The Tuborg Sessions Expectations...


Made in Vinnland
Dec 3, 2001
Panama City
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Well, again we have another record but this will be a interesting one, with RTR they changed the direction of the music, more clean voices and no technical solos. I dont want to compared the band with other bands like Soilwork but they are nowdays almost the same. Both bands change the direction with now that Soilwork release FNF they wont change back. It will very interesting to see how In Flames will go.

Watch Then Feed was a nice song, I hope they follow this direction in the new album and come back to Studio Fredman.

They write and record only 11 song? Wow no more and no less thant that?
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Watch Them Feed is alright, but it reminds me of something a band like The Haunted would put out.

My expectations are a good album, nothing more... Nothing less. I don't want another Jester Race, I don't want another R2R... I want another good In Flames album.

I'm sure they wont let me down. They've yet to so far.

The only way they could fuck up is create something like Metallica's St Anger.
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I´m expecting nu-metal influenced guitar passages, more of the now patented emotional vocals, repetition of already used melodies and harmonies but performed in an ALL-NEW nu-metal style (this is very original).

Also, the NEW IN FLAMES will feature the following: AN ALL NEW WARDROBE (brought to you by the ones who did their clothes for R2R), NEW CUSTOM-DESIGNED GEETARS (even more NU-METAL than EVER!), MORE OF ANDERS` FABULOUS AND INNOVATIVE LYRICS, and many many more things.
Well... i couldn't care less...
I liked R2R a lot.. and i really don't care if a band becomes famous, or if its a sell out, as long as i like the music... In Flames rules, no matter how "sell outs" they are.
My buck is they're gonna be recording at Anders Phlat Planet studios...which is fine by me cause anything is better than what the Dug-Out did to them, and Watch them Feed sounded fine production wise (though not as good as Clayman).

But Sic is right...they'll be sure to come up with a new uniform for all of them to wear...maybe clowns or cows?
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Well, i would have thought in flames would be more popular based on old stuff rather than R2R (which is the worst stuff ever), basically its a bad quality version of linkin park. We need more songs like zombie inc, episode 666, and some nice acoustic tracks.
fridaY13th said:
basically its a bad quality version of linkin park

You've never heard anything by Linkin Park.

In Flames does not rap, they don't havea DJ scrath in their music, they have two guitarists who do more than pick a few motes, and they don't have a singer who tries to look likea nerd but just looks like an idiot. They are nothing alike.

Only one song from RTR sounds like Linkin Park, thats Dawn of A New Day.
The guitar-sound and especially the vocals lean more against Korn.
The vocs sound a lot like Jonathan Davis 13-yearoldy computerized voice.
By the way, the biatch who bad repped me earlier on this thread is free to do it again :p
Im expecting a whole new wave of whining ignorant the board that for the CD, it will be great as usual. They need better songs than Watch Them Feed though...which is not great for In Flames, but still great compared to other bands.
U[Sic]M said:
I´m expecting nu-metal influenced guitar passages, more of the now patented emotional vocals, repetition of already used melodies and harmonies but performed in an ALL-NEW nu-metal style (this is very original).

Also, the NEW IN FLAMES will feature the following: AN ALL NEW WARDROBE (brought to you by the ones who did their clothes for R2R), NEW CUSTOM-DESIGNED GEETARS (even more NU-METAL than EVER!), MORE OF ANDERS` FABULOUS AND INNOVATIVE LYRICS, and many many more things.

Will their wardrobe include pope hats?
Well, i was implying Linkin Parks music is more pleasing than the stuff on R2R. I dont believe they "sold out" by making R2R, its not like an album like that would bring them money. The mixing is awful as well... another reason it wouldnt get anywhere
more pleasing...??
come on man i am by no means a huge r2r fan - cept for minus and dark signs, but less pleasing than a Linkin Park album.???
Fuck man wat the hell are u smokin....
:err: :Smokin: :err: