We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

I jogged 6.4 km, it was a good distance considering I hadn't done it in quite some time, I feel satisfied...

and to the starter of the thread, don't you fucking reply to emails? maldito bastardo
Originally posted by rahvin
someone just tosses in a couple subtle references in order to attract attention and drive ppl to thinking that "my, now that must be an interesting life [...], I wish mine was like that too!".

this does not apply in general. to provoke this particular effect, methinks it's sufficient to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth :grin:

hyena (i know, i know, that was uncalled for)

well, since I don't like the sort of people that make threads bump without adding anything to that thread in particular...I will comment (for the ones who know me....) that ok, I have been away a looooooong period of time....I've been extremely busy with many things (and still I am) but well, my life is more or less the same from when I left, let alone that I'm much busier now.
My personal life goes on smoothly as it did back then, and now, my brightest dream, is to make time pass and let February come...then we will see how my life develops...i will get you informed....

any new dream formed outthere while i was on the "standby" mode????

fathervic (monodreamer)
i just happened to have some dreams come true. no new ones for the moment, now that would be scary.

I dream of this slow point in my life to speed up, need a job and miss my girlfriend too much. If only I could fast forward :mad:

F_V (heading to the VCR...or is it DVD player?)
yeah,talk people people :) we shouldn't let this thread die :cry:

mmmmm ok,it's a very nice night,i feel quite relaxed :) listening to diorama and chatting with my favorite internet pal.....and dreaming.....it's nice,but still i wish i were somewhere else :)
that's my little dream for tonight...

~mel~ (come on dance with me to the end of the world)
ok i think i will contribute once again...
well i went to this new town with zero expectancy level regarding encounters of the second kind (that is, women). now i find myself (fortunately) not in love of any kind, but the offers come flying in like second to none. i really don't know how to handle this for i have never been in the situation... but i made up my mind so far that it would be useless to let all these good opportunities slip away :) and since i don't really invest parts of my heart like i did in previous relationship, it all has a nice and interesting lightness to it :) let's jsut see what the next weeks may bring :)
well the matter of the heart is difficult...I mean you don't want to invest parts of it but you might be positive in investing part of your body (if I understood correctly)...so far one would tink "where's the trouble there???" well if I'm not mistaken you're not what we could call an unsensitive guy, soooooooo how much of body can you invest without being that reflected in your heart???? how much time will you need to start feeling that you want to go for hearts stock market instead of just investing a bit??? uhmmm well I don't really know...
for me...well I just sold my heart, the whole of it...undivided in parts and now I feel relieved because the one who has the whole of my heart is the only one who possesed my whole body....
sometimes people need other distractions to realize they're ready for MORE!

have great next weeks ;) and don't forget to tell us :rolleyes:

fathervic ( uhmmm )
hehe, well i don't know either, for as you stated correctly, i might have troubles keeping my heart where it belongs while investing certain body parts ;) time will tell, and if something is supposed to come out of this, then it will. if not, then not bad either. i just started to get rid of my planned way of looking into the future, and i realize that i live quite comfortably with this... there's so much suspense and thrill in every day life... you just have to let it happen.
Sometimes there are positive aspects in "investing" these kind of things, regardless the sensitiveness of the parts involved. Always that you achieve to keep the calm of your heart, of course...

|ng (Things start to go wrong when you're not sure of what you are actually doing...)
Originally posted by |ngenius

|ng (Things start to go wrong when you're not sure of what you are actually doing...)

well then things got extremely wrong when I started my degree!!!! :p
no, really for me things start to go wrong not when you're not sure of what you are actually doing, but when you find out that what you're doing is wrong and you can't stop it... Sometimes you do things without know much why do you do them but in the end it comes as something nice and good for yourself...

fathervic (trying to go wrong as less as possible)
Originally posted by VultureCulture
i really enjoy doing something really against all my past beliefs these days :)

well many days lately I find myself doing things that I was against to in the past....and damn, I somehow get scared about how do I change...it's not that funny for me :p

fathervic (evolver)
Well, it's a subjective case (and I thought we were talking about games of doctors and nurses, where it's easier to know a priori if you're doing something wrong...). Personally, I feel a quiet disease when things go on unclear (or simply don't appears to go on). Of course, that feeling doesn't necessarily means that things will tend to go wrong endlessly, or unavoidably. I'm sure you got the point.

@FatherMelonish: You've changed more this year than the past 10 years, I'm quite sure. And somehow I find it positive, when you find out that you're still capable of surprise yourself. ;)

Btw: Where's our not that tall friend? :rolleyes:
