one of my favorite vocalist.

:lol: Why do you care what their appearance is? :lol: They're CLEARLY a joke band in terms of their OMGHAILSTAN attitude. They don't take it seriously, at least most of them don't, you know. They are Norwegian, and most Norwegians I know are anti-Christianity or if not, they are at least open minded and frown upon the 'blindness' of people who follow organized religions without using their own brains. So I think they build upon that and make it into a huge theatrical thing. They have to make money afterall, and that shit sells. Their music is superb imo, and it only got better when Vortex and Mustis joined the band on the SBD album. As far as his voice though if you like it, you should check out his work with Arcturus/Lamented Souls where he does only clean vocals (well mostly). 'The Archaic Course' in Borknagar is another album in which his clean vocals are sublime. I can't wait until he releases the solo stuff he has been working on for years. I think in another 5 years or so it should be out.
:no flame or any intention:
he is cool i like his voice i never listened to anyting he did besides dimmu
and i think they really neglect his bass sound in the mix

Bass is the easiest instrument to neglect unless it's put out front like in Symphony X, Black Sabbath, etc... I will admit in terms of a bass player, he is nothing special... unless you take into account he plays a bass that is the size of an average person. It's fucking huge.
it doesn't matter what size or scale his bass is its all about the sound in the end and as bassist my self for me it is important to hear good heavy punch.
from what i heard he has good enough skills to bring that punch its not like he fucks it up like many many other bassists out there
it doesn't matter what size or scale his bass is its all about the sound in the end and as bassist my self for me it is important to hear good heavy punch.
from what i heard he has good enough skills to bring that punch its not like he fucks it up like many many other bassists out there

Yes, true. I didn't say bass wasn't important or that he wasn't a good bass player, I just meant the average person, myself included, will focus on the bass track the least and that Simen, while he can play well, certainly is not an innovator/virtuoso in the field.
Well in Dimmu's newer stuff the bass is much more prominent as they go for a thicker, heavier sound nowadays. Pretty much the typical use of doublekick from the drums in time with muted notes from the guitars for that extra punch though.
:lol: Why do you care what their appearance is? :lol: They're CLEARLY a joke band in terms of their OMGHAILSTAN attitude. They don't take it seriously, at least most of them don't, you know.
I know I know, it goes back to time when churches were burning, all metal bands from Norway was consider satanist and only really tr00 guys were listening it (it was big thing here in Finland back then). I found all that black leather, weird names and black metal bands way too funny back then (I was more into WASP, Iron Maiden etc. and didn't take music that seriously) and I had some bad experiences with people who didn't find Norwegian black metal funny at all. Laughing was just not allowed. So even now I get this weird nervous feeling when listening music from bands which appearance remains black metal bands, so I don't listen them it just ruins m day. It might be difficult to understand what I mean, black metal scene is so different now days that it was in the 90s. But enough about my old shit and problems...I will check out those other bands :)
Thanks to Heartless, he introduced me to more of Simen's stuff outside of Dimmu Borgir, such as Arcturus and Borknagar :kickass: I have become quite the fan of Vortex's epic voice. Still need to check out <Code> and his stuff with Lamented Souls.

And on the debate on who was the better vocalist in Arcturus, I will say they all were great, at least on record. Joe will disagree with me on this but I think that "La masquerade infernale" was their best album MUSICALLY. That was one unique album! Still, Sideshow Symphonies comes very close, followed by The Sham Mirrors.