Watch Them Feed

Black Tears said:
Watch them feed reminds me of korn or slipknot w/ anders's new screachy vocals...i hate it...i wish he'd return to his old voice...and as for the guitars...its just a bunch of powerchords, In Flames is capable of much better work
"just a bunch of powerchords" is a very unaccurate and general statement to describe a song, as Watch them Feed is far from being "just a bunch of powerchords". And since when does a powerchord immediately = bad? I hope you know that almost every band uses power chords. If a "nu-metal" band decides to chug the same powerchords over and over for every single song, that would be a bad thing. powerchords do not = bad, its what you do with them determines whether or not its a bad thing. Id much rather hear powerchords used well then single-note picking done badly.
ionian scales and drop D powerchords are good...drop C powerchords are band...BAR chords are good.

you have to admit...i am not trying to be a smartass or anything...but watch them feed is WAY below inflames's capability
and I think many songs off Lunar Strain and something like "Graveland" or "The Jester Race" (except for that awesome intro) are way below In Flames's capability. I don't dissect the songs, how they are played, what type of chords are used, etc.... I listen and decide. I think Watch them Feed is a pretty good song.... not one of their best, but the chorus and guitar breakdown are both awesome.
This is a good song. I wish they would have tossed it onto the next album. If the newer songs sound like this, that would be okay. I just don't want to hear Watch Them Feed twelve times, or however many tracks there are.
SunlapseVertigo said:
and I think many songs off Lunar Strain and something like "Graveland" or "The Jester Race" (except for that awesome intro) are way below In Flames's capability.
You forgot! The whole RTR is way below In Flames' capability and on Lunar Strain you can hear lots of great melodies.:rock:
Steve said:
But we still need them to record in Studio Fredman and have Fredrik as a producer!
Watch Them Feed rules, as does RTR. In fact, I am of the apparently-minority opinion that each and every In Flames album rawks in its own particular way, and as such, it's kinda pointless to cross-compare them, to say, for instance, "RTR should be more like Whoracle" when it is clear that they are no longer musically (that is, with respect to inspiration) capable of going back to that sound, nor, clearly, are they desiring to do this.

I think we'd all enjoy life a lot more if we abandoned some of our pretensions and allowed ourselves to appreciate songs like Watch Them Feed and albums like RTR regardless of whatever Olympian standards we have for what an In Flames song or album should sound like. And if current In Flames just isn't your type of music, that's cool as well, but you can't really blame In Flames for that.
Fathomless said:
Watch Them Feed rules, as does RTR. In fact, I am of the apparently-minority opinion that each and every In Flames album rawks in its own particular way, and as such, it's kinda pointless to cross-compare them, to say, for instance, "RTR should be more like Whoracle" when it is clear that they are no longer musically (that is, with respect to inspiration) capable of going back to that sound, nor, clearly, are they desiring to do this.

I think we'd all enjoy life a lot more if we abandoned some of our pretensions and allowed ourselves to appreciate songs like Watch Them Feed and albums like RTR regardless of whatever Olympian standards we have for what an In Flames song or album should sound like. And if current In Flames just isn't your type of music, that's cool as well, but you can't really blame In Flames for that.

Smartest thing ever said on an In flames forum.
Yeah, so what if it's not as good as before? That's why we all bitch about nu-metal, nothing ever changes. (Okay, maybe that was a bad comparision, but you get the idea right?)

I like the song. Very cool, riff sounded a little nu-metal, but overall the song was good.
if you want some good melodies listen to songs like: artifacts of the black rain, the acoustic medley, jotun, zombie inc., december flower, etc. im sorry, i just dont like the direction in flames is traveling with their music