We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

@Rahvin: After a long-boring day living in lack of support, you're the first one who admit that I am mad but lovely at the time. Wanna adopt me? :D

@Miolo: I've got the new Gotthard album, the whole one. "Human Zoo", I guess is not that brilliant, but Steve has a privileged throat, undoubtly.

@rahvin: brilliant review. i don't know who the hell septic flesh are and at the moment i'm not interested in them, but i just love the way you write. :D

@|ngenius: what's wrong with it? does it match the quality of the two previous albums or not? btw, do you have the new Kamelot? i'm too lazy to search for it on irc, although i'm pretty sure it would be easy to find. :p

Miolo (someone adopt me too)
@rahvin: To be honest i've never really heard any Septic Flesh at all, i'm just biased against them thanks to all my metal-friends. :D
But now i'm curious and i think i'll check them out. Too bad i'll miss them this Saturday. :/
[paranoid] why are you all being so kind with me? :eek: is it still because i broke up with rei? [/paranoid]

@|ngenius: you're too kind. you've just moved up two slots in my "list of people i'm going to meet", and if this is not the first step towards adoption, i don't know what is. perhaps pretending i'm married? :err:

@miolo: you're too kind. you've just moved up one slot in my "list of people i'm going to meet on friday", and this means right now you're hovering above the 27-y-o daughter of a book expeditioner (job meeting, don't you get ideas). ;) btw, i might have the new kamelot somewhere on my hard drive. how's it called?

@siren: you're especially too kind. i thought the idea of something being slightly rahvinish would have had you in seizures for hours, tearing your eyes out of their sockets with a spoon and bellowing a pained cry to instantly destroy the acropolis. a wiide smile did not exactly enter my mental picture. :confused: however, you've just made it to number one of my "list of shoulders i'm gonna cry on", so take a good shower and a comfortable position. :D

rahvin, i am laughing my bu off at your review.

relax, this is a sign of appreciation.

Originally posted by rahvin
[paranoid] why are you all being so kind with me? :eek: is it still because i broke up with rei? [/paranoid]

I wouldn't say paranoic. It's more... weird, and I can't relate it to the words you wrote, I hope sincerely, following that line, because you're undoubtably one of those people I want to meet personally. May I ask about that?

Originally posted by |ngenius
I wouldn't say paranoic. It's more... weird, and I can't relate it to the words you wrote, I hope sincerely, following that line, because you're undoubtably one of those people I want to meet personally. May I ask about that?

:err: i didn't get it. anyway, yep, you can ask what you wish, and yep, i'd like to meet you too. :)

Sorry, I realize I can't manage two things at the time without assuming certain risks of losing part of the original meaning. :p

What I wanted to say is, what was that comment about Rei? That's not rahvinish.

Originally posted by |ngenius
What I wanted to say is, what was that comment about Rei? That's not rahvinish.

well for a moment i thought maybe you all had decided to be encouraging and well-mannered and supportive because my last relationship just went kaboom. some sort of now-we're-going-to-show-you-how-much-we-love-you kind of thing.
but i see you're so sincere and genuine you didn't even understand where i was getting at. that's why you're such a nice, lovable, naive, gullible robot. :p

@Rahvin: Yes, I got the point the very first time I saw that phrase. It is one of those remarkable details I talked about in another thread. And yes, it was absurd, because you know pretty well that my love for you started even before your relationship with Rei. What about that marriage? :p

Originally posted by rahvin
@siren: you're especially too kind. i thought the idea of something being slightly rahvinish would have had you in seizures for hours, tearing your eyes out of their sockets with a spoon and bellowing a pained cry to instantly destroy the acropolis. a wiide smile did not exactly enter my mental picture. :confused: however, you've just made it to number one of my "list of shoulders i'm gonna cry on", so take a good shower and a comfortable position. :D
a) No, never the acropolis. ;)
b) Why do you want to cry now? What did i do again? :erk:
c) Why do i need a good shower for you to cry on my shoulder? :err:
Uh-oh, it's not supposed to be naked while you crying, is it??? :ill:
And anyway, don't you think i'd need a shower after the crying part, in order to clean up all that mess? :p
Originally posted by Siren
a) No, never the acropolis. ;)
b) Why do you want to cry now? What did i do again? :erk:

you did nothing thus far, but there's room for improvement. :)
i've got plenty of reasons for crying, i just have to pick one...
ok, here we go: what about all the people that suddenly stop talking to me?

Originally posted by Siren

c) Why do i need a good shower for you to cry on my shoulder? :err:

do you expect me to rest my face on dirty shoulders?

Originally posted by Siren

Uh-oh, it's not supposed to be naked while you crying, is it??? :ill:

do you expect me to soaken up your t-shirt or whatever?

Originally posted by Siren

And anyway, don't you think i'd need a shower after the crying part, in order to clean up all that mess? :p

that's not my business anymore. :p

rahvin. (cry and run)
@rahve: people stop talking to us because of two main reasons, and none of them is worth a tear, lest you be touched by the lack of intellect consistently displayed by humanity.

reason number one: we have a way of addressing people that very often fails to take into consideration, voluntarily or not, how the person on the other hand of communication will receive our words. therefore, only persons who use a code of communication similar to ours will want to keep an open flow of discourse. given our peculiar set of rules and some psychological traits that are sort of rare in our past common surroundings, this phenomenon is sporadical. in particular, very seldom you speak with the other person's reaction in mind. to get people talking to you, you need to see what gets them going, and forget about what you want to say, at least in the beginning. you don't give a fuck about this. so the effort of reading between the lines and figuring out intentions rests completely on the other terminal, in most cases. this brings us to

reason number two: most terminals are, as any computer scientist will know, stupid terminals. they don't have the means to decipher, or they have short attention spans, or they are afraid of seeing what goes on inside another human being. so they bolt the door.

h (my words of wisdom impress me none)
@hyena: yep, you're absolutely right and that was absolutely to the point. in fact, i'm trying to stop caring about that at all. i don't really want to forget what i mean to say just to get other people's neural terminations going. they can stuff it. :)

rahvin. (let's stuff them)
@rahve: of course, my veiled suggestion was to go the exact opposite way, but you can't have your bu and eat it. ;)

now go and make your neurons spark, shake and stir on my new thread.

h (set me free with a bullet and a gun)