Was it Worth it?

"Red-blooded" as adjective: high-spirited and strong-willed; vigorous, lusty, etc.

Daaaamn I'm getting a feeling the album is gonna put a smile on our perverted faces. The last two albums were mostly all about the negative energy vibes, except for the Blooddrunk melody etc. What I'm hearing in Shovel Knockout seems electric. Too much melody and party feel can also result in happy hippy songs and that we don't want either, so a good balance is the key. Aggression can also come with joy in heart. Maybe the artwork features a guy murdering his victims with a sick smile on face :D *pours ice inside pants*

So much for the "satanic" aka atmospheric, somber etc. album :lol:
And at this point you cant take COB serious with musci video in forests etc. Now COB is party band :D which makes ne laugh. And yeah i despise deathcore and shit like that.. in fact true metalheads looks to COB as gay shit.. thats the reality.
in fact true metalheads looks to COB as gay shit.. thats the reality.
Those "trve" "metalheads" are nothing but pretentious faggots.

In fact I've introduced CoB to many of my friends and they all find something cool for themselves in it and no-one has said so far that it sucks.

I doubt you'd get such replys when showing Burzum (oh wait, that's mainstream shite by "trve" standards) to people.
Doubt that burzum is mainstream. and i'm sure that someone would find something cool in burzum.
Doubt that burzum is mainstream. and i'm sure that someone would find something cool in burzum.

Most "trve" black metallers are much like hipsters. Elitist dweebs, who picture themselves on a pjedestal of music knowledge which actually means that they dismiss anything that gets over a 1000 views on YouTube as mainstream sellout crap.

People who have something bad to say about obviously talented bands are fucking retarded. You can say that you don't like some band, but calling CoB "gay shit" is just dinkydebbie dumb.
Most "trve" black metallers are much like hipsters. Elitist dweebs, who picture themselves on a pjedestal of music knowledge which actually means that they dismiss anything that gets over a 1000 views on YouTube as mainstream sellout crap.

People who have something bad to say about obviously talented bands are fucking retarded. You can say that you don't like some band, but calling CoB "gay shit" is just dinkydebbie dumb.

i agree with you. But just saying that there are persons like that too. And all thoes who call skaters gay shit etc. should look from this point of view.
oh well i guess stereotypes arent so wrong after all... stupid people are just stupid. gay troll:Smug:
Most "trve" black metallers are much like hipsters. Elitist dweebs, who picture themselves on a pjedestal of music knowledge which actually means that they dismiss anything that gets over a 1000 views on YouTube as mainstream sellout crap.

There's a vast difference between "trve" black metaller, and a true black metaller. "Trves" as you describe have nothing to do with true black metal listeners who hold the atmosphere and the message of black metal the highest priority. "Trves" listen, or claim to listen only to black metal, because they want to seem "cool", and usually have no idea what black metal is about. It's not about corpse paint, shitty production and simple riffs. Although those are characteristics to a lot of good and true black metal bands, black metal is not about them. True black metal listeners don't come to internet forums and deliberately start bashing all the bands, that aren't true. They are elitistic enough, as you said, not to care about that, even if they don't like your favourite band. Also, true black metaller usually don't listen only to black metal.

People who have something bad to say about obviously talented bands are fucking retarded. You can say that you don't like some band, but calling CoB "gay shit" is just dinkydebbie dumb.

Dream Theater fucking sucks, am I a retard?

Point is, that you can always respect bands talent, but shitty music sucks, no matter how skilled the musicians are.
I am of course aware that there are people out there who set the true reasons and ideals of Black Metal above all and I can respect that, when they truly enjoy the stuff they're into and are aware of what it's all about without bashing anyone who hasn't heard of some obscure DSBM band. And yes, a true black metaller would not be jerking around, bashing 13 year old boys on the internet.

People who listen to some sort of music to be "cool" are fucking despicable.

Oh and skill doesn't mean talent. You could be the fastest guitar player on the planet, but if you can't write music and only play random scales over and over again, then you suck. No matter how fast you do it.
Oh and skill doesn't mean talent. You could be the fastest guitar player on the planet, but if you can't write music and only play random scales over and over again, then you suck. No matter how fast you do it.

But then again the "People who have something bad to say about obviously talented bands are fucking retarded." makes no sense. That's like saying "People who don't like my favourite band are retards."
But then again the "People who have something bad to say about obviously talented bands are fucking retarded." makes no sense. That's like saying "People who don't like my favourite band are retards."
I wouldn't go calling anyone who has something bad to say about Fear Factory or Godsmack a retard. They just do what they do, and do a decent job, but are in no way the most talented things ever.

Same can be said for Cradle of Filth, Black Label Society and Ensiferum. I can see why people wouldn't like them, but calling them "gay shit" would be just plain stupid, don't you agree?
I wouldn't go calling anyone who has something bad to say about Fear Factory or Godsmack a retard. They just do what they do, and do a decent job, but are in no way the most talented things ever.

Same can be said for Cradle of Filth, Black Label Society and Ensiferum. I can see why people wouldn't like them, but calling them "gay shit" would be just plain stupid, don't you agree?

Yes, but I meant the "talent/skill" thing.
"Something bad to say" was obviously a poor choice of words, nothing else. Of course that relies on your definition of bad, but if it's "this band fucking sucks" then yeah, it's kind of dumb.
COB becoming famous made it a pain in the ass to be a fan. Nowhere can you really say it out loud. It was inevitable for them to become famous because the music is some of the best shit out there but it attracts haters like moths drawn by a lamp, mainly because the vocals are more extreme than a band as famous as COB should have. It's much easier to say "I like Metallica" as they're nothing out of the ordinary.
COB becoming famous made it a pain in the ass to be a fan. Nowhere can you really say it out loud.
I've experienced this many times. I also hate the fact that those haters think that every CoB-fan thinks Alexi as the best guitarist ever. I'm getting used to people who come to me and say "lol alexisexi laho is da shitiest gitarist evah!1!11" because I'm wearing COBHC-Finland t-shirt. In my opinion it's very amusing because I don't think that Alexi isn't the greatest guitarist of all time.
In my opinion it's very amusing because I don't think that Alexi isn't the greatest guitarist of all time.
