We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

I did not confuse your nick intentionally.

And I didn´t say inmature in a bad way,I think you understand me,it´s like something children use to say, chupi, but if a young person says it, it looks funny. (no me dirás que no.......)
Yes (interesting analogy between two towers and our two... ehem... well, you know that I'm always interested on big erected things). Translation for spaniards: No sé, me he perdido.

Regarding the Two (real) Towers, I'm inclined to watch Frodo asap. :)

@Superchivita: Tranqui, es coña. ;) (Translation for guirish: Trank, is consh... co... something not worthy of be translated. Excuse me.)

Edit: Concerning the old myth of this board, the word "chupi", I already explained that it was used in a childish way, whose sense brings to the word more amusement and tones of emotion. :p

|ng (Con la LLenny no te metas q te giro la cara)
va con Y no con J....

por cierto...ahora estamos en el foro tres españoles y una griega que sabe castellanos...CHUPI!!!!!!

fathervic (bueno, pongamos 2'5 españoles y 1'5 griegos)
Yeah, Mel, I noticed the effects of your spanish lessons. And some melonish influences that probably bother your spanish teachers too, hehehe. But anyway, the native spanish is more interesting than the standard one. Moreover, the worst pain you can suffer is receive lessons from a mexican speaker, you can hurt our ears speaking like our little Thanatos probably does. :p

@Thanatos: Feo. :)


@Tu: Va bien con "LL" en lugar de "Y"? No creo que a efectos prácticos un tarugo distinguiese la diferencia, además, la "LL" se da antes que la "Y" en el cole, así que tenemos más probablidades de que haya asimilado las lecciones antes de dejar el parvulario para meterse a FP. (Translation: No way, you're probably one of those clever people who use to skip this useless kind of posts. Do it again. Thank you).

|ngneo... er... |ngeniuscito (Childish)
Originally posted by superchivita
And I didn´t say inmature in a bad way,I think you understand me,it´s like something children use to say, chupi, but if a young person says it, it looks funny. (no me dirás que no.......)
hey....no te preocupes :) i understood it was not written in a bad way....i just felt like joking a bit,since chupi is a word i use sth like 500 times a day :p

~mel~ ( pone 1'5 griegos en la lavadora.... :err: )
Originally posted by |ngenius
Yeah, Mel, I noticed the effects of your spanish lessons. And some melonish influences that probably bother your spanish teachers too, hehehe. But anyway, the native spanish is more interesting than the standard one. Moreover, the worst pain you can suffer is receive lessons from a mexican speaker, you can hurt our ears speaking like our little Thanatos probably does.

:lol: my teacher is mexican ehmmmmmmmm
don't worry about the melon influences,i just avoid to use them in class....i guess she wouldn't get so impressed if i started saying "es una pasada","chupi" etc.... :p
Ohhh, poor Mel. (Translation: Ohhh, pobresita Melesita, queré que le traiga un té con asuquita?)

Well, one serious question, you're studying ¿two languages? ¿three? Here I go: ¿Do you have time enough almost to breathe? :eek: And a second serious question: Do you think that is preferable to learn languages by yourself or it's better to look for an academy? :p Yep, maybe seems a stupid question, but I know a man that speaks 8 languages and... he improved by himself.

Edit: Me voy a la cama, troncos, q yo mañana madrugo (curioso en mí). Y apenas puedo componer frases en castellano, aún menos en inglés.

|ngrankus <--- Greek... ? :p (Who speaks just 3 languages, buaaaaaa! *sigh*)
Robotcito@ Nowadays i'm studying just two...I'm done with my swedish quite successfully :)
So,now it's Spanish (nivel Intermedio) and German (kleines Sprachdiplom - hiiiiiigh level and touch one :cry: ).....and of course i have time to breathe :) Especially because i like foreign languages,so studying them gives me a bit of pleasure and some kind of reward and also due to the fact that Spanish is a "light" language.It has its tough parts but it's not like i have to do much effort (at least not yet)...On the contrary German trouble me a lot,especially due to the fact that this level is really high and thus demanding...many detailed work to be done and sometimes i prefer to read books or watch reality show crap on the telly instead of being a good kid :rolleyes:

:eek: 8 languages!!!!!!!! i'd love to reach that level sooooooome day :)

as for the Academy vs self-studying stuff.....I guess an academy/teacher is needed at least to give some guidelines,explain some stuff and above all correct compositions and have a good conversation with....Otherwise the rest of the stuff,vocabulary,grammar etc are very easily studied by oneself.....
Yet attending a class doesn't mean everything is fine....In all cases,studying by oneself and trying to improve/gain more knowledge even outrside of the class is required/necessary....
At least this what i do... and ehmmm to be honest i'm sleeping a lot in class....i'm always daydreaming or tired :rolleyes: and really if it wasn;t fot practicing and corrections and schedule i would prefer to stay at home.....studying on my own...
actually i would like to study a bit of icelandic on my own....at least some very very easy stuff......time will tell

are you planing to learn a language or sth??

uff,sorry for the non-stop talking :p

Oneira glika robotaki :)

Raulini@ bravo :)
I´ve read something about the explanation of "chupi" in the languajes thread :) I´ve also read there something about other thread called "sex is chupi" and i´ve been searching it but it doesn´t appear with that name. I think it may be interesting :)

I´d like to know greek.

I´d like to practise greek.

But it hurts.

hmmm maybe the sex is chupi thread you are looking for is a thread called "Sex Tranquillity" or sth....... try searching for it....

as for greek you can always try learning a bit :)

If you noticed a few posts above our peponaki (FatherVic) is trying it and despite his complaining i think he is doing great so far :) (y por eso estoy muy orgullosa de el :) )
tendrías que aprender a leer los smileys :p <---significa que hablo en doble sentido, por eso te saco la lengua...y bueno se llama ironía, y por eso te digo lo de que estudiar griego no duele :p
lo pillas ahora??? (por cierto, "innocent" insignifica "no culpable" no inocente...)

fathervic (coffee,tea??)
Sluta snacka nu, jag orkar inte försöka förstå ;) Men jag tycker om er ändå, robotar, meloner och troll...;)

-phyros (who likes you all, be you robots, melons or trolls...:grin: )
@Phyros: I miss you, I need you. Come back with us.

@Mel: Yes, I wanna start learning new languages, and I thought about the italian (it's so easy, specially for a spanish speaker), and see if I get used to the process of assimilation, in order to reach these 8 languages. It's just to say: "Nena, me pones mazo" in eight different tongues, you know. :p <-- Tongue.

The main obstacle is my own laziness. Es una pasada. :(

|ng (Innocent)
i wanna speak 8 languages, it'd be so chupi. :eek:
learning languages is my favourite activity, so i hope i'll do it one day. ;)

@|ngenius: i don't think italian would be so easy to learn. :p well, there are actually a lot of similarities with spanish, but the grammar is very complicated.

Miolo (still at 4 languages, more or less :rolleyes: )
@Miolo: 4 languages?!?!?! :eek: But, what the fuck is happening in this board? Full of multi-language italians and greeks! :( Which ones? (edit: Languages, I mean) *zoidberg*It's so unfair!*/zoidberg*

And ok, italian is not that easy, I won't learn it in two days. But you will agree with me that it's easier to learn italian than swedish or german, in my case. :)

|ng (Aaaarghhh, odio a todo ser viviente que domine más de 3 lenguas! O... no) :rolleyes:
Originally posted by |ngenius
And ok, italian is not that easy, I won't learn it in two days. But you will agree with me that it's easier to learn italian than swedish or german, in my case. :)

I'm doubtful. I find it easier getting to learn danish, a damn difficult language (as for grammar, and the huge gap between pronounciation and script, those unpronounceable potato-sounds etc.) than spanish.
When I think of spanish I easily consider it too close to italian not to try and cheat, indeed- I often go wrong because I am sure that people will understand or at least that certain forms are latin.... when i first came close to danish i knew it would have been a lost fight (that is so far:)) but in a way it helped me having no prejudices.
How soothing would be, I couldn't tell, but swedish is way much easier than danish and german :p
