Wacken- who will be there

Morticia NL. said:
Thanks AnTzOR, it was not the whole show, but good quality!!!
The funny thing is that I was standing right next to Yossi as he was doing the interview.

Anyone found more material on the net?

[dutch mode]

Hij kan wel in een smiths reclame - welkom op het wokkel festival :D

[/dutch mode]
hahaa- dat viel me ook op ja. Zal eens kijken of er geld uit te slepen valt: gitaarsponsor, snaarsponsor, chipssponsor? Al hebben ze liever een sponsor voor stroopwafels ( maar die rol heb ik al):)

Op het moment dat jij het over Pietje had kon het ook niet missen dat je nederlands bent.:goggly:
What are stroopwafels? Are they waffles or something like that? Leggo my Eggo mofos!
Yeah- I remember meeting the redhead 4 sure :)

Stroopwafels, I got some friends in Israel hooked on those. They are cookies, with caramel syrup in the middle. Very tasty. It is a trademark thing from the city of Gouda ( also famous for its cheese) I live 10 miles from Gouda and when I go there I usually have a stroopwafel as a snack. they sell them extra large- still warm yummie yummie!

So second hand weed smoke gets you high too? I gotta go to Amsterdam and find a Sturbucks!
I've never had hash brownies since I don't really eat chocolate, but I did make cake mix a few times with some green in it.
I also want to find a porn booth just for the hell of it. Whatever else is illegal here but legal there, I will do and tell the American officials at the airport all about it because there is nothing they can do about it:goggly:
TOURISTS- this is why I hate Amsterdam!
People go there thinking they have been to Holland, thinking this is the way Dutch pple live and what's even worse; they tell all their friends about the 'illegal'stuff you can do in Amsterdam.

If anyone is coming over and want to see the real Holland, you can contact me.
I know Dutch people don't live like that. All the stoned people are probably Americans. But I don't just want to go there for the weed. Even though it is illegal here, it's not too hard to get a hold of. I also have no problem getting some painkillers. I doubt there's really too many other things there that are legal there but illegal here.
I never said the rest of Holland is like Amsterdam...I've been to other cities and the countryside in Holland...Actually the nicest people I saw were in the Netherlands...so calm so peaceful...I was in Gouda too...baught tons of cheese there
In Belguim though people weren't so nice...aspecially in the french cities
Metal head87 said:
I know Dutch people don't live like that. All the stoned people are probably Americans. But I don't just want to go there for the weed. Even though it is illegal here, it's not too hard to get a hold of. I also have no problem getting some painkillers. I doubt there's really too many other things there that are legal there but illegal here.

Well, absinthe is legal all over Europe as far as I know. Absinthe isn't too hard for me to get anyway. It's kind of expensive but I love it.
I like Underberg better even though it doesn't get you quite as wasted as absinthe does.

I heard weed is legal in france too.
Absinthe is legal since a couple of years. I bought some real good absinthe in Israel ( tax free) when I was there, it is a lot cheaper than it is overhere.

Sorry for ranting about Amsterdam, I really hate that city. I think it is the cause for bad talk about Holland abroad. Imagine being Dutch and meeting someone abroad and the only thing pple can talk about is weed and hookers. Not the sort of thing you would want your homeland to be known for...
paradoxile said:
I tried Chocomel too...you dutch people like everything so sweet
that's way way sweeter than the chocolate milk in Israel

I like our chocolate milk :)

Metal head87 said:
So second hand weed smoke gets you high too? I gotta go to Amsterdam and find a Sturbucks!

good luck getting high there :)

Morticia NL. said:
If anyone is coming over and want to see the real Holland, you can contact me.

where would you take them, zaanse schans? :lol:

Metal head87 said:
I heard weed is legal in france too.

It's not. We get a lot of drug tourism from France (and Germany, and Belgium, and the UK...). Chirac (French Prime Minister) has been whining about our drugs policy for ages now, if he had his way it would be illegal here too. I hope it's never going to happen that there will be a EU-law for it, making it illegal....

Morticia, Amsterdam to me is easily the greatest city in The Netherlands. Of course there are a lot of tourists, but if you don't like that you can go to plenty of places where there are none. Jordaan, Oud Zuid... and for going out, there are plenty of bars without any tourists at all. I love Amsterdam. But yeah, sometimes I get annoyed by the tourists too. A few years ago, I lived in the Red Light District of Amsterdam (right in front of the Old Church), there is a house for students there. I still go there a lot. There are a lot of English going here for a weekend, they don't even book a hotel. sometimes it's for a bachelor party. They just come and drink and blow their brains out for a few days, and because in the UK all bars close so early they are already totally wasted in the afternoon. I can't count the times I've seen some English dude lying knock out on one of the stairs at the houses at the Oudezijds Achterburgwal...