Wacken 2002

Fjell, cant remember if you already have said it but; how are you traveling? (me Scream buss...)
Ill arive at Thursday to...
and will trye to camp at camp B... since alot of ppl i know are staying there :)
oh! and btw! Fjelltussa, Blackspirit, Lordenlil(or who ever from norway that drop by here): do you know about someone who want to bye a wacken trip? :) cus i got a seat on the scream buss for sale...
well, its not mine ticket thats for sale :)
its a friend of mine, she is selling it cus she has broke up with the guy she was going with... wich allso is a friend of mine :\ ...
Umm, some little question: Does one need a Wacken ticket just to enter the Camping area, or is it only needed when one gets a wristband to enter the festival area? It's urgent to be sure about that, but I cannot remember from the last times I was there :(

Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
@Somber Soul: Yeah, it'll be very empty... :cry:

We still have us, though!
Originally posted by Karldin
I'm going with the Scream bus as well, but I need
some advice on how to get from Steinkjer to Oslo for as little
money as possible. What's best, train, bus, plane?

im from trondheim and im also going with the scream bus. im going to oslo by plane.

although going by train is possibly a little cheaper. but after the last incident that occured last time i travelled by train, im not taking that chance again.

in may i were going to the decibel festival in sweden, and i was supposed to go by this festivalbus from oslo. so i took the night-train from trondheim to oslo, but the damn train broke down and arrived in oslo 3 hours late.. the festivalbus had of course left by then..
but nsb have nice service and put me in a taxi to sweden :)
3 hours drive and 5000 kr i taxi money.
thats service!
i missed katatonia though :(

however, for my hometrip, im going by the night train from oslo. since we're coming to oslo on sunday evening, there are no planes going to trondheim before 6 o'clock the next morning. ive granted me the luxury of a 3 mans room with a bed though. after 1354 hours in bus i dont wanna sit for another 8 hours.

cant wait for wacken, only 9 days left :D
Originally posted by Karldin
@ Hellspawn: I'm going with the Scream bus as well, but I need
some advice on how to get from Steinkjer to Oslo for as little
money as possible. What's best, train, bus, plane?
well the cheapest way to get to oslo would be by train... that was my orginal plan.. going by night train down to olso and night train up again... you could get tickets for as little as 800kr!! and that is for both ways together! :) but then I got my plane tickets for free, so Ill be going by plane :)

just check out www.nsb.no ... and when you are to choose what kind of ticket type you want... just trye different stuff... and see whats cheapest...

bang and Karldin, we gotta meet up in oslo or at the scream buss then? :)