wadda ya listen except metal?


Jun 1, 2002
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sometimes I listen to different things
for example
rock'n'roll (u know, swing, jive, etc..)
classical music ( bach, mozart, orff..)
ethnic music
jazz/blues (not often)

and I like M. Jackson's old songs, like thriller!

what do u listen except metal?
Classical : Bach, Dvorak, Strauss, Brahms...

Jazz: Jean Luc Ponty, Kazumi Watanabe, Diana Krall
Stuff: Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd, Portishead...

A lot of different stuff
i used to listen so many different kinds(including metal) in the past years,in my junior high school days(Vivaldi, Depeche Mode,80's slows,U2,some hardrock bands and many others)..but the truth is that, metal is what i am only into now..

Well theres so much, but Id say mainly old school hardcore and punk (DRI /MDC /Circle Jerks /JFA / DK's / Exploited (the BEST punk band ever) /GBH, etc
However, I also enjoy stuff like Zeppelin, The Doors, ZAPPA, Captain Beefheart, Greatful Dead, Lisa Germano, Jerry Cantrell, Suzanne Vega, almost any old folk bands like America and CSN&Y
certain movie soundtracks like Raiders of the Lost Ark, Empire Strikes Back, Halloween, Amityville Horror, Conan the Barbarian and Animal House. I love that really old rock n roll stuff too like Buddy Holly and Sam Cooke
I also like jazz, blues, funk, some bluegrass, swing and dixieland, some older hardcore rap and lets see, just about any and every older rock band aside from Meatloaf, Bob Seger, Bob Dylan, Bad Company and The Who (blech!)
I dont think theres any newer "rock" bands I like at all LOL
Oh yeah, cant forget all that great early 80's cheezy sometimes obscure sometimes popular alternative pop rock!
W/o thrash, I like Stuck Mojo or Sevendust -- they sound better to me than, say, Machine Head but are lumped into the same group - rapmetal.

Those two are the only ones I can think of that I like.
I agree with most of that comments

I listen those, too.

but when I look at metal, I wanna see only metal
not nu-metal, rap-metal, pop-metal, techno-metal, shit-metal, fuck-metal 'bla bla bla...
I wanna hear fuckin pure metal!
so, I do love Testament
I believe they fuckin rock forever..

and I do love old rock bands like led zeppelin, deep purple, yardbirds, the who, jethro tull, the doors...

well, what about Wagner?
I'm ambivalent between his music and his ideology..