rahvin said:
@mel: as far as i've heard, dreams are mostly images and the inner logic through which we see them when we are awake
adds some rationality that was not there in the first place (except in the case of |ngenius, where logic needs to be subtracted in order for romanticism to conquer land

). dreams i've had involved very clear images of relatives of mine that had nothing to do at all with my (post-sleep) reconstruction of what had "happened" in the dream. i reckon they were merely images that did not relate personally to any other feeling the dream was supposed to convey, and i suspect the equation "helping fathervic in a dream = you want to help fathervic" is slightly, well, duh.
Well,everything depends on the way you see things.... For some this dream can have no importance for others can have a very hidden meaning and for some pure and simple sth related to what ingenious saw...
as for me,I have to admit that when it comes to dreams I belong to the Freudian side

and thus i try to interpret the elements in dreams usually by symbolisms & then relating them with certain conditions of an individual's life... So,for sure when we wake up we try to add some logic to the dream we saw,but actually dreams have a logic of theri own...When we dream our subconscious tries to pass to our consciousness the things that are preserved in to it and more specifically it tries to do so in a way that these elements can be acceptable by the self! (remember that the inconscious elements are repressed and somehow "unwanted",unacceptable).In order to let these elements pass the inconscious tries to transform them in more acceptable things,and it is at this point where a dream can appear confusing... However it doesn't mean that all the elements have a special meaning,somethings can stay the way they really are.......Soooooooo´,what i
didsay was NOT that the people in dreams always represent the people we know in reality.What i say is that in Ingenious case it was quite obvious that FV was FV since if we try to put this dream within a certain context (let's say to relate it to Inegnious current life and thoughts) it can very well be that in the dream Ing expresses his feeling for FV...
In somebody else's dream a person can actually represent some other person we know... we can even see a person we know,but him having several characteristics that actually belong to people we know
Dream analyzing is not always so confusing,sometimes things can be simple.... some other times it can be more complicated... f.e. if i see that i crush with a car,maybe it can mean that i simply saw one of my typical phobias,because f.e. that evening i was thinking that i should learn to drive.....but if f.e. my relationship with cars is quite chupi,then i can take it to a more symbolic level and if f.e. i'm through a difficult period and feel useless etc etc,the car which has a phallic shape can represent my powers,my narcissism or whatver related with my self-esteem in a positive way... so if i see me crushing with the car,it can be that my narcissism is being crushed, that is i see in my sleep that i feel useless somehow,which i one of my problems in the current period...
(well,it's not,i'm just giving an example

anyway,this is my idea about this dream...maybe within a different context it could mean sth else....
Everything depends on the context and thus dreams should be analyzing according to what is going on an individual}s life,his/her feelings,fears,problems and everything that can directly or indirectly related to that.....
Well,as for Ing}s dream, for you it has a different mean,cause simply we have a different idea about dreams

and since when it comes to truth everything is relative, all the opinions are accepted and welcome -and what the fuck,i haven't become a hardcore psychoanalyst
yet, so i wouldn't kill for my beliefs


Somehow we are both right.....
uff,how much i can ramble on sometimes
hey,now i remembered that last year it was discussed here whether anybody has ever seen himself talking in a foreign language in his dream! so,any updates for this issue?
uff,i'm shutting up & going to read some Light Fantastic to relax (what a great book btw!!)
/troll ( gooooooooooooooooooo!!!)