We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Ok guys, the time has arrived!!!!!!
all this things i've been saying during all these months, all this relocating thing, all this "dream of my life coming true" begins tomorrow, or well in 8 hours aprox...is damn, too late and I have to GO to bed!!!!

but for the ones who know something of this, for the ones who suspect something of this, and for the ones that care a bit, YES, WE MADE IT!!!!!! and tomorrow i move my ass out of my parents place and go to live with the one i love...the warmest dream come true. Now you just have to keep those fingers crossed and wish me/us gooooooood luck ;)

fathervic (damn nervous)
All fingers and toes are crossed for the best of luck to you (both) Vic! :)

I haven't posted on the Feeling.Thoughts/Dreams thread yet. I've been meaning to...so here I go:

My father is 60 years old. Former UIC lineback, Marine, and a cop. There was a long time where Poppa was one tough sonuvagun. 1989, Poppa had a heart attack that nearly killed him; a lifetime of hard work and ill health habits left him with barely 3/4 of his heart working. Basically, the doctors sent him home to die. That was what, 13-some odd years ago. :lol: There's a running joke in my family that Death would have to bring a 12-gauge if he's planning on picking Dad up anytime soon.
In recent years, Poppa's suffered a myriad of health problems but managed to survive around every one. Diabetes, glaucoma among the long-term afflictions. 2001, Poppa was officially blind. He described his sight as looking through a glass of milk. Last summer, he went for surgery to correct some scar tissue and cataracts. The light stopped abruptly. He then could not see at all. I was devastated.
So, like the trooper he always has been, he went to different specialists to see if he could at least see light again. Not having even a little light coming in was affecting him physically; not to mention emotionally. Finally a specialist ordered a different sort of surgery, and gave him a steroid to encourage tissue to regrow. A long miserable process, from what I understand. Poppa said the steroid dropping in his eye felt much like dropping gasoline in there. Sharply painful, so he had stopped using it. As a family, we had come to accept that Poppa could no longer see. But he could at least see light as he could before. Nothing lost, nothing gained.

Yesterday I went to read him his newspaper. Walked in the same door I always do, hung my keys on the same hook I always do when I visit. Dad walked right up to me.

He asked when I colored my hair. He could see the color.

I cry. :)
@fathervic: wish you luck. don't forget about us when you've reached the promised land. ;)

@episode666: now that was some story! i still have not decided whether i'd like to be him or i'd like someone like him to be my father. :) you should have him post here sometime...

@FV: you're going to greece? i'm confused.

@666: fucking wow. i'm happy to hear that, and moved.

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii people :D
i don't have much time in my hands.....in less than 2 hours i'm leaving home heading to the airport to get my beloved one :)
i think i'm going to die!!:cry: i've waited and waited and waiting and now i'm not even 4 hours away from my warmest dream coming true i feel i'm going to die while waiting for these few hours to pass.....
i felt like sharing this :)

oh myyyy.............

Take care all of you :)

~mel~ (it's all DT's fault :p )
(hyena yup ;) )
@Mel: We're sending valuable material to you. You know there are just three strict rules to manage it:

1.- Do NOT put him under water, it's quite dangerous.

2.- Do NOT expose him to the sunlight, it would kill him.

3.- Do NOT, never ever, even if he weeps or gets angry, feed him after the midnight.

That's all. Be happy. :D

|ngenius (A gremlin)
so you are telling me that you met on UM and now one of you is switching COUNTRIES to live with the other? fucking deranged, kids, fucking deranged. cool tho. :D

Originally posted by hyena
so you are telling me that you met on UM and now one of you is switching COUNTRIES to live with the other?

that's because they're clever people, otherwise they'd both switch countries to live with the other. :D

rahvin. (from a six- to a sixteen-inch blade)
Originally posted by rahvin
@episode666: now that was some story! i still have not decided whether i'd like to be him or i'd like someone like him to be my father. :) you should have him post here sometime...

You're probably more like Poppa than you think. ;) For visiting here, I'd have to quote for him - as his patience allowed. It'd make for interesting conversations though. :lol: There used to be a forum on AOL where I posted stories about my father. Sadly, they were deleted. Damned AOL. I'll eventually get around to reposting his legacy somewhere. The current one I just had to share somewhere. Thanks for sharing my joy with me here.

Thanatos, Miolo and hyena - thanks to you too, and blessings. :)
@the happy couple: please don't leave the forum now that you don't need it to meet each other :p the best of luck to you, all fingers crossed. :) :) :)

@Episode: That was deeply touching, your dad is a great man and it's obvious that you love him a lot. :) All i can do is wish him to get much much better and beat all the doctors' predictions. ;)
The worrying thing is I spent around five minutes wandering what hyena and Siren meant by Melancholia meeting someone on UM, and a forum couple. I wracked my brain with possible candidates, but I was clueless. Then I went back and read Fathervic's last post. And I thought I had a good eye for detail... Ah well, I guess you're most blind to things right under your nose.
@episode666: thanks. read 'em both, will reply shortly. :)

@ormir: no, the fact is you were hoping to have mel for yourself, and a man only sees what he wants to see and so on. admit it. :D
