We all live dreaming, so... post here your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams!

Oh dear...
I know I'm not the most loved person on this board (in fact, barely tolerated might be closer ;)) but come on...this is ridiculous. Let's get back to playing happy families ok? I love you guys :grin:
Group hug now or be sentenced to eternity under my shiny black jack-boot of jack-booty opression. Now.
just before the group hug i'd like t speak my mind about all this.

first off, i will state my dealing with hyena's thread: i read it right after she had posted it, i skimmed through and found out that i'm not in the mood to deeply get into platonian philosophy, so i got out again with the thought "let's wait until rahvin writes something about it." i just wanted to wait till others had their comments so i don't need to delve that deeply in this topic, partly because i got no interest in it, partly because i was not in the mood. apparently, while skimming, i realized hyena was having something like a bad day or such, but i guessed others would take care of this soon enough. this may sound selfish and ignorant, and yes, it is. but this goes without preference to any poster here in this forum, i would have done the same thing if it has been anyone else.
if all this charges me guilty being a dimwit, well i have to be one. i am not here to defend myself with this post, even though i feel personally attacked. as in the matrix, there's no need to dodge bullets fired at you if they aren't real.
another thing: some people in here seem to have certain issues about hyena which now have surfaced. i don't appreciate all this grouping and bashing against one member. personally i'm not that biased towards hyena. sure, i've got some posters i like more than others (you know who), but this doesn't mean i hate the rest. actually, i couldn't name a single one who should be hated for some reason.
but offending people when own threads go unnoticed is bad style for sure. not what i expected. maybe you could have considered writing in a more open style, so that even the dimwits actually can say something about it. what did you expect? if i wrapped my personal problems in comparisons with drum shells and computer equipment, who would answer?
as someone up there stated: what you reap is what you sow. but it's no use to blame others for not posting. everyone might have had his/her specific reason to not do it. and they should be allowed to post wherever they like.
better luck next time.

VC (a bit angry, but then again - no harm done)
Can we do the (naked) group hug now? :Smokin:

Siren (still hasn't read the latest posts, forgive her)
then this goes out to everyone:

Siren (o trelos tou xwriou)
@Hyena: I don't like you. And I don't hate you. At this point, I have no reasons to lie, so if you're actually interested, the most remarkable aspect I see in you is your extreme confusion and an abyss of disappointment. You're quite clever, cultured, an intelligent human being, no one will deny that fact. And I won't be the one trying to laugh at you, or start a straight attack towards you, or whatever, it is not my intention to hurt you, no matter if you trust me or not. There's just one thing left to say: the word "dimwit" was not the origin of all those stuff we've unfold (Er... I should admit that I had to search for that word in my dictionary, me fool). Take my words and use them in the way you wish.

@Vulture: I don't like singular attacks either, despite some of them have appeared from time to time, as FV remarked. And that was not an attack at all, I assure you. No one hates hyena, but you should admit that she went too far, and it was not the very first time. ;)

@Siren: Hug me, girl. I am yours. :loco:

@Rahvin: Did I say that you were my idol? You're my personal hero! Hug me too.

@Phyros: Te amo, tío, donde quiera que estés. :p

|ngenius (A catalan hippie. Peace, bro.)
@hyena: thanx for being aggressive, I needed it :D

@rahvin: thanx for your post, I needed it :D

@VC: thanx for sharing your slight anger, I needed it :D

@Siren, Ing, DJ: thanx for those naked group hugs...definitedly I needed it ;)

fathervic ( the tiranny of the mediocre that fathervic is trying to impose on us )

peace people!! :) *grouuuuuuuuup huuuuuuuug* let's all run naked through a green field like unadulterated hippies

uff,after all this orgy of thoughts i've had today i feel like laying the sword down......but before that i'd like to say that i'm glad i've finally seen the kind of post i was expecting from rahvin......
and errrrrrrrrr that i love the new title of fathervic

time to shut up :)

peace,love,make oat flakes not war,
~mel~ (-------->
yes, well, to those who commented on my post: i'm not joining any faction. i'm all for the group hug, especially if nobody of the male persuasion turns up naked, but i do resent being deemed biased.
i'm not holding a grudge, but i think sometimes you should stop to think for more than twenty seconds about the fact that i'm the one who's not allowed to lose his temper under no circumstances here, and if i managed to do so thus far i might deserve to be trusted enough for you to consider that the words i write are not exactly the first ten lines that spring up to mind for some bizarre desire to hold my best friend's hand.
now i'm going to sleep, because i see a vague number of monitors and one was enough to begin with. :zzz:

This is what I dream right now:

It will gradually tear you apart
It will eat you from inside
No longer sweet revenge
No longer emotional triumph
Pity you, led to believe (in own willpower)
Pity you, (resting) on withered laurels
Can't you see, the world's on fire...
Can't you feel, you're getting burnt!

The world shit, so why should I care for anything other than myself, but unfortumately I do, so shoot me.
i share VultureCulture's initial thoughts on the loss of the "Loss of Cool" thread but i'm not sure no harm was done. we may have discovered what else contributes to hyena's loss of cool. :eek:

hyena: wtf? i know on my part there was not a lack of interest, just a lack of response. that thread (when i saw it) looked like a pretty tight convo between you and rahvin and i sure as hell didn't want to butt in at the time. i'm not sure if it was a continuation of some convo you and rahve may have been having before you decided to go public with it, but i think expecting folks to jump into such a deep subject in a relatively short period of time isn't being very realistic. but then your statement about not expecting anything much (or something like that) really has me confused. i'm sorry about that. normally i enjoy reading your thoughts and such. i believe i've mention this to you before, did i not?

np: FNM - The Real Thing
*bumping thread* It's too good to be forgotten. IMHO, that is...

My feelings, thoughts and dreams right now... Well, I feel I'm going downhill as I'm working 24/7. It's always something that needs be done and I have to do it. This leaves very little time for relaxation and recreation and I'm about to crumble. My thoughts on the matter is that I have to slow down, but I can't. Yes, that's right. I don't know how to relax as much as I have to to recharge my batteries.

Dreams? To get another job as this one isn't what I'm educated for. Hopefully some stress will go away and I'll feel better.

/me stops here. Don't want to bore the %¤#! out of you.
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@hyena: I work as a computer teacher for the municipality, educating people in MS Office. My real occupation however is web designer/programmer and art director.
Sunjammer said:
*bumping thread* It's too good to be forgotten. IMHO, that is...
/me stops here. Don't want to bore the %¤#! out of you.

As a father of this "creature", I just can say a big "THANK YOY FOR BUMPING*. Who is boring us? ;)

I am living an extreme state of relax, since I ceased my professional activities the last month. So, I am living on the other side of the moon, Sunjammer (we will never meet, this way :grin: ). Probably that excess of work opens you a wide range of possibilities of change, and that's good. ;) If you wanna hire a robot, I am yours faithfully, I tell you!!! :p

Personally, I am a bit disoriented. I have to design and build up my own future, look for my own and personalized way... but... I don't know where to start from. :err: Anyway, that's my fight, I guess the answer is inside of me.

|ngenius (Always reckoning about things)
this may sound weird and even a bit stupid, but tonight i had a dream about |ngenius visiting turin, coming to my home, forgetting a cd here and eventually becoming mad about it when he got back to spain. :lol:

i decided to keep this to myself, but since the thread was digged... :lol:

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