We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

I think that when you wish something, you have to work for it, and try to make it true.

To wish something good for others it´s great. I hope you´ll keep doing it forever.

And...... I also want to send good wishes for everyone in the forum, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
rahve dearest, this is one hell (.) of a good wish, but it ain't easy to fulfill. my personal take on the "pay their bill" issue is: either one consciously decides to resort to violence, or bills don't get paid. resorting to violence has some sorry drawbacks, mainly on one's criminal record, and therefore career, social interactions, peace of mind, not to mention the pain that a convicted person brings to the very few who actually love them.

this makes me think that it will be a long way before any bill gets paid: either one of us reaches impunity, which in our current democratic system is not easy (and i will even state that i support a society where impunity is limited, even if this damages my interest), or the bucket stops when we start worrying about going to jail or getting ourselves and our friends in trouble.

and why exactly is this? because people who should pay their bills are able, like almost everyone except us, to build a safe net around them and be convinced that they are perfectly decent people, with some measure of success, and some measure of ability to get results, both emotional and otherwise. the fact that they might be, for instance, popping antidepressants does not change anything: you will never be able to proof that they're a living ruin on that basis.

after all, we live in an affluent part of the world, and no matter how much someone screws up they won't face the consequences like they would in some other places. they'll still have a job, buy food, clothes, and entertainment; we'll still do the same, sometimes less, sometimes more, and our only satisfaction will be that at least our survival instinct doesn't need to operate via the creation of nonexistant worlds.

people bounce, those people bounce, and those who really end on the welfare roll are often, if i understand correctly, more deserving than the average bouncer. and we just know this kind, because, again, we've looked around us in a radius that is not extremely small, nor extremely large... and this does not include people who would really suffer dire consequences for their mistakes.

the only hope we have for the bill-paying option concerns their likelihood to have violent run-ins with the law. the moment they do something that is not only demented but illegal also we can, figuratively speaking, call the police to move their car, and we'll laugh (and they will kneel, and know this heart of steel was too hard to bu, too hard to bu). what we can do is bait them, all the while being careful of not being killed by the machine we set in motion, seeing how baiting people to commit crimes is a crime itself. personally, i find this option too much work, i'd rather watch a movie.

but rest assured, there's no real payback unless something illegal, on the part of any of the parties involved, happens. all the rest is figment of the imagination. another option would be financial ruin, but this is something that at the moment we can not enforce, and when we will be able to enforce it these people will have dependent kids or dependent old parents and i know that this would stop me anytime.

it's a catch 22. what a sorry conclusion to come to.

I had two very frustrating dreams, enough to remember them in details, the first in last August and the second about a week and a half ago. They were both revolving around the same subject, which weirdly is one of the hurting truths i found out a week ago (the same one i refer to in the relationships thread). Some details are connected to the situation as it was by the time i saw each dream, which of course i had no idea about. This is quite freaky. :(
Maybe i should start keeping a dream-diary. :p
If you wish, you could make a "dreams diary". Some dreams are very interesting,and it´s nice to remember them sometimes. There are people that think that dreams tell us things,maybe "clues" for our lives.
I wish someday i´ll study some of that and be able to tell you more things. :)
I wish i could draw my dreams, some of the sceneries i'd really like to remember like that, they're quite weird but unique..
Actually, I wish I could video tape my dreams.. I know I've had a few alien invasion type dreams that'd make millions if only I could get a copy on tape. :lol:
last night i had this crazy dream that was lord of the rintgs related ahahaha
i was with legolas and aragorn and we were running around killing orcs. Then all of a sudden there was just this line of orcs with machine guns and they started shooting at us.i was madly shotup but for some reason i was still alive and well.then we escaped the forest and turned out in front of my school.then we wwent on the bus to legolas' house.
hahahaha i would say that is the most random dream i have ever had. it was enjoyable tho
More than a year ago i had a dream, the worst that i remember: i was going to die in 1 hour, and i couldn't see my friends to tell them that i was dying...alone in a room....

Once i also dreamt that my bestfriend was secretlly in love with my ex bf (i still liked him a lot and was pretty sad) in my dream they cheated on me and their relationship went on after me and him broke up...i was shocked after waking up 'cause that friend is the best i've ever had, the best person i know..:ill: paranoid

Another type of dreams that are really bad are those when you dream all the negative things in your life or the one that you care more about are ok, then you wake up and realize that it was just a dream. :(

:D i also have weird and amazing dreams..those ones that make you laugh for days and think "what the hell did i smoke last night???" :D
I seem to dream about a certain girl alot, one that I'm interested in and think about alot. In some way I think the freudian theory is true....that dreams are wishes come true, if something lacks in your normal life then you dream about it. I do not believe in the symbolism part of Freud's theory though (apples=breasts, keyhole=vagina etc etc).
dreams are very curious. they can be funny, if you think at them when you're awake, but they can always be incredibly scary when you're "in" them.

this is the worst nightmare i've ever had: on his birthday (every year) my father killed me injecting some lethal liquid in my veins. then i was reborn on my birthday (every year), going on from when i was killed. the worst thing was that i knew that he was going to kill me on his birthday and i tried to convince him in every way not to do it, but all he had to say was "i'm sorry, but i have to".

when i saw him, the morning after that nightmare, i asked him "do you wanna kill me?"; he made a face like this :eek: and didn't answer me.

Miolo (still scarred)
Supposing that in your dreams your deepest desires are exposed, as Freud said, ..this is pretty scary. :eek:

Funny though :lol:

(And the fact that you actually asked your dad as well, is kinda.. strange?)
Originally posted by The Grand Wazoo
Supposing that in your dreams your deepest desires are exposed
I'd say it's either your deepest desires or your deepest fears..
Well for me the new year starts with a countdown...soon I will leave the nest of my parents, to fly to my own nest (and no, I'm not a bird, so far ;) ) So even next 20 days are filled with exams, I'm just waiting patiently for the day to leave...filled with nervousness and expectation, even though i know that everything will go fine...there's no other way ;)

fathervic (10-9-8...)
Dreams... i'll be seeing some of them in a few minutes and they better be good. ;)