WANTED: Drinking Buddies

Wyvern said:
Oh btw, next time we have an alcohol party I will really like to mix the drinks. I have lots of ingredients and formulas but not test subjects to try.

Oh and somebody bring please the Cayenne pepper, I need to prepare a Hell :D

I'm up for that Vern. I could go to Thailand or South America and eat just about anything that's offered. One of my favorite snacks is chilli paste (the Chinese brand with the rooster on the bottle) and soda crackers. I love hot stuff, unless it's mixed with Bacardi 151. There is a drink that is tobasco sauce and 151 that I tried. The tobasco sauce was fine, Bacardi 151 tastes like pure shit. I came so closed to puking after drinking that shit.

JonnyD said:
May 13th or the 16th cant quite remember now which will Mark my 7th year without a alcoholic beverage.. I myself am a Alcoholic so you can guess where I am going with that :grin: but I do Smoke a TON of pot and try to keep it at that I have done more Acid than I can remember and have no plans on ever doing it again hahaha and if crack/cocaine(powder/rock SATAN) gets in my path Lookthefuckout! I try really hard not to be at the same place at the same time as that just anotherthing I cant get enough of once I get going ... I have an addictive personality I can easily get hooked on anything .... What was the topic?:loco:


Thats hows its done, motherfucker!
Bryant said:
I'm up for that Vern. I could go to Thailand or South America and eat just about anything that's offered. One of my favorite snacks is chilli paste (the Chinese brand with the rooster on the bottle) and soda crackers. I love hot stuff, unless it's mixed with Bacardi 151. There is a drink that is tobasco sauce and 151 that I tried. The tobasco sauce was fine, Bacardi 151 tastes like pure shit. I came so closed to puking after drinking that shit.



I can't stand tabasco so I'll probbaly would have puked due to that. Waht's the big deal about Bacardi 151, special rum?

Try a Hecatomb = vodka, rose wine and brandy (don't know the mix, just the ingredients).
#1_Droogie said:
some time ago, a friend told me that a mix of Red Bull and dirty V kills :ill: .....can anybody shed some light on this rumor?

Don't know what dirty V is, but mixes usually are no good. My best advice don't try anthing more complex than Coke and chocolate icecream.
Wyvern said:
Waht's the big deal about Bacardi 151, special rum?
It's like the regular Bacardi, Wyv, but it's 151 proof rum. That's almost double the amount of alcohol in regular Bacardi. The only two more high-powered brews that I am aware of are vodkas Double Tvarsky (180 proof) and Everclear (190 proof). I danced with them all back in the days of my youth!

I still love to catch my buzz, but I only drink beer. Hard alcohol tends to sneak up on me and hit me with a stupid-stick. With beer, I know where my buzz is and I can maintain control of my faculties.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
It's like the regular Bacardi, Wyv, but it's 151 proof rum. That's almost double the amount of alcohol in regular Bacardi. The only two more high-powered brews that I am aware of are vodkas Double Tvarsky (180 proof) and Everclear (190 proof). I danced with them all back in the days of my youth!

I still love to catch my buzz, but I only drink beer. Hard alcohol tends to sneak up on me and hit me with a stupid-stick. With beer, I know where my buzz is and I can maintain control of my faculties.

Proof is just double of real alcohol (ethanol) %. So 190 proof is 95% alcohol...so whatever Everclear is it should be banned.
When the concentration of ethanol goes beyond 50% it became very toxic, in the sense the body cannot process it at a reasonable rate for a merely hangover, but for a bad intoxication.

Actually in small doses the human body can process reasonable good ethanol only based beverages, because is oxidized to acetaldehyde in the liver and incorporate in the acetyl-CoA metabolism. Sadly other components of the booze like aldehydes, esters, higher alcohols and especially the very dangerous methanol (smallest alcohol) are not process and become highly toxic. Methanol is outlawed in beverages since it causes blindness, CNS depression and death.
Yeah, unless your making a large and potent batch of some mixed drink, stay away from Everclear and 151. Its real easy to poison yourself with that shit.

Also for your information, a Redbull & Vodka is a bitches drink, so dont order one unless its for your date. Stick to beer, scotch, or gin.
Wyvern said:
Proof is just double of real alcohol (ethanol) %. So 190 proof is 95% alcohol...so whatever Everclear is it should be banned.
When the concentration of ethanol goes beyond 50% it became very toxic, in the sense the body cannot process it at a reasonable rate for a merely hangover, but for a bad intoxication.

Actually in small doses the human body can process reasonable good ethanol only based beverages, because is oxidized to acetaldehyde in the liver and incorporate in the acetyl-CoA metabolism. Sadly other components of the booze like aldehydes, esters, higher alcohols and especially the very dangerous methanol (smallest alcohol) are not process and become highly toxic. Methanol is outlawed in beverages since it causes blindness, CNS depression and death.

Trust me, Wyv, ain't no way anyone could straight shot Bacardi 151, Double Tvarsky or Everclear on a repetitive basis. I've seen some hardcore guys do a couple of shots back-to-back and most of them puked. The body can't handle that much poison at once. All three of the above are mixing brews only.

We used 151 with Coke but we had to dilute it so much it probably didn't have any more effect than the regular Bacardi did (we just drank more soda). Having a bottle of 151 was all about the "prestige". I actually started out partying at age 17 on Tvarsky Double and whatever kool-aid our mothers had in the cupboard. It was really cheap and one bottle would get six of us buzzed, four of us drunk, and three of us shitfaced on the floor. It was all about economics when none of us had jobs! Now Everclear, the pure grain alcohol, we only used that for major parties. It wasn't even available in Idaho so we had to drive to Wyoming to get it, and then we'd bring it back home and add several bottles to a garbage can full of kool-aid mixed with random sections of fruit. It was called JUNGLE JUICE and it always made one hell of a fun party!
I remember those jungle juice parties in the Army...Well no I didn't! Hahaha!
Hey droogie next time try Red Bull with Smirnoff Green Apple Twist vodka that is
a real good party starting drink! Or a Jager-bomb with red bull and Jagermeister in
it. The shot of champions! Please drink responsibly.(pfft!)
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Trust me, Wyv, ain't no way anyone could straight shot Bacardi 151, Double Tvarsky or Everclear on a repetitive basis. I've seen some hardcore guys do a couple of shots back-to-back and most of them puked. The body can't handle that much poison at once. All three of the above are mixing brews only.

Exactly my point. Above 50% ethanol content (supposing not much by-products) the body can't hold it even in small doses (let's say 2-3 fingers high).

Our national distillate guaro is just pure sugar cane alcohol and water. Very popular, not much expensive and of course guilty of the high drunk statistics of the country. Personally never like it, smells like pharmacy alcohol and tastes ugly. For that matters I go with vodka and orange juice, a well diluted Screwdriver sip it slowly along a sensible time. No euphoria, pretty much alright to drive and no hangovers.

Or better yet 3-4 Cokes. Lots of burping, pee like crazy, no DIU, no hangovers (very bad for an empty stomach nevertheless).:grin:
haha, whenever i go to my cousins' weddings on my dad's side of the family, i always get my cool uncle to get me like 4 rum and cokes.....theyre delicious :tickled: