wd, comeout of the cave



What extreme metal are you listening to dude??

Man NEVERMORE reminds me so much of the 80's stuff, with a heavy 87 twist some how..deja vu..
Last time I spoke to him in the chat on dalnet he was listening to NonExist's Dues Deceptor upon my recommendation. God knows what he is listening to presently.

Yup, cavemen he is!
Rebirth, drag that man out of his cage by his hair and if he doesn't listen, get a knot..maybe that'll help!! ;)
hiding..and keeping us in tension about the recordings.
How does it sound, Mr. Wittyness?
Whatcha ya'll cooking in there?
You better update us with a recipe,
otherwise it's just not fair! :p
Get out of that cage indeed and give us all an update, please!!


xxx Iris xxx

Hope it's all working out for you guys,
make that album kick some ass!!!
Yodi(hello) look, last release was in 2k, now it's 2k3. So, hook it up with some info on this new record. I heard a late 2k3 release, what's that jive about. DNB and DHDW were released within a year of eachother , I wanna see you guys live again damnit!! So crank out some genius shit already.
p.s. i love you
wouldn't know if he sucks smthng sometimes, or not, it's a private thing, but I like his poetry.

"...this useless old fucker with his twinkling cu-huunt..." :err:
Yes, Warrel come out of your cage. :)

Oh my god! look at that photo! I promise this, it is my vow to the Nevermore board (threat really...) I will never let this thread die! Never! That is such and awesome photo--I think I pissed my office chair when I saw it. And I'm saving the photo for another reason--to send it as email attachment to blabbermouth!!

"Please.....YOu must help get the word out. WD is caught in the local pound. They mistook him for a golden retriever, and we must raise donations to get him off of death row!"
I was just joking Chromatose. Sorry. See why I don't bother to stay logged in? your reaction.
haha .. there's a laughie up there man.. i was joking too, eh? There just seemed to be so much enthusiam in that post that I couldnt resist but say "dude, chill" ... hahaha