Robotcito@ Nowadays i'm studying just two...I'm done with my swedish quite successfully

So,now it's Spanish (nivel Intermedio) and German (kleines Sprachdiplom - hiiiiiigh level and touch one

).....and of course i have time to breathe

Especially because i like foreign languages,so studying them gives me a bit of pleasure and some kind of reward and also due to the fact that Spanish is a "light" language.It has its tough parts but it's not like i have to do much effort (at least not yet)...On the contrary German trouble me a lot,especially due to the fact that this level is really high and thus demanding...many detailed work to be done and sometimes i prefer to read books or watch reality show crap on the telly instead of being a good kid

8 languages!!!!!!!! i'd love to reach that level sooooooome day
as for the Academy vs self-studying stuff.....I guess an academy/teacher is needed at least to give some guidelines,explain some stuff and above all correct compositions and have a good conversation with....Otherwise the rest of the stuff,vocabulary,grammar etc are very easily studied by oneself.....
Yet attending a class doesn't mean everything is fine....In all cases,studying by oneself and trying to improve/gain more knowledge even outrside of the class is required/necessary....
At least this what i do... and ehmmm to be honest i'm sleeping a lot in class....i'm always daydreaming or tired

and really if it wasn;t fot practicing and corrections and schedule i would prefer to stay at home.....studying on my own...
actually i would like to study a bit of icelandic on my least some very very easy stuff......time will tell
are you planing to learn a language or sth??
uff,sorry for the non-stop talking
Oneira glika robotaki
Raulini@ bravo