Just Hangin' Around
Siren: Now now, theres no need to be hasty... If you kill me, who else are you going to have to abuse?
Sunjammer: Dear gods no! Married to HER? Well... there would be some compensations I suppose... but still. Anything else, I'm too young to get married legally
As for the hyena thing... when she found out that I was all young and like, she annexed me and declared me her property*. Its quite unnerving in a way
*Not thats it stopped some people.
Sunjammer: Dear gods no! Married to HER? Well... there would be some compensations I suppose... but still. Anything else, I'm too young to get married legally

As for the hyena thing... when she found out that I was all young and like, she annexed me and declared me her property*. Its quite unnerving in a way

*Not thats it stopped some people.