wats your favorite dt song?!!

Well, thats only because youre less demanding and hard-to-please than me! :) I hope you feel better (on the whole I mean, not because of those previous words of wisdom).
marduk1507 said:
Im sorry Villain, but I really cant see any improvement after Haven and I really dont know what makes them better. 80 % of those riffs (or their very similar variations) that are in DD and Character can be found on previous records. Projector and Haven was the path that the band shouldve followed, speed and heaviness isnt everything. I have a hard time listening to new Solefald because of this, but they have never actually made a simple heavy shit record, so its kinda new thing from them anyway.

Well, it seems our disagreement is not on the level of "should it be less heavy?", because I also do think that speed and heaviness is not everything. And Character is hardly about speed and heaviness in the end. It is a record that has many layers and beneath the brutal surface is a very deep and complex ocean of music, 99% of which I have never heard on any other recording. I don't mind if a riff or two sounds similar to something they wrote earlier, as I listen to each song as a whole, not as a mere collection of riffs.

And frankly, to me, even the vast majority (at least 75%) of the riffs on Character sound completely new as well.

Simply put, the songs on Character are structured better than the songs on Haven or even Damage Done. Also, the soundscapes (largely due to Martin Brändström, who has improved the most between the albums, IMHO) on Character are way more interesting than on the older albums (or just about any other record I have ever heard, for that matter).

Just for example, am I the only one who thinks My Negation is exactly what DT tried (and failed) to do with At Loss for Words - an extremely emotional, anguished, saddening yet immensely beautiful epic finale. I cannot in my right mind understand how someone can think At Loss for Words is a better song than My Negation.

Finally, on a general level as a person who listens music, I'm pretty sure I'm much more demanding than the average person. I will openly criticise every DT-song I think is below the standards I have set for the band. The thing is, on Character I have found only one such song, while on every other album I have found at least a few.

Still a matter of taste, imo. "My negation" might indeed seem like a success where "At loss for words" failed, now that you mention it, but they are two different songs (both great ways to end an album; i believe DT have always known how to end an album perfectly or nigh perfectly (MITG...OMB, "The mind's eye", ALFW, "Ex nihilo", "My negation"... maybe their only error was "Final resistance" as an opener instead of a closer).. but i digress) and different fans with different tastes might like one or the other better. Maybe someone doesn't quite like the lyrics to "My negation" but loves the ones to ALFW. Maybe it's in the harmony. Who knows? And ALFW is also a success in its own way (even if i also agree that "My negation" is a better song).

In any case, even though "Character" and "Damage" are much more "solid" albums than "Haven", i don't think they're better albums. The did an amazing job with the second half of "Character", but as a whole it just doesn't do it for me the way "Haven" does.
Well, thanks a lot for that comparison, Villain! I said I think My Negation is one of the strong points of Character, BUT... you can say "am I the only one who thinks My Negation is exactly what DT tried (and failed) to do with At Loss for Words" and perceive it that way, but the other point of view can be that they just copied or rearranged the outro of ALFW and made the outro of MN out of it. Some may say that its an allusion, like in poetry, but I usually percieve these "allusions" simply as lack of new ideas. Now, you were (and you maybe still are) in a band, so you clearly know more about songwriting and thus listen to the songs from a different perspective, but I want to be grabbed by an album and torn to pieces. It doesnt have to be on the first listen (but it usually says a lot and it has to with the heaps of music I listen to), but if I still cant listen to it without thinking about something else after several spins, then its not a good album for me - superbly played and recorded, but simply not good enough.
Well, I guess thats the problem with discussing DT, isnt it? They make new fans with their new stuff, fans who are not yet aware of the good old glory. :) I wonder if guys in DT are conscious of that in the sense that their production on last two pieces is a sort of melange of their previous stuff with the new ideas and all in a new "electronic" coat - I sometimes think they are, that they consciously make music for the new potential fans and hope the old ones will stay. But thats just my opinion.
so just because some of my favourite DT songs are from Haven and after, I am a new fan?..interesting, and totally wrong my friend..
LTA: Chill man. :) It wouldnt be a bad thing anyway. I only got into them when they released Haven.

@Undo: I agree, their best material quality wise is on The Gallery and the Minds Eye, but I just have more feel for certain Haven songs if you catch my drift.
Monochromatic stains (the video was the first thing i saw after listening to 22 acacia avenue and forced me to buy DT albums) :)
The sun fired blanks
Indifferent sun
Punish my heaven
The emptiness from which I fed
Mine is the grandeur... of melancholy burning

There are no songs here from Character, Skydancer and Haven but I still love them.:hotjump: