Watershed in perspective of other Opeth albums

I anticipated that Watershed would be a good album, based on the band's progression over the years, but I never thought it would be this damn good (nor did I anticipate it would dethrone my beloved Blackwater Park).

1. Watershed
2. Blackwater Park
3. Ghost Reveries
4. Still Life
5. Damnation
6. Deliverance
7. My Arms Your Hearse
8. Morningrise
9. Orchid
I'm not gonna rank them in order, that's a bit weird.... I took a rather long break from Opeth in general after the magical double-act though, and now I find Watershed to be the most refreshing and downright uplifting (in a Satan way LOL) album I've heard in ages from any angle. Best one for me since MAYH (my first). Get your cock out Mike, etc.
Watershed is amazing, it's incredible. Period. I can't understand how such an album came out from a band whose half lineup has changed. 5 years ago my favorite band used to be In Flames, now I can only laugh at what they're putting up, relative to what Opeth's putting up.

Ghost Reveries - well, for some reason I couldn't get into that album very much, although I appreciated all of its songs individually, I somehow don't appreciate the album as being one of Opeth's best.

I agree with you there, absolutely. Watershed is amazing, excellent and very progressive. Opeth (Mikael) is a genius. PERIOD!
I couldn't get into GR; is not bad, but not like any of the albums.
Too soon to rank Watershed though, it has to compete with Blackwater Park, c'mon! and I personally love Deliverence and of course, Damnation, Morningrise, Orchid, MAYH and Still life, kind of in that order, roughly.
Watershed is defintly rated as number 1 right now, unbelivable album with unbelivable performance from the whole band. It is not a new Ghost Reveries or Blackwater Park, but why should it be, we already have the perfect Ghost Reveries and Blackwater Park album, if you want that, play them. I think Watershed is a natural follow up to an incredible selection of outstanding albums, and I play them all now and then, but right now, and for a long time, Watershed will be stuck in my cd player
1. Ghost Reveries (the album that got me into Opeth. Well, it also got me into metal, actually.)
2. Watershed (I know I won't get rid of it, ever.)
3. Blackwater Park (Since every time I listen to the opening organish sound of The Leper Affinity I can't help myself listening to it until the end)
4. My Arms, Your Hearse (piano intro rules)
5. Still Life (it'd have been perfect without the reverb on the clean voice)
6. Deliverance (not "dense" enough. I mean, the production is a bit too light)
7. Damnation (What I like about Opeth is the contrast. There's no contrast here ; they're all beautiful, especially Closure and To Rid The Disease, but I'm rarely in the mood for it)

I haven't heard Orchid and Morningrise yet. I guess I should ^^
1. My Arms, Your Hearse
2. Blackwater Park
3. Watershed
4. Ghost Reveries
5. Still Life
6. Orchid
7. Morningrise
8. Deliverance
9. Damnation

Man, this'll probably change, though. When it first came out, 'Ghost Reveries' was my third favorite. And 'Still Life', 'Orchid', and 'Morningrise' are all extremely close - they're really tied.
I can't really grade them...

I think Watershed and BWP are first with me, tied, with different qualities. Ghost Reveries and deliverance tied after that, still life and MAYH third place.
Damnation is too different for me to rank among other albums...

MR and Orchid are last for me.
Just to fill the time, here is my list:

1. BWP
2. Deliverance
4. GR
5. Damnation
6. Still Life
7. Morningrise
8. Watershed
9. Orchid
I've always had trouble coming up with a definitive list ranking Opeth's discography. I agree with Illidan—certain albums click at certain times.

Well said, kind of what I feel as well

Deliverance has always been my favorite album together with MAYH, I cant really seperate them, they are top and then its definately watershed, I've listened to it so many times now for so long so I think my judgement isnt hyped by watershed being a new release

so that'll make it like this:
Ghost reveries
Blackwater park
Still life

I always had a hard time liking orchid/morningrise because of production. and mikael's voice, while being perhaps more "natural" I think it took a great leap for the better in MAYH.

Me ranking still life so "low" is probably blasphemy in most people's eyes but wth, the recording is ruining a lot with the album (going to buy the new re-mastered verision, hopefully changing my view on this record!)
My Arms Your Hearse
Still Life
Blackwater Park
Ghost Reveries

sorry but Watershed is at this point my least favorite:erk:
My Arms, Your Hearse
Ghost Reveries
Blackwater Park
Still Life
With each album, there are songs that grab you right off the bat, and others that grow on you. The Drapery Falls changed my life the first time I heard it. It was the first time I had to accept the "death growl". Otherwise I would miss out on the greatest riffage on earth.

Ghost of Perdition was another "love at first spin". Same with "White Cluster" and "When".

The other songs on those albums I would "discover" after listening to them over and over. Still Life needed the most "discovery" for me. It's extremely dense.

Watershed has a lot going for it, and I think it fits up with the "Big Three"

1. Blackwater Park - Still my fave, and may always be. Dirge is the only skipper for me...and even that has a great intro and outro.

2. My Arms, Your Hearse - So many "heroic" riffs, as I like to call them. Ear candy.

3. Watershed - I love the prog! I'm one who loves the clean vocals, so this one is right up my alley. I don't think it has any "10"s, like GOP or Drapery Falls, but as a whole, it's fantastic.

4. Still Life - I find myself enjoying "moments" within all the songs on this album, but only a few songs, like Moonlapse, WC, and Face of Melinda that I love all the way through.

5. Ghost of Perdition - I hate to say it, but I have a hard time getting into any tracks besides GOP and Isolation Years.

6. Morningrise - Advent rules. Very rarely listen though, cause of whats above.

7. Deliverance - Sigh. I wanted desperately to love this album, cause it came out right after I discovered Opeth. I was lapping up every second of BWP, MAYH, and Still Life. A Fair Judgement is the only track i look fondly at.

8. Orchid - have listened to it only a few times.

9. Damnation - honestly, the "soft" songs from their regular albums destroy these. No offense, Mikael...
This is like asking a parent to pick out their favourite son or daughter, it's nigh impossible. Apart from Orchid and Damnation (which I still love), my #1 Opeth album would be the one on spin at the time. Each album could be their best, in all seriousness.
Having said that I do listen to certain albums more than others. I would say the order would be:

Still Life/ Deliverance
Blackwater Park
Watershed (listened to this probably 30 odd times by now)
Ghost Reveries

On a side note, i STILL don't know why people don't rate Deliverance higher. Even though it's a completely different style I would rate it so much higher than the 'masterpiece' that is Morningrise.

Watershed will still be the album of the year.
I find it to be one of the better albums. I didnt have much hope for it but it kicked me in the ass.

What makes it even better is the artwork which just makes the whole thing a mystery, which seriously adds to the listening experience. Something I think Mike was going for.

Its definitely not my favorite, but its up there for sure.