Was the 5.4 earthquake a warning for Powerfest?


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Mar 29, 2003
Was that 5.4 earthquake that rattled us at 4:37AM done to shake the midwest to that which is Powerfest? Great PR move guys to wake up the people in the midwest region!:headbang::headbang::headbang:
This is pretty weird, I was under the understanding that earthquakes for the most part didn't happen in this region. Where I grew up we had a quake every year, sometimes 2. Do building in this area have to pass some kind of earthquake inspection around here?


I work in the loop and coworkers in Hyde Park were awakened by it. One of them described it as "My bed started shaking like one of those vibrating ones in the cheap motels!"
All of you (especially in the northern part of IL) must have been above ground to have felt it. I live on the ground floor of my building and felt nothing. I didn't even know we had a quake until I got to work this morning. :lol:

Anyone remember the rattle we had in 2004 or early 2005? I was living in the city at the time and my room was in the attic. Everything was shaking. That scared the ever living crap out of me.