We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Hello!! I´ve started reading this thread, and I find it veeeeery interesting and very "warm". People say their dreams and feelings, and I see that I understand them and feel almost the same sometimes! it´s wonderfull.
Last friday I went to a Dark Tranquillity concert, and I´m still in a dream. I´ve felt so many things this two days !!!! My way of seeing life has changed. It´s hard for me to explain it, but it was like a mistic experience.I feel a little bad because I didn´t go to see DT to the other two cities in my country.I hope next tour I´ll have a job, money and guts to go to see them to all the cities in my country. It´s that crazy? No, just for feeling the same that I felt Friday, I´ll do almos everything.
Madrileña fea. Catalufo bonito. :)

Btw: Feel free to express your dreams, specially all those concerning DT, this thread needs them to survive. ;)

Edit: I was watching the DT show in Barcelona, it was actually chupi, except when a headbanger seems to need two meters around him to get crazy... :rolleyes: And I'm personally interested in the way you life has changed.

|ng (The catalan robot)
I´m glad to see here people from my same country!! How lucky you are for seeing them on saturday.I spent most of my time thinking I should had go there altougth it´s far from me, to see them again and to thank them for their aportation to my live. Yesterday they went to Bergara. And there are no more concerts in Spain :( ..... till the next tour. I´m thinking of getting a map for the the next time they come, go everywere they go (trying not to oppress them, of course!!!). What do you think about that? it´s a silly thing of mine?

About the changes in my life, Well,There are a lot of things I can´t exactly explain,maybe because I´m still trying to understand them.

I think I have to be a better person everyday. There are lots of people in this world who are very poor or don´t have money to eat,or are very unhappy always etc.....so I think that´s not my situation, so I have to be thankfull(I don´t have much money,and I´n not allways happy,but I survive). I don´t believe in god, but I think i have to be thankfull anyway. And help people is a good thing. But we can´t help peolpe from far away having people veeeeery near from us that olso need some help, for example, our friends. They are great and they deserve the best . SO I WANT TO BE BETTER TO GIVE THEM MORE. Do you understand me?
We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Niklas surfs this board normally as well, doesn't he?

..Nevermind then. :p

A WB-stuffed-animal, well, sort of stuffed animal, covered in chocolate, filled with vodka, with a kilt and METAL in the background!!!!!

;) :lol: :p :goggly:

Oh, and a real person perhaps.. :rolleyes: Someone..
@superchivita: No, i don't think it's crazy of you, you should do it if it will make you feel as great as now. I understand how you feel, cause i want to do the same thing... :)

Edit: I'm talking about the touring thing.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
If only I could fast forward :mad:

you can't imagine how I wish I could fast forward, too....actually I would change directly the chapter and eat the next idle two months....

@robot: yup, I've changed quite a lot, and I'm aware that not all the results have been for a good change...but well I don't know, i suppose I have to dig up my way upto february...

fathervic (fast forward)
@Superchivita: Well, I was thinking about get to Milan to watch DT and meet a bunch of italian dwarves, so you're not that crazy after all. ;) And DT has in you the best fan in the world, because no other fan has ever felt more moved by one of their shows!! :p

Seriously, I still wonder how you can feel that way. I mean, it's so positive to feel that you must help "the world" (generally speaking), but I can't link the feeling to a DT gig, sincerely. You've been inspired by the show, haven't you? Well, if you've read the whole thread, you know that I'm known as the "optimistic robot", so your will of change makes me keep safely my hopes, but I still wanna know more about these... hard to define "things" within. ;)

@FV: I only can accept you in the way you are, and I try so. And I can't judge so objectively the results of your change. Often is quite hard to accept them. I think this is the way a (true) friend should behave, even when one feels like losing a friend.

Well I dunno
As Dreft can tell (And WB prolly too)
I was "high" a month before going to the gig, and the gig kept me high for at least another two weeks. :dopey:
Now, it all seems to be a dream..
I am forgetting things now.. And it doesn't help crashing on your head.. :( Damn.
I can't wait till the photo's get developed..

Oh, Superchivita.. I know exactly how you feel.. Did you get to talk to them as well? ....
I didn´t talk to them,but....Stanne hugged me at the end of the show,while they were still at the stage. I was betwen two loudspeakers,and he came directly to me ,hugged me and say "thank you". I dont´n remember if he said "thank you " or "thank you very much" but he hugged me and I felt special!! Then he gave his hand to lots of peolple there,while I was trying not to cry very loud because I was very emocionated.

I know I´m NOT the best fan, and I don´t care, because we are lots and lots of fans and there are fans that do lots of things.And all the fans have to be united.

But I think: did he hugged me because he wanted hugging ANY fan or
did he really realized that I´m the same girl that I were in front the other two times they came to Madrid (very little probable that he remembered me, don´t you think?)
Or did he realized I screamed veeeeery loud almost every song they played that night and I was veeeery happy and moving my hair very fast and I liked them veeeery much??

I don´t know the reason, but the fact is that he hugged me and I felt special,I felt great and I still do . It was like a "carry on" sign, like "life is great and keep on fighting". For me, it was like a mistic experience,like since then, I know what I want, I know I have to improve myself and live my life with all my senses......

Maybe you can think: "Oh! she looks like a stupid -twelve-years-old-Alejandro Sanz´s (or someone like that) fan".

But for me I go further. It´s not the hug by itself, it´s everything. It´s to think maybe they feel sometimes like us, thankfull. Don´t you think? They go to play somewere, and there are people waitnig there for hours to see them,people crying out loud their songs, people that are happy only by.....touching them!!!
I would like like to thank them for giving sense to my life, for making me carry on sometimes, for giving me tons of adrenalin......etc. but HE said "than you" to ME!!!!!! Isn´t it reason enough to feel like I do??
I see. For me it's more significant the fact of being moved and find reasons to go on than merely the origin itself. No matter if your sensitiveness comes from a touching movie, or even an Alejandro Sanz live performance, it's undoubtably a positive aspect in your life. And a vestige of hope to me.

Regarding Mikael, I was very impressed by his energy and devotion towards the fans. I still remember him trying to come back to the bus under an utter siege of people requesting autographs, and he accepting them all. I would be surely annoyed. I expected a growling metalhead jumping around and I found out a charming gentleman (jumping around :grin: ). I was about introduce myself (I'm a regular in this board since a year ago, after all), but finally I didn't, and was FatherVic who went to the backstage to bring them a couple of L43 bottles.

Así pues, me alegro de que el concierto de DT fuera motivo de autorreflexión, especialmente si llegas a la conclusión de que DEBES vivir esa vida con todos los sentidos, y de la mejor manera posible. ;)

|ngenius (The unpolite robot)
@Hiljamen: I´m sorry for you,that you couldn´t see them, but now we are in the same situation: waiting for the next tour!! we´ll carry on and save and be ready for the next tour to come. Enjoy life till then!!!!!

@Igneus: do you and FatherVic know each other in person? Why do he brought them "43"? Do you think it´s their favourite?
It´s true, Mikael has tons of energy and simpathy with us.I think he´s a great person(I want to be great as him!!!).
I like you to write in spanish ,but no me seas malo, maybe not everybody understands it , and dont like us to write in this languaje. :o But I don´t know what´s worse: writting in spanish or writting my "sometimes-personal-spelling" english.:rolleyes:

@FatherVic: What is going to happen on february? Why do you want to fast forward?
Well, right now, I'm content. Alone, unhappy, but content.

I had just written about 500 words of nonsense, but I just deleted all but the first and last paragraph.... I think this sums up how I feel now:

Oh well, life sucks, but I guess it's not too bad. One always hopes that it will be better though.
@Superchivita: Yes, I was introduced to this board by FV, and we managed a reciprocal influence in a close past (I listened to DT for the first time thanx to his FTP server :spin: ). And I know him personally.

Y soy malo cuando debo serlo. :mad: :p

@xenophobe: I'm continuously writting senseless posts everywhere, so the damage has done. ;) On the other hand, one of the main purposes of this thread is to focus our energies not just to explain our dreams/problems/thoughts to our fellows and find out new pov, but to clarify ourselves by writting them down.

Concerning your not-that-well-depicted conception of life, superchivita seems to think something quite different. Maybe things aren't black or white, after all, but black or white depending on the point of the life you're living at certain moment. ;)

Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo
A WB-stuffed-animal, well, sort of stuffed animal, covered in chocolate, filled with vodka, with a kilt and METAL in the background!!!!!
That's like the best thing ever. :dopey:
I hope that someone mutilates into little pieces finnish "band" called Gimmel (creation by Popstars of Finland).

NP: Gimmel - Rovio (is this the right name?)
Originally posted by |ngenius
[B@xenophobe: I'm continuously writting senseless posts everywhere, so the damage has done. ;) On the other hand, one of the main purposes of this thread is to focus our energies not just to explain our dreams/problems/thoughts to our fellows and find out new pov, but to clarify ourselves by writting them down.

:lol: Yes, I do write some sense of depth and symbolism into my ramblings, though on this occassion, it was far too confusing, drawn out and reflective, that by the time I had written it out, the clarity that I was searching for was found, and re-reading it just confused me. I though I'd spare you all the psychosis... :hypno:

Originally posted by |ngenius
I was about introduce myself (I'm a regular in this board since a year ago, after all), but finally I didn't, and was FatherVic who went to the backstage to bring them a couple of L43 bottles.

joder, melón! pués lo podías haber dicho, y les hubiera dicho que estabas allí....yo pensaba que a ti te la sudaba bastante la gente del grupo

superchivita: en febrero me marcho de casa y me iré a vivir con mi novia...por fin!!! :)

translation: Oooook oook!

FatherVic (eeeeek)