We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

@|ng: we're still alive. :hotjump: the both of us.

i have some dreams to share possibly, but i'll shut up... just your occasional bubu night...

@Superchivita: Sure, it's a proposal? ;)

@Hyena: Great soldiers you are. I made "pa amb tomaquet i pernil amb una micona d'oli i sal per sobre, acompanyat de carn a la brasa i vi de la terra" (catalan chupi dinner) for you. I'm a good camp robot. :) And share these dreams, I command you, soldier! (Psssstttt, I'm the camp chef and the captain of this army, you know) :D

There's something that worries me. Days ago I met an old fellow of mine that I used to "connect" with. It was interesting, because he had changed his life vision due to his father's death, and he had new horizons in sight.

But yesterday I received an e-mail and he seemed to be a bit... over-obssessed with metaphysical meanings concerning the death itself, life after this life, and so on. Well, I have nothing against his interest, but if he's centering his life in find out what dwells beyond the death's door... well, I hope he's taking the required care. I can't define this issue more, I'm late to work!!!

@|ngenius: perhaps it's easy to get a bit obsessed if something touches so deep. i wouldn't worry about a passing interest in... err... "the beyond" as long as it doesn't get too drastic. maybe it's just his own way to come to terms with what happened. if, on the other hand, you see him again in ten months and he joined a death cult handing out leaflets about near-death experiences, well: worry. ;)

ah, those conversations on matters divine between a tin man and a tiny man... :lol:

no, i must be stupid today. @|ng: what rahvin said, I think it' somehow natural to focus on some aspect of death when a close and loved one is taken away abruptly from you. just wait and see.

@Italians: Sure, I'm not under a table, totally frightened by this slight change in my friend. But it's something significant, and you won't wait for the death cult's coming to be aware, will you? ;)

It's simply a disquietude status, that's all. :)

@Ingenius: How is your friend´s obssesion about death and what comes later going on?
Trust him. Don´t worry so much about if it´s dangerous his obssesion about death or not, but keep writting him and make him see that you conected before and you are still his friend,and life goes on.Don´t know what more can I tell you about this. But I´m happy to see that people (you, in this case) still care about friends´ feelings.
Just let him see you are by his side. Everything else he has to accept it little by little by himself.
Well, I met him about a week ago. He's more or less fine, considering his own tragedy, he's enduring the pain so well. And our relationship is (and always was) distant, so I can't do more than show my helping hand, that is my company and interest, not my compassion.
I don't simply care, I accept people regardless the way they choose towards me or the way they focus their lives, that's the strong point, imho.

|ng (Who am I?)
Maybe this thread is about dreams you have when you are awake, but I olso have dreams related to DT when I´m sleeping.

But today I had a nightmare :( DT were playing in my country, in a veeeeeeeery small place(the typical auditorium of a school) with very few people ,and I was very happy, but just when they were about to start, I had to go to the bathroom, and I thought I´ll come back to see them start. But the bathroom changed it´s place and shape, so I almost get lost, and come back when they had allready started. And there were some bad boys who started kicking the members of Dt, so they had to stop playing, and run, and hyde. I was very angry with them (the bad boys) And they were very violent, so Stanne and and I had to pay a large sum of money to a cualified group of peolple to solve the problem.

And......to be honest, I don´t remember the end of the dream .I think it finished because my mother call me to have lunch. I woke up feeling very bad, but I looked the DT photos I have on my wall, near my bed, and realized that it was just a dream, a bad dream.

Dreams are just dreams.

@Ing:I hope you and your friend are rigth.
I feel quite well, thank you. :) And the main purpose of this thread is to make an exposure of everything you can imagine, dream, think or feel, and that involves dreams you have when it's close night, or even their version on the negative scale: nightmares.

This thread is a chest of memories which I like to open sometimes. And it's also good to see you around from time to time, madrileña.

The first post this year, and I do it at home, close to the fireplace, and posting in the thread about dreams. I know it's just a tradition to feel like living a special breakpoint when a new year has born, but I like to do it. So, wishes? To have the strenght to carry on, not just myself, but also my close relatives (and you, my "far away but somehow close" relatives). :D

I heard from a wise man that the best way to make your wishes come true is to wish things in favour of the other people. I think I heard it from Steven Seagal. :p ;) My best wishes, fellows!
