We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Has anyone watched the play "The woman that cooked her husband"? No? Well, you might watch a variation of it soon.. :p
@Sun: Erm no, please notice i said "you might watch a variation of it soon" ;) (variation could be a quite wide field, as in "The woman who cooked a fellow boards-member" or "The woman who cooked Wanderingblade" :p)
Iirc, Wanderingblade is taken by hyena :loco:
@Sun: If it would disappoint you, then ok, there won't be such a variation.. :D
But i wonder... can someone already cooked be disappointed in anyone? :p
@Siren: I'm slowly beginning to realize that you do... :lol: And thanks. I look forward to my next 100 posts. Not that anyone else does, but oh well... ;)
Hey, i do (look forward blah blah), don't forget you owe many of them to me, fellow board-spammer ;)