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Review of SENTENCED - Crimson

This is one of those albums that you kind of have to make yourself sit through in one listen, fighting the urge to maybe turn it off and put on something a bit happier. DON'T DO IT! Keep listening, and I guarantee that by the end of the disc, you'll hit 'repeat' and want to do it all over again. This is also one of those discs that I'd bet a dollar just keeps getting better with age, not unlike PARADISE LOST’S Draconian Times, which sits comfortably next to this on your metal shelf. In fact, when you’re done here, go read that review too.

Yes, it falls into a similar vein as Paradise Lost: dark, moody, incredibly catchy and rhythmic hooks, somber, suicidal lyrics and a depressed, haunted atmosphere. But goddamn this is a good rock album. I really hesitate to classify this as metal, because it's not really. Sure, there’s loud, driving guitars-a-plenty, and metallic melodies permeate the whole record, but this just ain't metal. It's damn good though. The true “must own” quality of this album can be seen on tracks 4 through 7. They are the golden nugget at the epicenter of this delicious gem of a disc; "Broken," "Killing Me, Killing You," (my fave on the album) "Dead Moon Rising" and "No More Beating as One" are all very strong songs. Throw in the opener, "Bleed in My Arms" and the gorgeous, lilting "The River," and you've got a memorable album with hooks that sink their teeth in you and don’t let go.

I can see many, many different types of musical tastes getting into this album. If you're a fan of melody and good music, you really ought to give this a try. Now if JayKeeley would only give me my copy back so I could enjoy this again…

Rating 10/10
Reviewer Markgugs


Where is that fool these days?
i gotta say, in retrospect almost all of our writing was shit

then again, what was the "competition" at the time? satan stole my teddybear?