We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Originally posted by |ngenius
You're smart, think about this: to reply to, let's say, a porn thread it's just necessary to read the last post and reply the most useless thing that you catch crossing your mind. To reply to hyena's one is necessary to come in touch with the depht of the text, and it's necessary to read the next posts where you express an opinion no one will avoid, in order to maintain certain logic when replying. In my case, it was actually an effort.

you're smart too, so think about this: is it more interesting/rewarding to spend 15 seconds sorting through a list of lol's, or 15 minutes reading three posts? obviously i took into account the 'time' factor: as much as is anybody's decision how to spend the time they have, i think it's hyena's decision how to like the way people spend their time. ;)
i expect it can be understood that if you start posting personal stuff and noone replies you can be just a little saddened and want to take your effort at trying to reach someone else back. it doesn't seem immature to me in the least.
that said, i removed the thread because hyena asked me so and i would have done the same - of course - for anybody else. the rest, on my part, is idle speculation and nothing more.

We need to start an anthology of interest to find out the reasons why the common UM board surfer doesn't feel attracttion towards Plato, but it's obvious that those 15 seconds are enough to laugh with a stupidity worthy of one of those porn posts (probably written by my own hand).

I've lost an opportunity to read the whole thread, improve by learning new words and expessions, and mainly the opportunity to conceive and come up with a worth reply. Frankly, I needed something serious to develop my skills, but if it has limit dates it's hard to do it.

I respect hyena's decision. But I respect my duties firstly, I am sorry.

|ngenius (Off to have a chupi lunch)
@|ngenius: i want to make it clear that i understand everybody's priorities. i also understand that if someone feels his/her inputs are rejected, well, there might be some valid reasons why he/she feels so. in my view this time there were. and of course it doesn't really always have expiration dates, but this time what was requested was a (fairly) timely help. there's not much we can do about it anymore.

have a chupi lunch. :)

Damn, too much I want to say and not much time to do it...but well here we go...

First of all, rahvin, I think it would be nice to point out that the REAL point was about the way hyena complaint about not having a succesful thread. Wanting to delete the thread was something different and of course all of us have our own thought about it. I for example, think as Ingenius and I think that the thread hasn´t time enough to get some consideration and that it wasn't the best option to delete it. Now, once again, it was hyena's decision and it's not that important. That was not the point.

Now to the point then, is that hyena got so absurdly fustrated because her thread didn't work and leaving us to just two possibilities, being dimwits or not caring for her. Well in my case she got it right, i'm a dimwit who doesn't care for her at all, but in other cases there's people who doesn't have time, or simply who doesn't feel like spending their time thinking about philoshpy for whatever the reasons they might have.

Many of the threads have been written in here and nearly all of them (but for the dreams thread and the NP and some others) have failed after some time, and even if their writers felt hurt, nobody acused the rest for being stupid. If philosphy interests little amount of people, it's a fact of life...I think i could post for hours how wonderful the word Ñ is, and Ingenius could write about how needed to drink alcohol is for a robot like him. Now if nobody else would be interested is something we'll accept and now from the very begining.

However (and this is a personal view on the point) there's also some duties a fellow poster has to get in order to get some approach/help/care... May be, if that thread was written by a friend of mine, I would have posted something even if it was just to be polite...if it was you, ingenius, mel, miolo, vulture, villain, rei, atlantis, thanatos, siren or whoever that i might appreciate i would make the effort, now when I see a thread from somebody who since the begining has been here just to chase you and to use the forum as some kind of fustration diary I don't even mind...
that thread, I read the first three lines and my brain switched to NOT INTERESTED...it's easy to understand...

If it was you who wrote it, i would have for sure checked it just because I apreciate you...
So please, don't be so biased, don't think that everything hyena might do is the correct answer and the rest are here just to critisize, some times we must accept that our best friends can have a bad day (or a bad life)


fathervic (who is totally fed up of so much selfcentered people and who already left once this place for the very same reason!!!=

PD: I want phyros, final vision, atlantis and astarte back...i miss them!
thanks a lot, o little one. appreciation goes beyond words.

everyone else involved in the debate: i don't want to turn harsh on you since you acknowledged (many thanks) my right to do what i want with my own posts, but there's a little something i might need to add. obviously, i do respect what you have to do, but it sounds funny to me, if anything, that of all people I should come across like the one with a lot of idle time on my hands. this said, have a nice tour on any porn thread.

see? this is the problem...Oh, the mighty rahvin you seem to adore so much, is always on the head deffending you, but you are the one who should ALSO respect the right of OTHERS to do what they want with their OWN posts...

And obviously your not the one with a lot of idle time, but the rest can waste it in whichever way they like...
and you've never seen me in a porn thread, or I've been tooooooo absent minded lately!

fathervic (who last porn thread he saw was in the opeth forum, never here)
Originally posted by FatherVic
now when I see a thread from somebody who since the begining has been here just to chase you and to use the forum as some kind of fustration diary I don't even mind...

some times we must accept that our best friends can have a bad day (or a bad life)

i am here to chase rahvin? :lol: o almighty gods in heaven, this comes as a surprise. i think that in order to chase rahvin i could use better means, like, say, a phone call, a text message, or even a personal visit. these things never came with a shortage in our interaction, they've worked for nearly 10 years before the forum existed, and they'll keep on working when the forum will be no more.

as for the fustration diary, as you so kindly put it, i imagine this comes from my frequent postings on the threads related to feelings. well, i normally check this forum for a shorter time than i'd love, therefore i just drop in with some messages about what's going on through my head. this is normally what i do with my friends too and nobody ever complained.

besides, i don't know how could you, of all people, accusing me of using this forum for personal reasons.

let's come to the point where i am self-centered. of course any words said by rahvin or anyone else who knows me about this would be dismissed as someone backing me on the basis of mafia linkages or god knows what. i've heard this story a lot of times in my life. now, there's lots of posts i've written that disprove your thesis. i won't be so unstylish as to link them here, but i assure you they are there.

two more things. you say i'm being rude. no. some people here consistently use offending words, as far as i know i wasn't as lewd in my complaint. and, finally, please refrain from judging the quality of my life: it's none of your business except for what i say publicly, which in turn tends to get no replies from you, so i suppose you do not care. fine, but stick to that position.

@fathervic: i think it's a popular mistake to reinterpret all opinions - even when they seem to accuse someone of something - as personal, mean-minded attacks. i, for once, do not believe you are inclined to personal attacks and you mean harm to anybody, although i think your post was much more denigratory than hyena's.
i don't think i'm biased either. i was defending the right of people to having had a bad day. i remember i did the same thing a while ago, on this same thread, with - guess who? - hyena on the receiving end of my reproach. i also disagree on the fact that hyena is chasing me here, mainly because she's got absolutely no need to do so since we hear from each other on a daily basis, thank you. :)
nor do i think hyena never posted to help someone or to give her honest opinion about a matter that was of some importance to people she didn't even know. this is not the same as to say that you or anybody else did.
but if you had checked the thread if i did post it, then maybe you're the one who's biased (pro me! :hotjump: ;)). why not give it a try anyway?
besides, i gave my opinion on the subject when others commented on the point, i did not start out by saying how rightful hyena's complaints were and so on. i haven't said a single word about you guys care or intellect, and i only mentioned some discrepancies between the things you tend to complain about and the way you then act.

however, i think we should leave it at that. it's not always a case of national security if a regular's choice of words comes out as too harsh or whatever. this goes for everybody: we can be as civil and as supportive to each other as can be, let's just not push it. i hope if i'm ever going to snap at someone here you won't tell me i'm a good-for-nothing mean-minded bastard. :)

@FV: Wow. Impressive. :worship:

@The rest: I should confess a lie. I posted above that I was not that skilled at diplomacy. Well, I think it's not true, because FatherVic expressed so straightforward what I did not, in order to keep this place comfortable and warm. And because there's just a single part in that Rahvin-Hyena relationship whose friendship I wanna preserve. I do agree with everything that Melon said above, but the part about robots in extreme need of alcohol.

@Hyena: Not so long ago, you attacked me. It was rude and unfair. And was Rahvin who impressed me by pointing out that it was not intended to offend you (because it seemed that my words were uneffective).

@Rahvin: I am sorry, it's my truth. :( And I am sorry once more, but yes, as Thanatos also pointed out few days ago, hyena uses to worship you and reply basically to your posts. Thanatos, me and FatherVic are three different opinions from three different countries.

Originally posted by rahvin
but if you had checked the thread if i did post it, then maybe you're the one who's biased (pro me! :hotjump: ;)). why not give it a try anyway?

Nah!!! that´s not being biased, that's simply sorting out information (as I don't think I'm biased for reading Pratchet instead of others I don't like) Now I WOULD be biased if I said that a bad book from Pratchett (like Strata) was wonderful just because it was his...it's different. One thing is not seeing somebody's mistakes than just giving preference to read their posts...

Originally posted by rahvin

i haven't said a single word about you guys care or intellect, and i only mentioned some discrepancies between the things you tend to complain about and the way you then act.

ah, but hyena did! I wasn't complaining to YOU, I was comenting which the point is....
and probably my post was mean (damn, of course it was mean) but it was only after ANOTHER hyena's mean post, it would be nice to point that, too...

If our kind hyena here don't want to get offended because we don't follow her thread, then don't start any (as for example I do) or at least admit it without calling us dimwits...
just that...

fathervic (who had never lost a bit his temper here and who thought that it was time that a bit of anger was released)
@|ngenius: you did not tell a lie: you're not skilled at diplomacy. in fact, i figured out pretty soon you meant something a bit brisker than you posted. ;)

@fathervic; @|ngenius: attacks, attacks. and releasing anger. guy 1 offended me so now i'm being mean to guy 1. isn't this something we'd rather see happen to other people? isn't it best if when someone snaps we just don't take any harsh word to heart and hold it in store to unleash it again a couple of months later?
i know i can accept someone upset telling me i've been careless or stupid without battering up with the rest and trying to get him down, and i'm sure you both do as much in your everyday life, otherwise you'd be rather secluded and alone, and you're not.
so can't we please wipe the slate clean (everyone) and try to say what we mean when we mean it and try not to say things we don't when we don't? also, how about being a little less punitive when someone is not being as kind as we would like him/her to?

i am skilled at diplomacy (and at bragging about :p), but i sometimes feel tired and want to tell you to stfu for 30' until i regained my cool and possibly my eyesight. if i ever make the mistake of doing so, and posting it, and not back-editing my post, i would really like to know that you're not gonna hang me overnight digging up old stories about how in this or that occasion i've done wrong. of course i've done wrong, we all do sometimes. so please, in your effort to counterbalance my supposed bias (which - i repeat - i do not have since there have been plenty occasions when i did not side by hyena or anybody) try not to be too zealous in your hunt for a culprit.
that's all, if you want to argue some more you're welcome to, but i'm not. it's not because i don't like arguing (spice of life, heh :rolleyes: ) but you keep on saying my opinions are based on prejudice, so there's no actual worth in my expressing them anymore.

oh,myyyyyyyy.........way too many new posts....
and i've started losting it :p

to keep it short:
-I agree on FV's post about being biased...
-FV's expressing openly his thoughts on hyena is also highly appreciated....
-Hyena mentioned that "some people here consistently use offending words",yet i would like to point out that i've not seen many at least not in the DT forum using this word while addressing to others,namely of course there are people who use offensive words when they refer to things and situations,but calling people dimwits and giving vent to their rage/aggression/whateever in such way,not so many. I would like for once more to point out that what i didn't like was that hyena spoke her mind in a quite aggressive way,which above all shows disrespect for her fellow forumers.....Maybe she didn't do it on purpose,yet a disrespectful behaviour usually breeds a similar behaviour from the other part.....So,when she acts that way how does she expect other people to show concern and all the other things she is expecting from them????
In other words,I'm very sorry,but i think that on certain situations hyena's way of expressing herself really lacks "limits". And this doesn't only go for her post about the deleting,but also for several other times she has expressed her mind in a similar way.....
I guess that if she has been a bit more polite,all this post-after-post-after-post would have been avoided
...and in the very end i wonder why hyena complains about the lack of interest in her post when she herself admits that she "expected no less".....

rahvin@ you may think what you think about FV's post,yet i hope that you can also see the rudeness (?) in hyena's words...

Robotcito@ thank you very much for your wishes :) I hope everything is going fine for you...

I have nothing more to say.....just spoke my mind a bit :D

and for those who think i hate hyena : shrug : i don't really hate her....i just don't like her ways sometimes as well as other times have felt empathy for some of the things she has written

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i'd like to add that i wrote my previous post without having read rahvin's......
and that i wasn't trying to pour oil on already troubled waters and thus this will be most probably my last post on the matter...... :D

aww, just when i was about to break my posts-per-day record!
can't we just relax and, i don't know, go for a walk? a happy-happy walk? ;)
tomorrow i'm gonna start a thread about philosophy. the first who's not replying (although how can i ever determine who's the first not to reply? :confused: ) gets a kick. those who do can choose either candy or my naked dwarven body.

Hm, just went through half of the messages, and so far i agree with Papi, |ng and Mel.
I want to add just one thing: you get back what you give.
ok rahvin...i agree with you...and i will stop now :)

you know i see the bright side of life and i normally never loose my temper and that I don't say anything badly, but this time I couldn't take that hyena again, called us dimwits and complained so badly just because her thread didn't have success. Come on!!! that has happened to us all and nobody complained!!!!

oh! and i don't think is fine ALWAYS say what we think, this would become more violent everyday :p i think it's ok to stop sometimes and leave things as they are, even with the risk of exploding someday...and HEY!!! it's a year and a half that I'm here and I've just been rude once :) now we have to wait until 2004 :p

and heehehe if you open a philosphy thread....may be i'll go and sniff a bit...and then run :rolleyes:

fv (blah blah)
@fathervic: thanks. my head also thanks you profusely. :) see, i just want to state once more that i'm not blaming anyone for rudeness, and not just hyena 'cause she's my best friend.

Did someone say "naked dwarven body"? Albeit I need a kick, a good kick, I dare to say that a naked body (even a dwarven one) is preferable than a soccer match. :p :D

However, what about a naked party? It would be more... let's say... fair. To share is chupi.

|ng (Toga party. Now)

P.D: That was not a porn post. It was just the written version of a deep and nasty desire. Muahahahahaha.... er... :rolleyes:
you sure have soft hearts around here. i get called rude for calling someone a dimwit, which is not even a bad word in the technical sense (that would be "fuckwit").

if i wanted to be rude i would act consistently, i.e. pointing out the many evident flaws in other people's behavior, their lack of achievements, their bad grammar, their lack of control over their lives, the miserable financial condition they are in, and so on. THAT would be aggressive. now, saying "dimwit" is NOT.

to all the people that think that i'm complaining because people didn't answer to my thread because i feel diminished, you fail to notice that this is not the point. i have posted many silly threads in the past, for example one about true metal, the bubububu one, the one about funny bands. i never complained when they went into oblivion, or when they had a limited number of replies. i was surprised and annoyed at the thought that a take (not mine, by the way: i wasn't looking for a comment on my own philosophical stand, that is to say i wasn't looking for a public to my rants) on a profound issue would pass almost unnoticed. this, if you permit me to say so, is different from kicking and screaming because i get no audience.

one interesting fact that came out of this discussion is that, apparently, some of you really do not like me, and think all i do is trying to fuck rahvin or something. of course it is no use for me to oppose this interpretation, because you're satan airways and you wouldn't listen. the irony is that only yesterday i was receiving a good review for my communication skills and rahvin was saying that he was too inclined to take things personally. now i'm contradicting this assumption, because i am really bothered and angered by all the crap that is being spawn about me.

so let me be aggressive, really so this time: apparently i don't have the skills to get popular amongst people that don't amount to nothing. but it might come in handy to know how to impress dimwits sooner or later; thanks for the lesson everyone's giving me on this.

you want me to privately communicate with rahvin? i will do so. also, allow me to privately communicate with other people i like on this forum: the first that comes to mind is nick, but there are others. also allow me to disagree with the tiranny of the mediocre that fathervic is trying to impose on us, with the complicity of ingenius and siren. melancholia is not included since she had the sense to put a disclaimer about not hating me.

@hyena: ok, the following post is obviously not by me, since its content is critic of your words. ;)

i really wish you would stop this, you know. you do have a point when you speak and usually you can clarify it pretty well. but then there's that moment when you just lash out, and there's nothing much i can do except stare in despair. :(

so people feels offended when you call them dimwits. big deal. i bet you couldn't fathom beforehand? it's ok if beforehand you were disillusioned and upset, but you can't expect people you labeled as stupid to rush to your aid. tolerance should work both ways, and if you treat someone badly you should expect them to be at least slightly unhappy. the skills to get popular in this case were limited to you either biting your tongue before insulting everyone or to you refraining from being so senslessly hostile. i'm sure this applies to a lot of environments, although right now i would really really love to find one where dimwits is considered good education and a ticket to fame. :)

the fact that people here don't amount to nothing is also badly inconsistent since you only confront people's achievements with what you have or wish you had. i guess most of the users are fairly satisfied with their goals and achievements, or at least dissatisfied with them in a way that is fairly similar to your way of being dissatisfied with what you did not achieve yet.
i'm all for sticking to objective landmarks though, so let's say you've got a lot more than a lot of the regulars here have got: that's no reason to flaunt it, unless your sole purpose is make them feel even more offended. you also have a lot more achievements than i do, so you can count me in the number of those who really don't like to have your shit rubbed on their face, especially when you're resorting to this as a simple means to unleash some tension.

as for tyrannies, the only one around here is mine, and it is of course pretty mediocre as most tyrannies are. you're hypocritical when you use words such as "complicity". when i agree with you apparently i have good motives, but when |ngenius agrees with fathervic they're just backing each other up? as for siren, she didn't really say a lot, did she? that's another partner-in-crime just because she agrees with someone? would she have been partnering our crime if she agreed with you, or me, or whatever?

i don't want to see anybody leave this board. there might be the occasional argument but it only grows bigger because of the writing, the not-evenly-shared use of language, and everyone's personal feelings getting in the way and cutting off a great deal of nuances. i ask you to do your part in putting into practice the same open-mindedness and tolerance i wanted the others to use towards you. if there's one dictating something that might be considered over-candied peace&love here that's me, not fathervic.
